Despite being the biggest video games convention on the planet, GamesCom rarely serves up the jaw dropping reveals that are so common at E3. The stakes are much higher this year, though, with the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One going head-to-head yet again. For both Sony and Microsoft, this may represent the last opportunity to sway indecisive consumers prior to release, so each manufacturer is going to need to bring its very best hand. However, there’s much more than merely the next generation at stake for the Japanese giant, as it also furthers its efforts to reignite the commercial fortunes of the flagging PlayStation Vita and attempts to solidify the PlayStation 3’s position as the budget console of choice. With just days until the company’s big press conference, we’ve pulled together a handful of Push Square writers to discuss our hopes, dreams, and fears for the big show.

Sammy Barker, Associate Editor
I’m still not really worried about the PS4’s lineup. I’ve read a lot of criticism regarding the platform’s first-party offering, but I think that a lot of it is premature. Sony’s clearly learned from the likes of The Last Guardian that it’s better to announce software when it’s almost finished, and it’s adhered to that rule thus far. As such, I don’t expect it to reveal too many games for its next generation console at GamesCom – but I am really looking forward to seeing Housemarque’s title in action. It would be great to see something from Media Molecule or Sony Santa Monica, but I’m not holding my breath. Instead, I’m expecting plenty of smaller reveals next week. It’d be nice to get a proper look at the system’s interface, too.
I’m more concerned about the Vita, to be honest. Don’t get me wrong, I think that the console’s come into its own this year with the wealth of exceptionally high quality indie titles – but none of those games appear to be motivating the market to actually buy the console. With both Killzone: Mercenary and Tearaway – two titles that temporarily rejuvenated the handheld at last year’s press conference – now almost upon us, the company really needs to show a big commitment to first-party content. I’m having a blast with the smaller titles, but it’s clear that something bigger is needed to reverse the hardware’s fortunes.

Mike Mason, Assistant Editor
I'm not too fussed about getting a PS4 at launch right now, mainly due to the strength of PS3 through the end of this year, but I remain open minded – GamesCom is Sony's last main chance to add to an already decent offering and convince me.
What could shift my stance? Media Molecule's new puppety property, perhaps, if it lives up to the brilliance of whatever that teaser was at the PS4 reveal. More focus on exciting, exclusive indie projects. Generally, something different that can really set the console apart on the software side. A glimpse – even just a glimpse – of The Last Guardian, however it looks now, could really tip the balance, too.
Also, as I always request: substantial Vita support, please!

Katy Ellis, Events Correspondent
Sony has very much piqued my interest with the rumour that a PS4 and Vita bundle will hit store shelves at the sweet sum of $500 later this year, and the anonymous source has pointed its finger at GamesCom as the time when this bundle of awesomeness could be announced. I've held off pre-ordering a PS4 so far and haven't yet accrued enough cash for a Vita (complete with Persona 4 Golden, of course), for reasons which only insanity can explain, so this bundle sounds like the perfect opportunity for me to hit two birds with one stone.
My other hope – well, let's face it, it's more of a dream – is the resurrection of The Last Guardian. I refuse to let it go and will keep mentioning it in every 'Talking Point' that Sammy dares to let me contribute to until it becomes a reality. Well, that or some sort of Ni No Kuni sequel – I'm not fussy.

Jamie O’Neill, Staff Writer
This is a 'Hopes and Dreams' feature, so I will push a mention of The Last Guardian through the improbable early doors, and move along to more realistic flights of fancy. In regards to the PS4, I am happy for more detail on the launch window games, especially the titles that arrive later this year. A specific European release date announcement would be welcomed with open arms, of course.
I personally would like to see another background setting in Killzone: Shadow Fall. The game is displaying a flair for visual variety, and the original Killzone and Killzone 3 had stand-out snow backdrops, so I'm hoping for Guerrilla Games to bring a flurry of snowfall to Cologne. After The Dark Sorcerer tech demo, it also would be interesting to discover that Quantic Dream is developing a fantasy PS4 game. The studio’s imagination and art work could run wild through orc infested forests, after the more realistic settings of both Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls.
My biggest GamesCom 2013 dream is for a new Vita blockbuster, the next significant title after Killzone: Mercenary and Tearaway. I'm happy for it to be based on an established property – a new God of War would make sense – but I think that MediEvil would be a nice fit for the handheld, or a brash and hectic racer like MotorStorm. I would definitely be happy to learn more specifics about the Metroidvania elements of Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate, too, and Japan Studio has displayed such style on Puppeteer that I would love to hear of an artistically similar game for the Vita.
Lastly, the indie PlayStation Network title that I am most looking forward to is Mercenary Kings. Side-scrolling run-and-gun games are one of my favourite genres, and the sprite work by Tribute Games is exquisite, so more details on that in Germany, please.

