If you've played Episode Duscae, the Final Fantasy XV demo that came with early copies of Final Fantasy Type-0. then you'll already know that the game features a strong sense of brotherhood, with the title's four main characters, Noctis, Gladiolus, Ignis, and Prompto all revelling in the joys of bromance.
Chatting with GameSpot, the release's director, Hajime Tabata, comments on the all-male party, and how the group's dynamic is only achievable without the presence of a female character. "Speaking honestly, an all-male party feels almost more approachable for players. Even the presence of one female in the group will change their behaviour, so that they'll act differently. So to give the most natural feeling, to make them feel sincere and honest, having them all the same gender made sense in that way," he said.
Now, there's obviously been a lot of furore over female characters in modern gaming, and criticism has been levelled at Square Enix for its use of an all-male party in Final Fantasy XV, but we reckon that as long as it's central to the core themes of the game, there's not really much to complain about. The last thing that anyone wants is a forced character, crammed into a story purely because they're of a sex that's underrepresented elsewhere.
Nevertheless, whatever your views are, we're just hoping that the game turns out well at the end of the day. Are you happy with the title's four main characters, or were you hoping for a bit more variety? Join our road trip in the comments section below.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 30
It makes sense to me. It would change things a bit if they made a female, and besides, it's not the like they haven't had females in the games' main party or as a protagonist before (heck, they made a trilogy like that). They have no responsibility to make a female in they party, and if they naturally come up with this, then as you said, they shouldn't force a character in for the sake of being politically correct.
I liked the way they interact in the demo it's just like a group of friends on an adventure so I'm fine with an all male party
besides it's not like women are nowhere in the game just look at Stella/Luna she is a major character in the game
you don't have to be in the party to be a major character
I like it! I love female characters (even prefer usually) but put a female only to please feminists or sex-wars it's despicable. And let's be honest, when we join with a group of "one sex only" (male or female) the conversation goes much more intense!
They should make the game they want to make, and gender, colour, race, creed, religion shouldn't really come into it as long as they're supporting their vision.
I will say, though, I always pick female characters in games when I can. Having said that, an "all-male" or "all-female" cast doesn't matter to me in any way, shape, or form - I just want a good game.
"The last thing that anyone wants is a forced character, crammed into a story purely because they're of a sex that's underrepresented elsewhere."
That's an extremely negative way to look at having female characters in games. No one wants forced characters, so don't force them, learn to f**king write better stories where the characters fit together naturally--you know, like in real life. For that matter, if one has to think that damn hard, then said person has a sexist mindset in thinking "women can only be used a certain way." Yes, in how women speak and represent themselves is different, but when it comes to jobs--or hero work in a game, gender really doesn't matter.
And no, an all-male cast won't appeal to everyone. Neither will an all-white male cast.
For instance, we can go back to Final Fantasy VI to find female characters written into the story, without extraneous efforts being put into the game "just because of ladyparts." When you approach games that way, you end up with crap like Other M that devolves writing to "women are all about mommy issues and should be treated like mentally deficient little girls by men."
No, it shouldn't be forced. Their writers should maybe suck less.
@Quorthon It's not about having bad writers, it's about not forcing something into a story where it's not necessary to fulfil the creator's intended vision. If Tabata wants a Final Fantasy that focuses on the relationship between male characters, it makes little sense to include a female purely so people don't get upset.
We all love good female characters; look at Dragon Age: Inquisition, it's full of them. Sorry if the statement came across negative, and yes, I'd agree that the industry definitely needs better writers, but an extremely negative point of view? Not in the least.
Tabata-san is definitely right, and the same would apply for an all-female cast. Men and women will act differently to different extents if there is a mix of guys and girls rather than a homogenous group of one gender, and because of this, you have more genuine interactions, conversations, and openness in a way that wouldn't be possible any other way (even if only one person that's part of a group is the opposite gender). Guys act differently around their guy friends, and girls act differently around their girl friends. Simply natural, and anyone reading this should know what I'm talking about from personal experience. I have yet to play that FFXV demo, but I bet the story is going to be wonderful for reasons such as this.
So yeah, I like their reasons for doing this since it results in more unique relationships and interactions between the characters. You know, it kind of reminds me of Final Fantasy X-2. Weren't the main characters an all-female team (Yuna, Rikku, and Paine) in that game?
@Quorthon "Neither will an all-white male cast."
Do you think the characters are white? Because they're actually asian... do you think anime is all about white people in japan too? This projective ignorance is depressing to say the least.
I'll take a well made game first and foremost, I can empathize or relate to characters just fine without first considering their sex or race and when people suggest otherwise it says a lot on their narrow views on life.
@get2sammyb Agree word for word. If they have an idea for a story, tell it. You shouldn't change it just because it would be "the correct thing". I haven't played the demo (I probably won't be able to), but I liked the idea of a brotherhood in the game and it seems to click well.
