"Just translate the game, yeah?"

SEGA’s soap opera-esque role playing series Yakuza had a good run in the West for a while, but now we’re quickly falling behind. Despite localisations being borderline demanded by brand fans, neither Yakuza 5 nor its PlayStation 4 successor Yakuza Ishin have released overseas yet. That means that you probably shouldn’t hold out too much hope for the next entry in the franchise, which is predictably in production right now.

According to Gematsu, the latest issue of Japanese publication Famitsu includes an interview with series supervisor Toshihiro Nagoshi and producer Masayoshi Yokoyama, which reveals the above snippet. There’s no word on the game itself, but apparently hostess auditions are set to take place soon, meaning that the release’s somewhat controversial dating minigames will be making a return. Judging by past trends, we suspect that this will be a mainline entry.

Of course, it’s hard to get excited for a game that’ll probably never get translated into English. There were rumours that SEGA acquisition Atlus were localising Yakuza 5 earlier in the year, but they’re yet to amount to anything. Sony has also acknowledged the interest in the series, with its new third-party publishing and localisation division supposedly on the case. We still reckon that the only way that you’re going to be able to catch up on this series is by learning Japanese, though.

[source famitsu.com, via gematsu.com]