Sony understands the importance of PlayStation 4 exclusives as it highlighted them in its investor relations presentation earlier today – but president Andrew House is well aware of the fact that the platform holder's first-party lineup is looking a little light this year. "Our first-party lineup is a little sparse this year," he told an audience of financially engaged attendees, "so I think that this places even greater emphasis on getting good third-party support."
We've already discussed in detail why we think the manufacturer's E3 2015 press conference is going to be packed with multiplatform titles, and House appeared to all but confirm our assumptions. "We are working very hard to continue very strong support from third-party publishers and developers," he explained, before clarifying that full third-party exclusives – outside of the already announced Street Fighter V – are unlikely.
"Given publishing dynamics and development costs, those are increasingly difficult to secure," he said, adding that the Japanese giant's been encouraging external organisations to take advantage of features such as Share Play, while also trying to secure exclusive content and add-ons. We already know that it's working closely with Star Wars: Battlefront right now, but expect it to establish a similar partnership with Destiny's inevitable standalone expansion – and more beyond.
"I would characterise 2015 as the beginning of a harvest period for the PS4," House concluded, using an awkward analogy. "The beginning of a harvest period. That being said, we are also undertaking to invest in the future, and 2015 will also be a year of investment." We think what he's saying is that the system will reap the rewards of its massive install base this year, but the organisation's not resting on its laurels, and is spending liberally to ensure that it remains in first place.
Comments 53
Absolutely pathetic it's taken this long for Sony's first parties to get their sh*t together. A good a$$ kicking from MS, and if it's somehow possible, Nintendo, this holiday season, would maybe a good thing. Although I see that old Sony, 'we can do whatever we want' arrogance slipping back in.
@Gamer83 They clearly had Uncharted and Ratchet for the holidays. One has been delayed for polish, and the other has been delayed for the movie. It's not ideal, but both will be better games for it, no?
EDIT: And yes, before the pedants jump on me, I'm aware Ratchet was originally announced for early 2015. I think it's pretty obvious that the budget of the movie has been gradually increasing, though - and they want the game to ride off the coat-tails of the potentially successful flick. The movie's now 2016, so the game is, too.
So still awaiting Greatness basically?
I'm not even sorry!
Ducking out of Gamescom seems a little more suspicious now.
@Punished_Boss_84 They're doing a press conference at Paris Games Week instead:
Third party, first party who cares games are games. I don't understand why people get so angry over something like this.
Oh the negativity is spreading again. Every platformholder has a "light on first party exclusives" year now and then. Some even multiple years in a row or they crap out sub-par exclusives. Sometimes I'm really wondering what the heck is wrong with people being unhappy with everything all the time. There is PLENTY to play, like @Tasuki said, who cares if it is first-party or not, if it's on the system I own and I enjoy playing it, so what? I still have a massive backlog of games to finish/plat on PS4 as IS. And honestly there is no single exclusive on another platform I'd want to have. Call me fanboy, call me easy to please, I don't mind.
Ridiculous that Naughty Dog hasn't had a game ready by now. I know, I know... The Last of Us Remastered, but that's not the same as a new game. What hasn't helped the situation at all though is every studio being a complete fail except Sucker Punch. I don't care if it's E3, Paris, or the PS Experience (assuming this actually does become an annual event) I just want to start hearing from Sony's better studios. Haven't heard from Bend since 2011, I can't imagine everybody there is just sitting around doing nothing. About time we get a look. Or if Polyphony wants to show GT 7, great, that game is probably the surest bet of anything Sony has in terms of how much work will be put in and how high quality it will be.
In regard to Ratchet & Clank, I'm not mad about that one. In fact, I'm completely indifferent to it, which is disappointing because on PS2 I'd put the three R&C games in my top 15 favorites for the console. Tools of Destruction and A Crack in Time are two of the best PS3 games but after that Insomniac just phoned it in and it's clear now that Ted Price & co. have embraced another fanbase (which funny enough, didn't embrace them) and franchise. That's fine, but it also means Insomniac was the wrong choice to continue to the series. I was happy to see Sony wanted to continue it but I wanted some other group to get the call. Sanzaru made a good Sly Cooper or Bend would've been an interesting, but I think very good, choice.
