
Topic: Official Push Square Xbox Thread

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Will probably get a series X sometime, use that as main for their games and the multi platform ones, keep the PS5 for the few exclusives I want to play. But at the moment nothing too exciting for from anyone, only game currently plan on buying is a remake, tlou part 1.



@LtSarge well I don't care about resident evil, calisto protocol and sf6. I'm not a fan of horror games and fighters never been my thing either. The only thing that interested me on the Sony showcase was ff16. During the Xbox I saw a lot of games I'm absolutely gonna play like Diablo 4, starfield, a plague tale, redfall, as dusk falls, pentiment and I probably forget a lot more.
As you say its probably a taste thing. For me personally this show was more interesting than the state of play. And I play equally on both systems.

But I was glad they only showed what's coming in the next 12 months unlike last year where they teased a lot with cgi but barely saw gameplay. The disadvantage of that is you get the feeling that games are closer than they may be like avowed hell blade fable etc won't come for at least another year and people expect gameplay for it like you did. Now I have a feeling what I can play on Xbox or on Ps if it's multiplat the coming year instead of a title which I can play whenever it's ready in I don't know how many years. That was the biggest comment people had last year, they wanted gameplay and they wanted games that are close by and that's what Xbox did this time. That's why I thought it was a good show

PSNid: Lavalera


From my perspective, I thought it was great because its telling me exactly what my next year of Gaming on Xbox (with Game Pass) will allow me to play on Day 1. I am not too bothered that Avowed, Hellblade, Fable etc weren't at the show but I still know they are coming and will be on Game Pass Day 1 but probably a year+ away.

Pretty much everything is coming in the year ahead - before Next 'E3' and if we go 'E3' to 'E3', the last year hasn't been bad - maybe all at the start and little at the end, where as next year looks the reverse. That being said, there is still quite a few 'decent' looking games coming this year and with the 'usual' multi-platform big hitters to play as well, the year ahead is looking strong!

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


I think it was a decent showcase although most of the stuff that interested me was multiplatform. Funnily enough, I am looking forward to playing Pentiment. A game which almost everyone seems to ridicule a bit due to the artstyle. And of course, I'm interested in Kojima s game. Will play both via cloud on my PC. Doesn't matter too much that it's a lemon in this case.



I watched a few of the trailers from the showcase. For me I'm most interested in Silksong, will definitely be picking that up on Switch. The Kojima game could be interesting but there was no time scale attached to that.

Overall I'd say it looks like terribly good value for money!



It was OK, the thing I popped hardest for was silksong and in truth, I'll probably buy that on switch rather than take up my time on the fam tv with a non-graphically intensive game. Starfield look decent but worried the emphasis was on how massive it was, rather than anything on choice/narrative. I enjoyed fallout 4 for what it was but I was hoping for an upgrade in writing quality from Bethesda rather than just scale for their next game, time will tell. I thought Redfall looked tonally all over the place and likely not for me. I'm not a driving sim person so hot wheels dlc spoke to me more than Forza motorsport. Even then, I think I might be tempted by the switch sale for the recent hot wheels game rather than that. Indies saved the show for me, cocoon looked interesting, last case of benedict fox looked cool and a plague tail (is this technically AA rather than indie?) looked nice. High on life looked like it might be fun for an hour or 2, while, err, high on life but ultimately looks like more annoying version of borderlands. Interesting that there was no mention of deathloop or ghostwire Tokyo, I wonder if there is period of time after release which precludes marketing on other systems. Half expected to see dlc for deathloop announced. Edit perhaps being able to play on laptop and phone will be the thing that let's me check out persona 5, always been intimidated by how long it is, despite putting over a 100 hrs into games like elden ring, witcher 3 and mgs V.

