
Topic: The Presidium - A General Mass Effect Topic

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@johncalmc Ah, right. Must mean major moments, yeah. I'll be patient and wait for Virmire, then. I think I'm more nervous because I recently suffered my very first bugged trophy, so I'm automatically assuming everything must be broken! Thanks for the reassurance!

And yeah, I got the trophies for Kaidan and Garrus whilst I was still on the Citadel, so that's what threw me a little, because they can't have all been major missions. I'll see how it goes; honestly, it's not like I'm in any danger of earning the platinum, because the way I play the game totally circumvents all of the fancy combat abilities, so most of those "use this 25 times" bronze trophies won't pop until I make a deliberate effort to earn them. I think I've called up the ability radial menu once, when I was told to on Eden Prime.

@ApostateMage I'm wondering whether it's something they planned to include in the Day One patch, but couldn't squeeze it in, for whatever reason. Be interesting to see whether it gets added later, or whether it's something that unlocks for second playthroughs, perhaps?

@LordSteev Yeah, going back to the Citadel is something I need to remind myself to actually do, because I kept forgetting to when I first played through the game, and think I missed a few extra assignments as a result. Same with my crew members, I need to remember to do a lap of the Normandy after each major mission and check in with everybody!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@RogerRoger I've found the using squadmates trophies odd too as I also got 2 of them before I left the Citadel and nothing since and feel I've done more since I left. Although you do fully clear a lot of assignments there and maybe if I check back to talk to a few people it will tick more off. Not too fussed anyway as plenty to go.

@LordSteev @ApostateMage I also saw a container on a crate and couldn't find a way to get up on it but managed to walk around and find a spot where the prompt came up just standing below it.

The Mako is definitely better, there seems to be some foggy memory between us as to whether certain things were in the original or not which I find quite funny. I killed the first Thresher quite easy but the second I messed about taking some photos and it killed me and another 2 times after that before I got it. It had tentacles come out of the ground and I don't remember that either.

I also did a mission involving an asteroid heading for a planet and I don't recall doing that before either. I even got a trophy for completing it so maybe it was DLC I never had. Or else my memory is just really bad.

I find I'm taking Tali all the time to planets at the moment just to be sure of being able to hack/open everything as I don't want to have to come back later for stuff and I hate leaving stuff unopened or undiscovered. Also there is nothing on the Galaxy map to tell you if you have 'done' all of a system or where you have been. I'm glad the later games had percentage completion for systems. I think I'm keeping track of where I've been so far okay but will probably start to write down a check list.
Also don't forget to check the asteroid belts in the solar system maps people.


PSN: leejon5


@BearsEatBeets Hey! I did the "stop the asteroid" mission, and I didn't remember it from the original, either! Usually when that happens, I just put it down to poor memory on my part, but I was also wondering if it might be dlc. I'm also taking Tali to all the random planets, just because I jacked up her decription and electronics skills so I could open anything. I think, (again, don't trust my memory) the thresher maw always had those tentacles, but only used them if you were unfortunate enough to get too close to it. Been meaning to go over to screenshots and check out what you posted. Did you put them up? Yep, the asteroid belts! I think I've already found six or seven to survey, including some that had some of the collectables besides just the minerals, gas, etc.


I laughed when you talked about talking to the crew while aboard the ship. If I have any OCD compulsions, this game brings them out in full force! I actually try to tell myself it'll be ok if I DON'T talk to them after every minor bit of progress I've made, but I do the lap anyway! It gets real bad at the Citadel, where I'll backtrack repeatedly to make sure I didn't miss anything.



@BearsEatBeets Yeah that asteroid mission is the Bringing Down The Sky DLC from the original release. Pretty good mission with a genuinely tough choice for the outcome, as I recall. As for the sprouting tentacles of the Threshers, they're definitely new. So is the fact that you can see where the Threshers are tunnelling now. I died so many times in the original from the Maw randomly popping up right beneath the MAKO.



@LordSteev @ApostateMage That explains it, thought it was a bit meatier than your usual random planet stuff and the final battle was quite intense. I won't mention the final choice but I hope I get to follow up on it shall we say.
Thought the Thresher trail seemed new too. Actually felt chased at times and moving the camera to look back at it sometimes meant I accidently altered course of the Mako putting it in a slow turn or something. The boost certainly helped there, but also is why I probably got killed a couple of times. It was surprisingly fast.


PSN: leejon5


@johncalmc Also helps that the trophy tracking was bugged until the latest patch, 1.02. I got the Archivist trophy before even getting the Normandy. They've fixed it now, though

@RogerRoger Hopefully that'll fix your problem with the squad mate trophies too.

Edit: Freaky...

Edited on by Matroska


PSN: Matroska_


@BearsEatBeets @Matroska Thanks, folks. I snuck in some more gameplay before the patch dropped yesterday, and took Liara and Tali with me to Noveria. It was my first time with both of them and yet, by the time I'd left the planet, I'd unlocked both of their specific trophies, so it must've been tracking assignments as well as main missions, and just being picky about when and where. Not gonna complain, because now it means I can switch back to my preferred pair for the rest of the game (since I also unlocked Wrex's trophy on a random planet moments beforehand). Happy days!