And I don't understand why it's so hard for some people to grasp that first party exclusives help set systems apart and for the two previous gens at least have been a big part of the PS experience. We'll agree to disagree but this basically boils down to 'PS4 still has games.' Nobody is saying it doesn't. System and generation-defining exclusives is a different story, however. That does have to change.
@Gamer83 Ridiculous that Naughty Dog hasn't had a game ready by now.
Well, i hope you always be on time before any deadline has passed. Always the critic but maybe those guys work 12 hours a day to have this game finished as fast as they can. Your bashing on every company grows old. Vote with your wallet because they dont care about what you think is pathetic.
Please watch the language -Tasuki-
I work in journalism so yeah, I hit my deadlines.
That was completely necessary if you can't post respectively then please don't post. You have been here long enough to know that. -Tasuki-
@Gamer83: And if Naughty Dog released something now and it was full of bugs incomplete etc. you would be complaining about that. You need to chill man. You want games quickly yet when they do come out quickly and they are broken you are the first to complain. You can't have your cake and eat it too bud.
That's enough -Tasuki-
Two years into the generation, that's not exactly asking for 'right away.' On PS2 and PS3 Naughty Dog was churning out games quicker and they weren't broken so I'd give the studio the benefit of the doubt. Again, we'll agree to disagree.
@Tasuki He always nags about everything. It's just unreasonable because some things cant be done in time it Bas been giving. Sorry for my cursing.
@Sanquine @Gamer83 That's enough both of you next one I have to say something too will get a time out.
I don't nag about everything, I've made plenty of positive posts too, people like you just choose to avoid them. Selective reading.
@Sanquine He's not really nagging as you put it, he's just annoyed I guess, I mean I kinda understand where he's coming from yet I dont. I want alot of good working games as much as the next guy but I rather wait for a game and not have it broken but I guess I am more patient then others. As I said before it's not like there are no games. Who cares if they are first or third party.
@Tasuki A little thought of mine is that PlayStation usually has some pretty good exclusives and first party games, and some people are PS fans because of it. Take that away, and those same people feel like there's a giant hole in the library. To me seeing Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted and so on is always a good thing about being a PS gamer, an without both those it really shortens the list of games I look forward to. I'm still a PlayStation fan and PS4 is going to be my system of choice, but without big titles associated with the brand, it's going to feel lacking even with other games to play.
The delays did wonders for Watch Dogs and DriveClub...
@Gamer83 And I asked you to stop. I guess we will see you in a week.
@Scollurio I couldn't agree more!
@Tasuki There are many people including myself that own multiple gaming platforms. If, say, the PS4 and the Xbox One had the exact same games, then what would be the point of owning both? There's no reason to spend four hundred dollars on a game console that does the same thing as the one you already have.
I own a gaming PC, so the majority of the multiplatform titles I purchase are for that platform. First party games and indies that are on PS4 also tend to be on PS3, PS Vita, or both. I bought a PS4 to play games I couldn't get on my other gaming platforms. At the time of purchase, there were very few exclusive games, but because of PlayStation Plus I figured I'd get plenty of games for free that I otherwise may not have purchased, and those games would be enough to hold me off until some of the heavy-hitters started rolling in. It is now almost June and there hasn't been much outside of Bloodborne and Infamous: Second Son (both great games). There were a few games such as LittleBigPlanet 3 that I could have gotten on PS3, but since I had a PS4 it made sense to get them for the PS4. Keep in mind though, if it weren't for the other games and PlayStation Plus, I would have stuck with my PS3 for games like LittleBigPlanet 3.
I'll admit the second half of this year will definitely have more than the first half, but it is still less then I would have expected, after all the delays and all. PlayStation Plus has also been going downhill, so I've been hoping my PS4 purchase would finally feel justified.
All consoles are worth buying in the end, I just feel I could have waited until a price drop before buying a PS4. I feel the same way about the Xbox One, though at least Games with Gold has greatly improved since it first launched.