Edited on by R1spam

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82
XBOX: Placebo G

PSN: Tiger-tiger_82


@R1spam it seems to be a common thing in exclusivity deals that marketing on other systems isn't allowed. Of course we don't exactly what is in those contracts, but when i look back on other older exclusives it seems to be the case that info came out for other systems after the exclusivity ends. So i think well hear about those 2 games after the exclusivity ends

PSNid: Lavalera


@Anon83 that was actually the game that I was most interested in so… I’m happy it’s coming to PlayStation. I’d imagine a fair few of the third party games will be released over this side actually.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Pretty much everything that was listed as a Console Launch Exclusive in the showcase should come to PlayStation. It's only the Xbox Console Exclusive games that are actual Xbox exclusives, which in my opinion were too few and far between during the show. Way too many timed exclusives, and too many big games missing unlike what @BAMozzy said.

A ton of the show was these small indie games that already make up 75% of Game Pass, but where were the heavy hitters outside of the bookends and Forza? Yes, they are still coming, but when? It's getting to the point where people have waited long enough, but if Avowed and Hellblade 2 don't even make it out in 2023, there's something seriously wrong with how long it's taking their developers to make games. Where were the heavy hitters that aren't announced yet but shouldn't be several years away still like Gears 6? I know it was only for games they are planning to have come out in the next 12 months, but something like Gears 6 shouldn't be that much further off than that. What they showed yesterday makes you wonder what is going to truly make up their at least 1 "major" game a month for Game Pass.

Edited on by KilloWertz

PSN ID/Xbox Live Gamertag: KilloWertz
Switch Friend Code: SW-6448-2688-7386


@KilloWertz yeah, I must have been only paying partial attention to the show… so I guess that does effect my overall thoughts on the show a little. Though there is another Xbox show this week I believe.

It’ll be interesting if Sony do end up having a showcase for their first party stuff moving forwards. Most people seem to think that one will happen in September… and then we’ll get to properly equate the near to mid-term first party output of both MS and Sony in a post Bethesda-purchase world.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

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@KilloWertz From my perspective and looking around the industry as a whole, very few studio's are producing AAA games 'from' scratch in 5yrs and its only been 5yrs since Xbox announced their first round of Acquisitions. Ninja Theory, Compulsion, Playground, the Initiative and Undead Labs were all announced at E3 in 2017. Obsidian, inXile and Double Fine joined later that year. Since then, there has also been a Pandemic that affected EVERYONE and had a big impact on Studio based developers too. Not great if you want to build up your studio and/or develop a game together. Bethesda only joined in Mar21 - just over a year ago.

If we look at Guerilla for example, they have just released Horizon: Forbidden West on PS - about 5yrs after Zero Dawn with a LOT of key assets already created. Yes they may spend time tweaking, but that's easier/quicker than building from scratch. Sucker Punch had more than 6yrs to go from Infamous to Ghost of Tsushima. Activision have basically 8 studio's all working on CoD to ensure its 'annual' cycle so all those Studio's have basically lost their 'identity', their creative 'style' and still struggle to meet that cycle...

I don't really want to keep seeing CGi Trailers and some curated Game-play slice that may/may not actually end up in the game and certainly likely to change in the next 'few' years as the development evolves. I'd rather know what I can expect to be playing in the 'next' year or so. There is plenty of time between now and next years E3 to get more information on projects expected in the year after. Its not as if Fable, Perfect Dark, Avowed etc are 'cancelled' and 'never' coming out. They can't talk Activision/Blizzard yet either but that's also expected to close in the next year and once MS owns Publishing rights, they can add A/B games to Game Pass. Diablo 4 may well be Day 1 too but cannot yet be confirmed due to A/B deal not complete yet. As soon as it does, there is going to be a 'flood' of A/B games on Game Pass. Whether it completes before E3 2023 or not, we will see but until then, they can't announce anything...