Robert Ramsey, Staff Writer
GamesCom holds specific importance for Sony this year with the imminent release of the PS4, and the dwindling sales of the Vita, so I'm hoping for some big announcements that fit the bill. But first, the relatively boring stuff: the Vita needs a price drop, or at least some sort of bundle that's great value for money. A PS3 price reduction would also see the system maintain its momentum.
Now for the exciting stuff: I'd really like to see some brand new gameplay from exclusive titles like Killzone: Shadow Fall and The Order: 1886, as both are capable of carrying the next generation hype up until launch. For the former, I'm also particularly excited to get the scoop on multiplayer; I’d love a unique co-op mode. As for the Vita, a glance at Freedom Wars would be great, as would some new and promising game announcements. All in all, this is the perfect opportunity for Sony to rekindle everyone's interests – although I'm sure that a firm release date for the PS4 will do just that.

Simon Thornton, Staff Writer
This year’s Gamescom is the final battleground for the PS4 and the Xbox One before they release to the public. As such, Sony and Microsoft will be scrambling to secure a few more pre-orders, and there’s sure to be a plethora of announcements as a consequence.
As ever, I’m first and foremost hoping for a new SOCOM title to be announced, but it's looking less and less likely. I guess I'll just settle for another addition to the launch window – a big AAA game would really increase my anticipation for the next generation system.
In honesty, I’d love for Uncharted 4 to be that game. Sony could steal my hype with a logo and a blast of the franchise’s epic theme. It’d also be nice to know what Media Molecule’s up to, as they do have a history of making announcements in Germany – who could forget Tearaway?
Speaking of which, I reckon that it’s time that Sony gave Vita owners something major to look forward to. You can never have enough games, and the handheld is in desperate need of some attention. Hopefully, the rumour of the PS4 and Vita bundle will come to fruition, and we’ll see some big games announced.
Oh, and as for a more wild prediction – how about Minecraft?
What are your hopes and fears for PlayStation at GamesCom 2013? Are there any titles in particular that you're hoping to see? Let us know in the comments section below.
Comments 32
Give us the PS4 date, more vita titles and a couple PS4 surprises
Yes. Ps4 main focus, release date, ps4 vita bundle, bunch of ps4 exclusives , ps vita price drop to 150$ and some exclusives for vita.
@Sanquine Job done.
@get2sammyb I liked your piece! I hope Sony destroys the redmond based manufacturer/ MS with their exclusives. BAM! Hopefully uncharted bigger and more bad a** than ever before!
some new games for vita and ps4...
Well my hopes are that we never have that hacking **** happen to us again (horror story) and that Sony keeps it real. My dreams are the revival of 2D games
@odd69 Speaking of horror, what are the chances of Until Dawn making a comeback?
ps vita - MUST HAVE monster hunter titles coming ... ps4 -hopefully some launch titles that aint ps3/ps4 titles as ps4 only launch day ones so far do nothing for me ...ps4 - show remote play in action
@get2sammyb Hey do you know what ever happened to Terraria on Vita? It was supposed to come out back in June.
@ObviouslyAdachi No idea, I assume that it's still on the way.
@get2sammyb Rainbow moon vita?
I would love some Shadow Fall MP, Freedom Wars gameplay, The Order: 1886 gameplay, Santa Monica's project, Guerrillas secret project, at least 3 Vita exclusives and a Vita price drop.
Uncharted 4, Gravity Rush 2, The Last Guardian (pretty please?) and some more hypetastic PS4 exclusives to really drive home the idea of it being the premiere place for actual gaming. That being said, it would also be nice to here about their TV thing.
I think bundles are the key to success for Sony. Bundling the Vita with PS4, bundling PS Eye and PS+ with PS4, people just love bundles and it's kind of a smack in the face to Xbox One's price. What I want to see is more PS4 exclusives and would like to learn more about Sony's TV service. It also would be nice to see a game that uses the PS Eye and the touch pad.
I get the hunger for new PS4 exclusives, but I really think that they're going to continue to focus on the launch games. They have all the momentum at the moment, so they're going to save the big reveals for when they need them. I do think that we'll see Uncharted at the VGAs.
If The Last Guardian does happen, it'll be at TGS.
Wild predictions that I'd love to see come to fruition (in no particular order):
1. Announcement of new Patapon game for PS4 and Vita, the first cross-buy cross-save PS4/Vita game.
2. The Last Guardian was canned--and instead the team announces an all new sequel to Shadow of the Colossus on PS4. (that's why they had SOTC on PSN for $5--it was a teaser!)
3. A reboot of Battletoads is in the works.
4. With the success of Toro's Friend Network, Sony is creating an all-new, Animal Crossing-style game starring Toro and his pals.