@Quorthon I think he meant when people just cave and throw in a girl just to please others. That would actually hurt the dynamic of the group if that happened. Yeah, they could rewrite the thing, but if it works, then why try to fix what isn't broke?
It may be nice to have a girl there, but I'm not for it if it's just to have a girl in the group. Besides, the all male party is actually kinda different for a Final Fantasy game, and is a welcome change of pace to me.
It's absolutely fine to have a brofest cast every once in a while. It only becomes a problem when it's always all-male. Square has actually been excellent about this with Final Fantasy - even looking just at relatively recent ones, FF10-2 was an all-female main cast. The entire FF13 series revolved primarily around Lightning and Serah. (with 13-3 being Lightning-only) 11 and 14 obviously allow you to play as whatever you like.
I can see how people could reasonably be irritated by some aspects of 15 when it comes to gender - the only woman character we see in the demo is Cindy who is... probably not the greatest role model. The all-male main party is the story they wanted to tell, though, and Square has had enough equal representation in the past to make it not a problem.
@DrEldarion ...nailed it.
I have no problems with the all male cast. If anything this feels more natural, considering they are travelling in a car across a country, and share one tent to sleep. Would have to put more effort into integrating a female in the main cast and not be unnecessary. I can already feel the trope freedom fighters spring into action when they see a princess gf (?) of Noctis waiting at a palace for his arrival, and Cid the mechanic. Cringes
Didn't like the demo so I don't really care honestly, the cast annoyed me.
I've played enough Jrpg's lately with an all female cast, why not break the mold & have one with an all male cast for a change of pace.
Bu bu bu but will someone think of the women!
I can't help but think of the issues Naughty Dog and Irrational Games had with promoting their female characters thanks to the fears of high level executives.
Final Fantasy X-2 had a completely different feel because it was just girls together. There is things you can only achieve narratively with one gender. All you have to do is look at your own daily lives and think about how you act differently around different people.
The fanservice is a bonus. As was said, there are plenty of JRPGs running around with full female casts so having a full male cast is a breath of fresh air.
The guy just should have answered rhetorically - "Have you even seen The Hangover?".
I'm still not sure if i am going to be picking it up, need to see more.
And i agree, if the developers have a vision for a game, they should not force a male or female in the story if it doesn't make sense with the context of the story just to please some people. If people don't like it, don't buy it, support a developer who has what you're looking for in a game. Or, create one. There is people out there who will create games for you if you have the vision for a game they can make it for you. Nothing is stopping people from doing this, but people love to complain.
I also can't stand this Politically Correct crap that has been infesting itself into every thing. Also i find it odd these people complain about women showing a little skin in a game and throw a temper tantrum, but these same fictional, and non-fictional people they deride and shame are more empowered than these puritans who shame people who aren't afraid of their sexuality, and are more open minded to people who are different than them and don't judge them, or look down on them, and actually help them to reach their goals and grow as a human being, to become decent, and not harmful to others.
Political correctness has become toxic.
Well, my little rant is over. shrugs Now i need a drink of water.
Lots of previous Final Fantasy games had female characters in the party and everyone seemed fine with it. Not sure how that's changed but hey, I see this as more of a "Stand By Me" kind of deal anyway.
Kinda sucks that we know Cid isnt playable though.
Am I alone in thinking (admittedly speculatively) that the brotherhood is going to be broken at some point in the actual game? They released the demo to get us used to the idea, leave us exposed, and then BAM, something will happen. FF has a long history of temporary characters at the start of the games, which reappear later as adversaries or allies.
The interaction between characters felt really forced already so....
the difference being ?
So refreshing to get someone from outside the PC world to remind us how to actually talk about these issues logically instead of emotionally once in a while.
@Quorthon "And no, an all-male cast won't appeal to everyone. Neither will an all-white male cast."
Yeah! Darn whities .
@finalstan Hopefully Prompto will be brutally killed in the first 10 hours. By Noctis. Because he's terrible in battle. Seriously how many times does he get knocked down in a single fight? Not worth the hassle.
@ShogunRok Not until they get to know each other better, you know: countyside, tents... I'll shut up now.
Video Games are an art from. At the end of the day, if the artist doesn't want to include a certain type of character (whether it's male, female, an animal, or a different race or culture), the artist has every right to do so.
If you don't like it, that's okay! But what's not okay is forcing the artist to change a character because of said person's own morales and beliefs. That's censorship. And censorship is the death of creativity.
For me it is not if girls are represented in the party or not, is that I find boring only having males in the party. And all of them dressed mostly the same too.
I like variety in my parties. Having boys, girls and Nopons is the way to go.
The brotherly tones you get from the book are very fun, and make you feel like you're with a good group of close friends... Not many games give you that feeling right off the bat! Also, if it's the developer's vision, no one can complain...
Also, Persona 5 has a mixed-gender crew, so people shouldn't be whining about a lack of "gender equality" in JRPGs of today..
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