Ever since its delay earlier in the year, things have been a little quiet on the Uncharted 4: A Thief's End front. We're expecting a big blowout at E3 next month, of course, but the past few months have seen Naughty Dog getting its head down and quietly slaving away on its first fully PlayStation 4 exclusive game.
However, an interview with GamesTM magazine has kicked up a few new details on the hotly anticipated escapade. Particularly, writer Josh Scherr and designer Ricky Cambier have talked a little bit about what Sony's super machine is enabling the studio to achieve. Basically, you should probably prepare to have your minds blown.
"We're still trying to figure out exactly what we can do with [the PS4]," Cambier told the publication. "From a design perspective, it's given us the opportunity to push the scale of the environment so that you've got choices in the combat setups that are incredibly vast. So we can put that in when we want to."
Of course, we saw glimpses of this during the title's PlayStation Experience demo: the jungle-like setting that protagonist Nathan Drake was tasked with conquering was packed with different routes, channels, and hiding places – and it's up to you to decide how you'll use those to come out on top. The stop-and-pop action of yore is already looking old.
But the developer believes that the PS4 will also enable it to tell a more impactful story. "[The new tech] lets us emote more, with all of the 'bones' that we can put onto [character's faces] – you pan round the camera to look at Nate's face when he's climbing and you see him grimacing and all of this kind of stuff," Cambier added.
In fact, the developer states that where The Last of Us' leads had some 90 to 100 'bones' in their faces, the cast of Uncharted 4 will have three to five times more. "This lets us get much, much more detail and fidelity in there, so that you can really empathise with what [the characters] are saying, and it allows us to hit certain poses that we couldn't quite hit before," Scherr concluded.
Better animation, bigger environments, greater fidelity – where Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception perhaps struggled to push the property forward, Naughty Dog is making all of the right noises regarding the series' fourth instalment. Where do you think that the Californian company needs to focus its efforts, though? Leave a quip in the comments section below.
[source gamestm.co.uk]
Comments 11
I hope they get the "easy" mode to be, well, easy. Uncharted 1 was hard even on easy. I died exactly 50x in Last of Us playing on easy. U2 and U3 I played on normal no problem.
The real problem w/ LoU though was lack of actual save points. Kill 4 enemies, hide in a room, save the game, die, oh look all the dead enemies are back. Kill 5 enemies, find a safe place, save it, die from the last enemy, they all come back again. Not even sure why they bothered letting me save.
Evetything else Im sure will be fine.
Release date would be nice, but since theyve already said 2016 I suppose we wont get a date until later this year. Wont even hold my breath for an E3 date.
This game will likely get a bundle right? May hold off on my PS4 purchase until then. Maybe theyll have a 1T HDD by then?
I never thought the human skull had 100 bones in it, let alone 300-500! If they can add realistic muscles though then I think we could see a much more natural looking facial expression...
Uncharted series is my favourite PS franchise and Uncharted 4 is a 'must have' game. Everything I have seen and heard just makes me want it more - can't say the same for every game this gen...
@BAMozzy 22 in total. So, I guess he must be talking about some other kind of bones...
@rjejr I never thought Uncharted or The Last of Us were particularly hard. Maybe thats why they added Grounded Mode for TLOU us as hard and survivor modes were too easy.
I think alot of AAA games are way too easy these days when compared to previous generations. Obviously to market to a wider audience to make extra £££.
I understand how you feel though as I have a few friends that play most games on easy/normal as they just want to experience the story.
@WARDIE - "I have a few friends that play most games on easy/normal as they just want to experience the story."
Yeah, I really didn't want to play Last of Us as I hate zombies, blood and being scared. I almost didn't make it thru the opening scene. Not bc it was hard, just too emotionally draining. But everybody kept talking about how great the story was so I finally did. glad I did, but I wish "Easy" was more like "god" mode, no dieing And I only played Uncharted 1 b/c I wanted to play 2. That was a slog and I don't recall enjoying any of it.
They should jus take their time an not rush into the game, look how many flops happened in other games rushing is definitely out of the question by me. Take your time naughty dogg. Il wait patiently till nxt yr August for your release.
@hi_drnick I know there are 22 bones although quite a few are inside the ears and unlikely to affect the facial animations. I assume that the bones in question are more like 'polygons' but have more substance and dimension to them. I didn't think they meant actual skeletal 'bones'
@BAMozzy yeah, I figured that's what they're trying to say. Guess they just use bones as shorthand for their complicated facial technology.
@rjejr I'm hoping for the same thing, a PS4 Slim model with more HDD space, improved specs, and most bugs/fixes patched.
@ToddlerNaruto - Slim never even occurred to me, but you're right, waited this long, might as well wait for the next model. I bought my 80GB phat PS3 Dec 2008 after they removed the 2 USB ports and multimedia slots. I suppose it depends on when Uncharted 4 releases, winter, spring, summer or fall?
@rjejr I'm definitely thinking that a new (Slim?) model releasing in Fall 2016 is possible, since it will have been 3 years since the original PS4 was released.
If they release that this year even better, because that will give the new console a year to drop down in price, if it's not cheaper than $400 at original MSRP.
I'm really hoping the new model will be around $300 New, regardless of how much HDD space it has etc.
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