5. Candy Crush is coming to Vita and PSN for PS3 and PS4.
6. SNK is working on a brand-new twin-stick Metal Slug title.
7. A new cross-save cross-buy Bubble Bobble title is in the works.
8. Konami is working on a first-person Contra title.
9. A touch-based Missile Command game is coming to Vita.
10. Capcom is resurrecting its best franchise characters for an all new Capcom's Power Stone: Legends, featuring Mega Man (among others).
11. A sequel to Forgotten Worlds was planned but forgotten. Doh!
12. An all new SingStar title will redefine the term "freemium" as it will feature 200 songs at launch, and of those 200, users will get to choose 20 songs to download, totally free of charge. BOOM goes the dynamite!
I would also like to see some light shed on Gaikai.
@jgrangervikings Replace Candy Crush with Robot Unicorn Attack 2 and I agree with your list.
Give me anything from Naughty Dog and I'll buy day 1. AS it stands, I'm waiting at least until Second Son.
@sajoey you pretty much nailed it. Man, would I like an Uncharted game. I also would love a God of War sequel, based on a mix of alternate mythologies, sort of a parallel game universe/s. Ambitious, I know, but I want to see God of War evolve.
I cant wait for Gamescom, I want to know the release date for the ps4!!
acutally Sammy I didn't know this game was even on the radar until you mention it, was it canceled? that would be a shame cause I would like to try it out
@Visiblemode And possibly have a story that's not just driving in the fact that he's sad and perpetually pissed off.
@sajoey yeah, been talking about this a lot lately. Kratos has to truly evolve...like reboot-level evolution. This would give the series the gravity it needs moving forward. The quality of the games is AAA...But the storytelling lacks that level of sophistication that we expect from the cream of the crop. Kratos as a character is largely at fault due to his lack of dimension.
Well here's my list I guess o.o
1) Give us a set release date, mid-high October date would be perfect.
2) Show some great AAA Vita games coming out (though I doubt that ANYTHING coming to Vita would the the MUST-HAVE game, it's a handheld and people are pre-disposed to believing the games won't be as high-end)
3) Shuhei Yoshida must show up cosplaying Octodad.
4) Some more info on what that whole "The Dark Sorcerer" bit may have been teasing would be nice.
5) The PS4 + Vita bundle at $500 with a voucher for a free month of Playstation Plus. That single free month will allow many to see it's value and give them some start-up Vita and PS4 games.
6) Give us a feel for >what< the extra Playstation Plus money will help fund. Show an improved store interface, new online capabilities, (maybe even) a plan for dedicated servers. The new Sony TV thing looks like a promising way to show this higher level of dedication to online functionality.
7) For the hell of it, show Crysis 3 running on Ultra on PS4. I'm sure they can pull it off, and a lot of people are complaining that the PS4 isn't "High-tech" enough for next gen,
8) Knack needs a steroid shot. I'm excited for the game, but it's not generating the kind of buzz the new mascot of Playstation SHOULD be producing.
9) Persona 5 for PS4 exclusive sneak-peak.
10) Playstation All-Stars sequel done right. Sadly PSASBR and the Vita have been marketing disasters on Sony's part and both could have done so much better.
11) Vita MMO, maybe Soul Sacrifice Online? An open world MMO would be a great addition to the Vita library and show it's computing power if possible.
12) Even just one new PS4 launch title, something they've been saving as a trump card to not just renew hype, but generate some new hype for the PS4 launch base.
As far as Impossible Dreams (should be the name of a team at MM):
1) Announce a specific date for Gaikai and how it will improve our gaming experience beyond Backwards compatibility and cloud storage.
2) Announce Dokapon Kingdom 2 as a PS4 exclusive. (Guys I really loved Dokapon Kingdom so don't judge or Weber will give you a Big Bug Q.Q)
@Visiblemode Yeah, I mean, it used to have great story, now it's just "Kratos is angry. Kill things." God of War 2 is my favorite because of it's fantastic balance of story and gameplay.
As someone who doesn't plan on buying the ps4 on launch, I'm hoping for some Vita and PS3 news.
A Ps4 release date, some Killzone Shadow Fall multiplayer gameplay, and a live demo of the Ps4 UI.
@Cloud7794 No. 3 please
Does anyone know how long the Sony conference will be tomorrow?
@Cloud7794 2, 5, and 6 I agree with strongly! 6 more than any being a ps plus member already I don't mind it being mandatory, but I'm interested in what changes are to come with what will surely add a massive boost to the plus service. I'd like to add also the compatibility with cross play, I'd like a good amount of detail on where exactly they are heading with that. Does Sony have a gauge on publishers utilizing this feature or will it be ignored as it is being with this current gen.
more ips and release date
and more infamous second son gameplay =)
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