Andrew House must be a happy chap right now. Since taking leadership of the PlayStation division, Sony's gaming brand has not only reclaimed its console crown, but also started to seriously contribute to the overall health of its parent company. Considering that the PlayStation 4 is still a relatively new platform, it's a staggering achievement for the firm.
Of course, its job is not yet done, and it seems to be aware of that fact. Speaking at an Investor Relations Day earlier in the week, the executive highlighted the "sparse" nature of its first-party lineup this year – despite it already shipping critically acclaimed titles such as Bloodborne. He also talked about the importance of keeping core gamers engaged, and satisfying PlayStation Plus subscribers.
E3 2015, of course, will provide it with a massive opportunity to do that next month, and the affable employee explained that it's going to be an "exciting show" for the manufacturer. "I think that it will be a show where we see the next generation of hardware really start to deliver great content and great experiences," he said.
He continued: "I think that we're seeing games become bigger experiences, that trend has not changed. I gave a first-party example with Bloodborne earlier; I was reading some of the game media reviews on that, and some of the gaming press were calling this 'the first proper next-gen title'. I really hope to see more of these experiences emerging at E3." Naturally, so do we.
[source psu.com]
Comments 10
A pound says he comes on the stage saying "Who's in da house"
@adf86 I wished with every fibre of my being that he would do that.
@get2sammyb I hope Shawn Layden gets better stuff to talk about on stage because I've seen him been interviewed and he came across well. Plus he's been involved with PlayStation since the early days.
"i really hope to see more"...
Doesn't strike you as confidence does it? Needless to say, simmer your expectations now.
Mmmm where did i heard that before
Yeah, not overstepping your bounds during an interview = signs of doom. /s
@BLPs Not sure I get your point. Perhaps that smaller games that make it "easier for everyone to take in" are somehow better than the likes of Witcher 3 and Bloodborne that reward the player for putting in the time and effort to best understand its systems? You're right, to a lot of people those smaller games probably are better, unfortunately I bet a lot of those are the same people who have Wii's gathering dust. Me, I think there is room for both and I'd say PS4 is doing a pretty good job of catering to all parties in that regard.
Again it baffles me that some people are so negative about seemingly everything. There's plenty to play, plenty to come in the shorty life of the PS4 I already have some serious backlog and Im really picky when it comes to purchasing a new game. Still "stuck" to GTA5, Diablo 3, Minecraft, Bloodborne, Dying Light AND Project Cars.
Doesn't sound so full of bull, but I will wait and see. The more you promise the easier it is to disappoint.
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