If we look at the year ahead from Sony, all we really know is that God of War is expected - as well as the usual selection of indie games (exclusive or timed) so how is that any stronger? To me, Xbox has Forza, Redfall & Starfield coming in the next year - as well as ALL those Day 1 on Game Pass games. The previous 'year' had Horizon and GT7 vs MSFS, Halo: Infinite and FH5 in the first Party Exclusives.

No doubt, Deathloop and Ghostwire will come (when MS can after honouring the deal with Sony) too and we know they have exclusives (timed or otherwise) coming this year - Scorn, Warhammer: Darktide etc.

The reality is that AAA games, especially built from the Ground up, is taking much longer. UE5 may well help reduce a lot of time, but that's a brand new engine. All those devs would have started out building games the 'traditional' method. Not only that, most Studio's were still making a 'multi-platform' game they had to finish before they could start on Xbox Exclusives. So realistically, its completely unrealistic to expect any of these studio's to have had the time to build, polish and release these big AAA games that everyone expects in the 'few' years they have had under MS.

God of War released in April 2018 - its been over 4yrs to make a 'sequel' despite having a LOT of Assets and Artwork they can 'reuse' and/or tweak for Ragnarok and over 4yrs between Uncharted 4 and Last of Us 2 and yet you expect Xbox Studios to crack the whip and churn out games much quicker. Most Studio's have released games since joining Xbox - although they were games that already had some 'publishing' deal already - hence PS users got games like Outer Worlds, Wastelands 3, Psychonauts 2, Deathloop, Ghostwire etc.

What you need to remember is that this Showcase was a 'snapshot' of the year ahead. It was made clear that 'every' game play reveal would be coming within 1 year from this show. Therefore, I didn't expect Fable, Perfect Dark, Avowed, State of Decay 3, Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones etc. I didn't expect some 'big' announcement of what Compulsion, Coalition, Double Fine, Tango, id Software etc may well be working on but won't release for a year or more.

Its pretty much what I expected to see as soon as they set their show up to be Games we can play within the next year. We all complain that games get announced to early and by the time they release, we have had 'information' overload, gone from excited, to hyped, to disappointed they haven't got something new to show, to frustrated its still not here yet etc etc. All I want to know really is what my 'next' year of gaming looks like at an E3 show as that will take you right through to the 'next' E3 to get the next 'year' ahead.

Why do I need to know about Avowed, Wolverine, Spider-Man 2, Hellblade 2 etc now when I don't expect to be playing them before next years 'events' when those games may well be at next years show. If you don't have 'enough' coming in the year ahead, then maybe you do need to highlight the longer term plans but MS have set up their longer time plans over the past few years or so and now can predominantly keep E3 to show Game-play from Games that people will actually get to play before 'next' years showcase.

I know that people are different in what they want/expect etc and what disappoints them is not necessarily going to disappoint others. I am not saying ANYONE is wrong to feel 'disappointed' by MS's showcase this year at all, ALL I am saying is that from my Perspective, its what I WANT from an E3 showcase - A snapshot of the Games I can play between now and next years E3. Yes I am not 'overly' happy about a lack of 1st party games in the year 2022, although if you take the year from E3 to E3, its not too bad. Sony only released 2 first party exclusives (H:FW & GT7) between E3 21 and E3 22, Xbox released 3 (MSFS, H:I, FH5), in the next year ahead, Sony has 1 planned (GoW:R) and Xbox has 3 (Forza, Starfield & Redfall) - as well as some 'smaller' 1st Party games like Grounded & Pentiment as well as Mojangs multi-platform Minecraft RTS. They have some 3rd Party Exclusives too coming this year - Scorn, Warhammer: Darktide etc and its not as if this year doesn't have great 'multi-platform' games coming to Xbox too. Maybe I will have 'time' to play Hogwarts or Gotham Knights because I won't be playing Starfield until next year...