I am disappointed, as someone who chose the PS4 over the XB1 on the promise of its past efforts with first and second party titles, in quality and quantity.
Of couse I'll still have games to play this holiday! But let's not just sweep it under the carpet........nothing wrong with a critical eye on a hobbiest forum, and Sony is not perfect.
As long as we get more Bloodborne this year...I had a feeling 2015's line-up was too good to be true with Zelda U and Uncharted etc etc. Oh well, can't have it all.
The internet never talks about the lack of Xbox ONE games?! Hmm...
@PokeMario I see your point. I too own multiple gaming consoles but honestly first party games on a PS4 aren't the main reason I got it, it was for the third party games like GTA V, Street Fighter, Watch Dogs etc games I knew that wouldn't come to the Wii U or if they did they would be bad ports. Of course I didn't own a PS3 so alot of the big first name IPS like Uncharted or God of War don't mean much to me since I never got into them. But for someone who did and bought a PS4 for the next entry I can see how this would be upsetting.
Project Morpheus seems a bit worrisome as well, almost akin to kinect in expensive peripheral that takes away resources from traditional game development, for what will probably be, at least initally, gimmicky titles.
I'm an owner of both systems, just like the guy who was banned a second ago (it's not my choice to make, or responsibiliy, but you guys come off as overly assertive at times btw). Anyways, just my opinion, but thus far the XB1 as done the better job with the exclusives this generation.
@sub12 It's a fair criticism, but Sony has already released a lot of games this year, and still has many more in the pipeline. I understand that without Uncharted there's not that big tentpole first-party title, but let's not forget that Bloodborne is the highest rated exclusive of the gen so far. (Well, if you're counting Wii U as its own thing.)
I've tried time and time again to explain and educate people on how this industry works and I'm fed up. If people went by these comment sections alone they would think that Xbox One has the best exclusives despite the fact they've not released anything meaningful since Halo MCC, Sony by comparison have released and will release 5 in the time before Forza 6 comes out. You would also think Nintendo were knocking it out of the park too, while Mario Kart 8 and Smash I'm sure are great games there still sequels to old established franchises when most people wanted something new. Yes Splatoon is coming but it's way to late now because despite great games the Wii U doesn't sell. And then we come to Sony who are apparently getting "complacent" and that their exclusives output has been poor.
And when they announced GOW 3 remastered some people treated it like Sony had slapped their mother somehow.
I love this site because of the consistent quality of the content the staff provide as well as their moderation and the community is mostly really good too but a certain number always seem to turn a lot of articles into negatives all the time, like this one. That's why I will no longer be commenting because I'm sick of wasting energy trying to explain almost every week why "Sony is doing this" or the "point of remasters" or even why "Indies are needed". I'm out.
Be lucky.
@adf86 I don't blame you mate. This community has taken a strange turn.
One thing to consider: Only about 4 in every 10 Sony games make their money back/are profitable.
@adf86 It baffles me too how people think. It's funny that you mentioned people want something new and they are tired of the same stuff but as you mentioned MK8 and Smash did great on the Wii U which are just sequels to older games. Say they want something new but when something new comes along it doesn't sell well, take Project S.T.E.A.M for example. Companies like Sony, MS even Nintendo are in the business to make money. Remasters, sequels etc sell well new stuff doesnt. So a company is going to do what makes the most money. Consumers only have themselves to blame, instead of buying that yearly edition of CoD or Madden or Assassin's Creed put that money towards a newer game/IP.
Im happy with the third partys for now as other than No Man's Sky and Until Dawn im looking forward to Halo 5 and Rise of the Tomb Raider this year. Like everyone else I would have loved Uncharted 4 to release this year but I understand that games these days take more time and loads more money to develop. Naughty Dog make quality games and quality takes time. Suck it up!
This is getting beyond ridiculous at this point, I prefer Sony and PS over MS and Xbox any day but oh my god, just make damn games already.
Yes Persona 5 will be a masterpiece and Disgaea 5 looks great but this is just annoying at this point, never in my life have I felt so ripped off with video game consoles before, E3 BETTER be good cause I'm almost out of ***** to give.
