If you've played Episode Duscae, the Final Fantasy XV demo that came with early copies of Final Fantasy Type-0. then you'll already know that the game features a strong sense of brotherhood, with the title's four main characters, Noctis, Gladiolus, Ignis, and Prompto all revelling in the joys of bromance.

Chatting with GameSpot, the release's director, Hajime Tabata, comments on the all-male party, and how the group's dynamic is only achievable without the presence of a female character. "Speaking honestly, an all-male party feels almost more approachable for players. Even the presence of one female in the group will change their behaviour, so that they'll act differently. So to give the most natural feeling, to make them feel sincere and honest, having them all the same gender made sense in that way," he said.

Now, there's obviously been a lot of furore over female characters in modern gaming, and criticism has been levelled at Square Enix for its use of an all-male party in Final Fantasy XV, but we reckon that as long as it's central to the core themes of the game, there's not really much to complain about. The last thing that anyone wants is a forced character, crammed into a story purely because they're of a sex that's underrepresented elsewhere.

Nevertheless, whatever your views are, we're just hoping that the game turns out well at the end of the day. Are you happy with the title's four main characters, or were you hoping for a bit more variety? Join our road trip in the comments section below.

[source gamespot.com]