2022 as a calendar year isn't going down in history as a 'great' year for Xbox Studio's for sure but overall its not stopping me from enjoying games on Game Pass on my Series X and I can see 'numerous' games coming up this year (2022) that I want to play and can on my Console. I know a couple I could also enjoy on my PS5 too for the same 'cost' but a LOT of games I can't on PS5 - either because they are exclusive to Xbox or the fact they are 'free' with Game Pass. I don't know how much Plague Tale: Requiem costs because I'll play it for free and if I want to 'keep' it, I'll get it when it leaves GP and get a 20% discount. All these games are 'risk free' - its not as if I am 'obligated' to spend money and can try them myself - not base an opinion purely on whether the 'graphic artstyle' from a stream looks good or more indie style...

Again, not criticising anyone or what they like/want - I am purely saying that from my own perspective only, the Show was what I expected as they opted to focus on the next 12mnths of gaming on Xbox and I do think they delivered. I would of preferred them a bit more spaced out instead of all landing in the first 6months of 23, but at least they are still coming 'soon'

Edited on by BAMozzy

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


I personally think publishers need to embrace the AA market sell the games at $40 digital only then every game doesnt have to be this massive block buster that takes 5+ years to make but has to sell tens of millions just to make its money back there no in between AAA and indie

I much preferred it all in the ps3 xbox 360 era when games took 2-3 years to make. during that generation we used to get whole trilogy's of games come out now where lucky if we get one



@BAMozzy while your factually correct in regards to Sony’s slate for the rest of 2022 and beyond, I do feel that is more a result of Sony being decidedly cagey rather than the cupboard running dry. An educated guess would suggest that there is other first party PlayStation exclusives due in 2023… hopefully we’ll all find out for sure real soon.

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@trev666 I actually think that Sony (and Microsoft I suppose) should look to release expandalones (Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, inFAMOUS: First Light, Spider-man: Miles Morales et al) to all of their huge AAA’s.

As you said, AAA’s take so long to produce these days, that they could at least re-use a lot of the assets and pump out a quick ‘return-ticket’ in between mammoth releases to keep us satiated.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore - It wasn't a Criticism but after this week, in which Sony had a State of Play, Summer Game Fest etc, the only new game we can 'expect' from Sony before 'next' E3 is God of War: Ragnarok. Maybe Naughty Dog will release their Last of Us MP game too but realistically, I can't see ND, Sucker Punch, Guerilla, etc releasing a big AAA game for quite some time -having released games in recent years and those took 4-6yrs to make after the release of their previous titles. Its the 'time' factor - and as I tried to explain, MS studio's haven't really had that time because when they joined Xbox, they were still making 'multi-platform' games and therefore had to finish off those before they could 'start' to make their Xbox Exclusives. As I said, Ghost of Tsushima released 6yrs after Infamous.

As for Delays, I think every PS game has been delayed. Infamous was expected at Launch of PS4 but missed that, Horizon (both) delayed, Uncharted/LoU delayed etc but you don't care so much once its released and you are enjoying it...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@BAMozzy yeah, I think Naughty Dogs’ Last of Us multiplayer game will be a probable for 2023 and after that it is pure guess work.

  • Spider-man 2 is obviously a big possibility as the next Spider-man movie is likely for the same year.
  • Bluepoint apparently had the Demon’s Souls remake finished a decent amount of time prior to the PS5 release, so they could be well through their next project.
  • Pixel Opus must also be pretty far along in their latest project.
  • also, most of the bigger Sony first party studios have increased their capacity in the last few years to take on multiple projects at a time, so there could well be some surprises from devs who we all assume won’t raise their heads for years.
  • second parties such as Deviation Games and Haven (well their obvs first party now) maybe further along than we think.

Basically, I’d be very surprised if Sony doesn’t hit their usual cadence (which has been consistently great since 2017) in regards to releasing exclusive content in 2023.

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


colonelkilgore wrote:

  • Pixel Opus must also be pretty far along in their latest project.

Weren't there rumors that they're working on a new Sly? I swear I've heard that multiple times this year.


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