Sony buys Nitneod
fires everyone not named Miyamoto or Sakurai
What's that, Zelda U is delayed until 2016? Oh, nevermind.
I started as Nintendo gamer then became a Playstation gamer when Nintendo dropped the ball with the N64. I've never been interested in Xbox consoles before but it's getting harder and harder to justify buying a PS4 over a Xbox One when the XBox One is $50 dollar cheaper, have more exclusives, have better network infrastructure and external hard drive support and even the games with gold lineup has been superior to PS+ the last few months.... I still I'm strongly partial to symmetric controllers and d-pads that do not suck but that can only go so far.... I haven't bought a next gen console yet and I still would pick a PS4 over Xbone if only because I have been accumulating PS4 PS+ titles for about year now but I would find hard to recommend the PS4 to someone who is not already invested in the Playstation Ecosystem... Sony really needs to up its game before its too late
I've read through the comments and it might seem kind of off-topic but I just need to ask it... why the hell did @Gamer83 got banned? Especially since his comment was related to the topic and did bring an interesting point to the discussion. Don't you think you're abusing you power as a mod sometimes, @Tasuki? And here I was wondering why Pushsquare community is so much more quiet than Nintendolife...
I will probably get banned for this and I don't care anymore but... how about you ban yourself for a week for writing what's on your mind, huh? Think about it.
So am I still waiting
For this world to stop hating
Can't find a good reason
Can't find hope to believe in..Exclusives!
Haha just joking, relax people exclusives are coming.
BTW Darksiders 2's box art has appeared on amazons site, a remastered game I'm looking forward to:
Maybe Push Square can reach out to Nordic Games and ask them are there any plans of also releasing the first one?
@mateq Honestly I can't go into why he was banned here in the public nor can I discuss it with you. I will say that I did have to do some cleaning up so that's maybe why you are confused. You have nothing to fear I will never ban you for speaking your mind as long as it's in a respectful way to others. Keep in mind we all have different opinions and we may not agree on stuff, but that doesn't make it right for you to insult or verbal harass another user, no matter who starts it.
@rjejr Huh?
@mateq Samething I was saying in my head.
No big deal.
Being a Wii U owner I know how to deal with first party game droughts pretty well!
@Gamer83 Are you having a bad day? Get out of bed the wrong side this morning?
It shows...
@Dodoo oh god yes those droughts were killing me. Never had it that bad on PS4 so far but now I have too much to play on both consoles haha
As if I care. To me, I got my PS4 for the likes of One Piece Pirate Warriors 3, J Stars, Final Fantasy XIV, Final Fantasy Type 0, Final Fantasy X (since I missed out on PS3), Final Fantasy XIV, Kingdom Hearts III and the like. None of which are 1st party. So, yeah, for me, I never got a PS4 for its first party support.
@Carl-G my guess is that Xbox One gamers play one or two games obsessively as opposed to a variety of games.
Personal experience, of course. I may be wrong.
Trading in a relatively known show behind E3 for whatever this is.
I do not know how it is for the majority of playstation owners.... I have barely the time to play a portion of the games I want to play, and I have to say no to many puchases due to my lack of time..... In all honesty, I don't give a dam if a game is an exclusive or not.... since there are more games than the ones I can play I do not care....
And I am a WiiU owner too..... that is the videogame-drought machine! No first and no 3rd parties at all....
@Tasuki If there is more to it then I apologize for my quick judgement It's just the ban seemed really unfair based on solely this comment section so I was really surprised!
No problem at all
I bought a PS4 for JRPGs. 'Cause that's where they're at.
I don't have a PS4 yet, so I can't complain too much. Still, there's a load of PS3 games I haven't touched, not to mention the fact that MGSV is coming out on Sony's last-gen system.
So to me, it's not so much there's a game drought on PS4 - but rather, I simply can't justify buying the thing in the first place. Maybe when Final Fantasy XV drops.
who cares... I'm still having fun with destiny. I'll be having fun with Battlefront later on. and I'll wait for Uncharted 4 or whatever else that comes later.
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