Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Complete a Companion Activity in Each Camp Guide 1

How do you complete a companion activity in each camp in Red Dead Redemption 2? Gadding about with gang members in RDR2 is a big part of the game's appeal, and so you’re going to want to take the time to hang out with your pals on the path to your Platinum Trophy. Unlocking the ‘Friends with Benefits’ Trophy can only be done between Chapters 2 and 4, and if you miss it you’re going to have to start a new game. Fortunately you only need to complete one of these per chapter, so it’s pretty easy to unlock.

How Do You Complete a Companion Activity in Each Camp in Red Dead Redemption 2?

In order to complete a companion activity in each camp in Red Dead Redemption 2, and unlock the ‘Friends with Benefits’ Trophy along the way, you’ll need to complete at least one activity in Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4. After that point, you won’t be able to unlock it without restarting your game.

All Companion Activities in Red Dead Redemption 2

These are all the companion activities in Red Dead Redemption 2. Remember that you only need to complete one of these per chapter in order to unlock the ‘Friends with Benefits’ Trophy. Note that these are available at different times of the day; if you don't see one try coming back later or sleeping to start a new day.

Chapter 2

He’ll play Five Finger Fillet with you.
Chat to him at the camp and he’ll take you on a robbery job in Valentine.
In the mood for hunting bison? Chat to Charles at the camp.

Chapter 3

He wants to rob a stagecoach. Who doesn’t? Chat to him at the camp to trigger this companion activity.
Same as Sean, our brotherhood of thieves have a thing against wagon wheels. And not the ones with marshmallow and jam. Talk at the camp to get this going.
Chat at the camp to go fishing.
Another angling aficionado, talk to Javier at the camp to go fishing.

Chapter 4

He wants to go hunting, so talk at the camp to trigger this.
Stagecoaches again? Chat at the camp to go rob one.
He wants to steal some cows. Chat at the camp to moo-ve this mission forward.

There are other companion activities that may pop. The best approach would be to always tackle at least one of these when you start a new chapter just to ensure you unlock that ‘Friends with Benefits’ Trophy. One other thing that’s worth mentioning is that the companion activity with Charles in Chapter 4 which involves a bank robbery can only be accessed if you bought the special edition of Red Dead Redemption 2 with the bonus DLC missions. Daylight robbery indeed.

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