After reassuring potential PS Vita purchasers that PlayStation Network accounts would be tied to memory cards last week, Sony has since back-tracked — meaning that, as originally believed, you'll need to wipe your entire PlayStation Vita if you want to access an alternative PSN account on your system.
Insert embarrassing over-reaction here.
Sony said in a statement to Wired: [The] PSN account is tied to the hardware and the memory card, not just the card, which means that if a second person is using your Vita, its not just a case of switching out memory cards, its clearing out all of your saved data on the Vita itself when you do the factory reset.
In other words, PlayStation Vita is intended to be played by only one user."
We can understand the complaints to a degree. Because the PS Vita is so well equipped — and connected to the core PS3 experience — multiple players of the same device will want to earn their own trophies and connect with their own friends. It's probably a rare scenario, but frustrating if you fall under the minority. More importantly, hardcore users want to access each region's PlayStation Store, something that's, again, difficult with these restrictions in place.
As far as we're concerned, the biggest worry here is that just twenty-four hours before the system's Japanese release, Sony's not actually sure what the device can do. We're sure Japanese gamers will clear things up once and for all within the next couple of weeks, but this whole situation has been inflated into a bigger issue than it should have been.
But we still think this is something that Sony will patch within a year of the system's release. It can't be that hard to allow users to create multiple accounts, right?
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