Sony Would Rather Fund Studios Than Buy DLC Exclusivity.

And guess what, after an Easter break, the beast is back! Speaking with VG247 Koller said of Microsoft:
“Microsoft has had a much more lenient policy to writing cheques than we do,” he said.

“We don’t feel the need to write cheques necessarily with every publisher, like they did with the Lost and Damned and some other titles, because we feel very strongly in our first-party line-up.

“I think it’s safe to say that we’d put our first-party line-up against anyone’s, and Microsoft and other manufacturers probably lead a little bit when they’re writing cheques about how they feel about their own internal line-up.”</blockquote>

Say what you mean, John.

We have to admit though, unlike Koller's DSi rant, we can kind of see where he is coming from here. The word is that Microsoft paid a whopping $50million to keep Grand Theft Auto IV DLC exclusive, and likewise a further sum for Fallout 3.

We don't know about you but, much as we wish The Lost & Damned was on Playstation 3, we'd rather be looking at a release schedule with the likes of Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves than some DLC.