You can’t blame Capcom for having high expectations – it’s just a shame that the publisher can’t seem to achieve them. After shipping one million copies of DmC: Devil May Cry across multiple platforms in January, the company has decided to slash its overall sales estimates for the reboot. It now expects the release to shift 1.2 million copies, as opposed to the two million originally predicted.
The figures will come as a disappointment for the Japanese giant, especially when Devil May Cry 4 shipped two million units in its first two weeks available. Sales were also way below expectations for Resident Evil 6, which had shipped 4.8 million units as of the end of January. The firm expected the title to be pushing 7 million units by 31st March. Yeah, good luck with that.
[source, via]
Comments 17
A lot of people just got mad and didn't buy the game because they stopped to use the old Dante just looks at metacritic user reviews its madness.
Yeah it's a shame, this game is awesome!
Cool, maybe Capcom will begin to think more about how to make games fun to play, and less about how to please casual gamers.
@Gemuarto Aw, come on! The game was fun to play!
EDIT: To clarify, I'm referring to DmC.
I've yet to hear a single legitimate complaint against the game. And once again, I will say this goes to show gamers don't know what the hell they want. People constantly complain about the same old same old then when a developer makes a change, and does so while still delivering a great game, people still whine and moan, I'm really sick of it, these types of 'gamers' are the problem, not developers, not publishers.
Both RE and DMC were kings in the past. But now they have become mere jesters. Still fun to play, though. Funny thing is that both games have excellent combat systems, but everything else is questionable or forgettable because of primitive level design.
I agree with you about RE and I actually like RE 6, thought it was a pretty good game but the newer games definitely don't reach the level greatness the older ones did. I disagree with you about DmC though, the new one is awesome. It's different but still just as good as the older ones.
I LOVED DmC! I thought it was very well made. It would have been nice to have a bit tighter/longer story, but the combat was immense fun.
As for RE6, I admit I don't really understand why it gets as much hate as it does. Both Jake and Leon's campaign are extremely well done in my opinion. I can understand that it's not the survival horror it used to be.. but it was still great fun to coop I thought.
DmC is fun, but the game market has changed and it seems people are getting tired of reboots and new IP's...
So does this mean all we'll ever experience in the future is like, Super Pong 3D?
@Gamer83 I liked RE6 and DmC, even beat platinum out of RE6, and now in process of beating it from DmC. But both games could be so much better if they have not just flying before train's window worlds. It is like NES-era all over again =) All you need to do is to run forward and shoot. They should allow players to leave trains.
I think people were tired of the action direction RE was going in after 5 and when 6 kept going that direction people really flipped their lids. Most who hate on the game do admit that Leon's campaign is good though, I liked his and I also really liked Jake's and Ada's campaigns. Chris' brought the experience down a bit but didn't ruin the whole product. I think the main problem was it wasn't as focused as it could've been. It was trying to be too much to many different groups of gamers, I have hope for 7, I just think they need to deliver a more focused game next time around. RE: Revelations is the template they should follow. Many RE fans who played it, liked it (myself included) and I hope it does well when it releases on the home consoles but Capcom hasn't done it any favors with the $50 price tag.
Games are more linear these days, I agree with that. But I think it works for certain ones like RE or DmC and you still get to explore a little bit. Not sure I'd like them as full open world games.
@Gamer83 Unforutnately, I haven't gotten to try Revelations yet I got rid of my 3DS early on.
I do understand that people didn't like Chris's campaign much (I didn't mind it). I feel like Capcom could have JUST released Leon's campaign (maybe extended it a bit) and called it a full game. I commend them for taking the time to make a game that doesn't end in 8~15 hours and that might appeal to more than just one class of gamer. I mean hell, there is more game-play in a single RE6 campaign than most other games released in the last couple of years! It just seems to me that people are getting angry for silly reasons and feel entitled to another RE:CV even when it's likely not plausible or profitable to re-create those kind of games anymore.
I think you hit the nail on the head... people are getting angry for silly reasons. I absolutely agree with that. Mass Effect 3, RE 6, the new DmC, all have their flaws but each are still good games in their own right, however on metacritic I think each one has an average userscore under 5 and you can tell from most of the user 'reviews' that these imbeciles really didn't spend 5 mintues with the game they're just hating because it's the 'cool' thing to do. No matter what kind of game a company puts out these morons will complain and it's hurting the industry overall.
@Gamer83 Man, games don't need to be just linear, or just open world. There are a lot of shades of gray between black and white.
Personally, I liked RE6 more than RE3, RE1 RE5, and RE:CV, but I really understand people and critics who doesn't like it. It's like FFXIII.... I liked it, but really understand why people don't like it to be linear.
And I really can't understand why japanese producers don't know that people buy Call of Duty not for linear single player, but for non-linear multiplayer.
RE 6 is one of my favorite games this gen but I could provide a laundry list of flaws it has, so I certainly understand why people had issues with it. I'd also say it's better than 5 but aside from the obvious (graphics, controls), it's most definitely not better than 3 or especially 1 and CV. I don't think being linear was one of its main flaws though, it did allow for some exploring not as much as I would like, but you could go off path and search for items. You are right that that needs to be fleshed out more next time though, past RE games and even Revelations did that part better. As for Call of Duty and how it relates to Capcom, I do think Capcom realizes multiplayer is why that series is so big and that's why they've tried adding multiplayer to RE. In fact the development team itself had been talking about trying to grab the CoD crowd, the problem is 95% of CoD gamers don't care about anything else.
The new normal.
I think this entire page of comments sort of misses the point. This isn't so much about how good these games are as how much money people have to spend on games. When 1 game misses estimates you can blame the game, when the entire industry misses estimates - Nintendo just lowered the Wii U estimate to 4 million from 5.5 million - then it's something bigger than any 1 game.
Also - game fatigue. RE 6 and DmC 5. No one is buying games just b/c they are in HD anymore. The jump from PS1 to PS2 was pretty spectacular. From PS2 to PS3 was nice, but it's been 10 years now of these same types of 3D world games. I think gamers are ready for something new.
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