
Topic: Your perfect handheld device would be?

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Hey folks. This is going to be a fictional thread. Don't get excited, nothing has been announced.
I'm posting this, because since the Gameboy and Game Gear back in the day I am a huge fan of portable gaming (I didn't say MOBILE gaming on purpose, for obvious reasons). Besides software support what's the most important feature and hardware wise your perfect handheld should be like. you know... I love my Vita, despite the trouble it has software wise but still there are glaring problems with almost all handhelds so far.

For example: Vita's Shoulder buttons are not analogue triggers and there are only 2 of them, instead of 4 (easy ports of games, remoteplay etc...). The rear-touchpad is basicly useless (yeah I have and love Tearaway but that would be still a great game without punching my fingertip into the gameworld). The 3DS, the 3DS (to me) is a gimick nothing more, the built quality of the XL is really cheap and it only has ONE circle pad. That, for me, are hardware oversights that make the whole package suffer.

In that regard, the perfect handheld for me was the GAMEBOY ADVANCE MICRO (don't hate me). It had just enough buttons for the kind of games it was offering, the screen was tiny but absolutely gorgeous, build quality and design also TOP NOTCH as it was aimed to "grown up gamers" that are not afraid pulling out a micro in public. All other handhelds had some design-flaws that held them back a little. Even the original gameboy, where as the little number of buttons it had was perfectly fine early in its life with titles like Tetris, at least when trying to play Mortal Kombat on the gameboy, you're hard pushed for extra buttons...

That said, my perfect Handheld (that probably will never be built anymore) would be:

- Formfactor of PS Vita Slim rounded edges and all
- Front touch screen only
- 2 analogue sticks or discs (on handheld I'd even prefer discs) that are clickable for easy ports of games on other platforms
- 2 shoulder buttons, 2 triggers - easy ports of games that are on PS3 and PS4
- remote play functionality to PS4, streaming via PS Now
- optical/audio out to HDMI (use it as micro console on your big telley)
- no media drive, fully digital gaming
- hardware architecture built on (or as close as possible) x86 basis so ports and development are as easy as on PS4
- no 3D, no second screen
- powerwise slightly above Vita, Vita has plenty of power that unfortunately will never again be reached into
- battery should last up to 6 hours of gaming on max brightness
- all the connectivity features that Vita already has, that's pretty spotless to me
- should have more focus on genres benefitting of touch controls (turn based and real time strategy games)
- huge connectivity to social media (for those that need it easy gameplay sharing etc...)

That's it. basicly, a Vita without rear touchpad, big software support and an additional pair of shoulder triggers and clickable dual analogs would do for me!

What's your opinion on that?
Why not kickstart something like that?

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


I honestly think the Vita's the perfect handheld. Aside from the shoulder buttons -- which are probably faulty on mine anyway -- it does everything I want it to, and honestly more. I would complain about the software lineup on the thing, but I honestly think it's pretty strong in that department, too -- though, of course, you can never have too many games.

Perhaps if it had more social features -- I really like the way some games post information and statistics to the LiveArea screens -- and some of the bigger free-to-play games that are on mobile (Simpsons Tapped Out, for example) that would be an improvement. Also, I guess it would be nice to see more retail releases, though I find myself increasingly drawn to the quick play stuff to be honest.


Vita with analogues on top and the rest of the ds4 buttons underneath. Rubberised sides that curve away to the back. Keep the front touch screen only, motion control, 7 inch screen for me would be perfect, big fat speaker on the front. Also could I get a Stargate style iris to protect the screen. Or just a Treamcast.

[Edited by Victor_Meldrew]



A Vita but with a lid and make it a tiny bit smaller. I'm not asking for two screens, but something to cover up the display when it's not being used would make me feel much better about putting it in bags or pockets. That's if a Vita can even fit in most pockets (it can't in mine). I know you can get pouches for them and stuff but that's why I like the 3DS - I can just whip it out and start playing without any baggage.

Honestly my only genuine problems with the Vita are its awkward size and its sometimes beyond poor battery life. Other than that, it's a tie between it and the 3DS.




A 4G vita would be great, also a vita with loads of in built memory.



A true PSP successor or at the very least a true DS successor that didn't ruin Pokemon with its latest entry (and possibly upcoming entry) in that specific regard.

[Edited by Punished_Boss_84]

"They played us like a damn fiddle!" - MGS5
"Finish your mission, prove your loyalty." - MGS3
"We could take a s*** on you from such a height, you'd think God himself has crapped on you!" - GTA: SA
Currently Playing: The Phantom Pain.

PSN: lengendaryboss

Scollurio … ntendo.jpg
Found this on the interwebs. Its a mockup only. But it comes close to what I imagine. Only this variant looks like it's really awkward to hold...

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


Picking up this topic again after thinking about the reasons why Vita "fails". I really wonder if there would be a market for a crowdfunded handheld device, that's basicly a vita with clickable twin analogue sticks, twin shoulder buttons/triggers. Do you guys think there'd be a market for it? Would people, would YOU back it? I guess I would...

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


A handheld styled like the GBA SP or PsPGo would be my preferance. They are the 2 most pocket friendly handhelds since the GameBoy Pocket, whilst improving on the designs of the original models. If they could somehow get a Vita like that, I'd buy it. I use an Xperia Z that carries a 5" screen so they wouldn't have to sacrifice much, but it would obviously be thicker lol It'd be tough to get a Nintendo handheld like that again tho until they drop the second screen mechanice but I doubt its something they'd do

"Love is a device invented by bank managers to make us overdrawn" AJ Rimmer

PSN: MadchesterManc | Twitter:

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