Also, what the heck is with that screencap up there?!

@LordSteev Not only do I do the lap of the Normandy every time, I'll then re-enter a conversation to hear each crewmember's "nothing new" dialogue, just to make sure I've heard everything! Well, when I say that, I mean everybody but Ashley. I decided to give her another chance, and approached her for a chat, and her very first unprompted sentence was full-bore racism. I told her off and have been blanking her ever since, and have just landed on Virmire so... yeah. Bye bye, Ashley!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@BearsEatBeets Because of the Galaxy Map layout, and me wanting to be systematic in my Mass Murder of the galaxy, the asteroid mission ended up being the first thing I did once I left the Citadel. So far, it was the most challenging one in the game! I think I leveled up twice on it, so good early experience, but I remember thinking to myself, 'wow, I don't remember the combat being this hard!'



@RogerRoger I do that too, but on repeat visits when the initial reply is the same and nothing new is highlighted, I have managed to limit myself to one branch per repeat conversation. Even then I can't shake the sense of worry that I might somehow miss something. Before I got to the bottom of your reply, I was going to say, 'well you know, she doesn't HAVE to remain on the crew forever', but I see you have that well and truly covered!

Edited on by LordSteev



@Arugula Most characters' arguable or potential racism is due to that stilted sci-fi writing where people say things like "humans are intriguing to me" where in real life you wouldn't say "Chinese people are intriguing to me," especially not to a Chinese person's face. Ashley actually says "I can't tell the aliens from the animals," and if we also change that into "IRL" speech, we could get "I can't tell the Africans from the animals" which is catastrophically more racist than making probably benevolent but misguided generalisations.

On a lighter note, here's Liara's funny eyes.

Edited on by Matroska


PSN: Matroska_


I always choose Ash over Kaidan on Virmire. Her 'racism' doesn't really bother me as much as Kaidan's mumbling.



@LordSteev Well, my trophy for completing "the majority" of the game popped before I landed on Ilos, so I'm mostly satisfied that I triggered everything that mattered. That being said, I didn't get the codex trophy, so there's obviously some entries I overlooked. I did skip over some optional conversational paths which I remembered vividly, and kept giving Ashley the cold shoulder throughout, so that might've been why.

@Arugula Oh, I completely agree. I just find that everybody else prefaces their questionable statements with "I wish this wasn't the case, but..." or even something like "I'm ashamed to admit feeling this way, but..." whereas Ashley seems to think her bigotry is right and proper. It's like being aboard a ship of Liam Neesons, and then there's this one Nick Griffin in the corner. I adore Mass Effect for the issues it tackles, and for the way in which it allows characters to learn and grow, but I've been told Ashley doesn't chill out until right before the end of ME3, and even then it isn't a full redemption. I don't know this first-hand (because I love Kaidan too much) so am happy to be corrected if wrong.

@Matroska Wow, you're getting all the best glitches! That's hilarious!

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


Just started ME2 and as much as the first game is my favourite, the conversations, combat and flow of the game are so much slicker in this sequel. Time to hit the Afterlife.




I finished Mass Effect the other day. 36 hours logged on my PS5 profile, but 33 hours logged on the in-game save file, so I guess that betrays how long I spent in Photo Mode.

Will be starting Mass Effect 2 tomorrow morning.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


@Arugula I'm usually about 70% Paragon and 30% Renegade because, as much as I wanna play the upstanding hero, some of the latter dialogue options are just too funny to ignore. My favourite is getting Shepard to relentlessly troll the Council after every mission.

"Commander, is this some kind of game? Are you calling in a report just so you can cut us off again?"
"You know it!"

"Commander, do not cut me off like last time. I fail to find it amusing."
"Aaaand we're out."

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


I’ve sunk a handful of hours into Mass Effect 1 now, I found Liara and I’m on Noveria.

Any tips/things you wish you’d known when you started playing?

I’m not really fussing too much with what my team mates are doing. I’m using auto skill point allocation and not really paying much attention to the abilities that are unlocking. I’m equipping better weapons occasionally and putting upgrades onto them. Talking to most people I come across and exhausting the dialogue choices.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Sounds like you're doing all the right things for a first-timer (particularly by talking to everybody and exploring every dialogue tree).

If you're happy to auto-allocate your squad's skill points, make sure you've selected the option for them to freely use their abilities without direct command, as well. You can still issue orders whenever you want, but they'll be a little more useful in combat if you just let the A.I. run wild. You'll have seen this option at the start of your campaign, but it's also buried in the gameplay settings.

The only other thing you might like to know is that you aren't warned about the endgame like you are in modern games. It's somewhat obvious from a story perspective but, if you're anything like me, you can get caught up in events and there's a total absence of "this is the point of no return, by the way" signposts... and, once the credits roll, you aren't booted back to the galaxy map or anything, it's game over. So, make sure you've done everything you wanna do before you travel to the planet Ilos.

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

PSN: GDS_2421
Making It So Since 1987


I'm at the point of no return in Mass Effect 3 now. I'll be sad when it's over. At least until I start it all again. Straight after.



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