The PlayStation Move's A Versatile Piece Of Kit, But It Should Not Be Implemented Into Everything.

Racing games, for example. In a reassuring word to PlayStation owners, Sony's said that they're not looking to "force" the Move into games where it just doesn't make sense.

Sony's senior researcher, Dr. Richard Marks, has said that he sees the Move as a new input for new experiences, but not neccessarily one which should replace the old when it's not necessary to do so.

“I don’t want that to happen. I love the Move but it’s not the only controller on our platform,” he said. “We have a great controller already – the DualShock – and some experiences are supposed to be used with that.

“A new set of experiences that use more special input – that’s what’s good for the Move. So I think our first-party will always continue to court both controllers.

“I do not want to see somebody just force the Move on to a game that it doesn’t make sense for.”

It's important to filter the best, and most relevent, content into the PlayStation Move because that will allow it to rise to the surface and stand out. Noise has caused the Wii trouble, with many early experiences taking poor advantage of the Wii Remote's limitations. It's great to see that Sony are trying to ensure a level of quality when it comes to Move experiences.