
Topic: The Health, Fitness and Exercise Thread

Posts 441 to 460 of 643


Octane wrote:

But I decided F it, let's do it anyway this year. I do 5-6 km maximum at the moment, cause my ears are freezing by the end of it, even though I'm sweating like crazy.

Get a hat!


PSN: JigsawPieces


@LieutenantFatman sweet, I just claimed that game from Plus so will be worth giving it a go at the very least! I'll hit you up if I see you online during the week. Does it have a single player tutorial or anything that I should do before I hop online?

@Octane nice one on the running 👍

I haven't been running in a while but I did go for a walk a couple months ago and suffered such cold ears that they really hurt and gave me a headache. I promptly ordered some £3 ear muffs off Amazon and I've been wearing them in the cold weather. Apart from being told I look like i work in Star Wars' Cloud City, I think I might be bringing them back into style 😂

@Thrillho the top looks nice! I kind of want some bed sheets with the same design as those arms though now 🤔😅. We've settled on a green theme for the bedroom now though, somewhere between British racing and a dark emerald. Gota get some new bed sheets to match the curtains/lightshades!

See ya!


I miss the swimming too, hopefully we can get back to it soon. Did wonders for me when I had a broken foot.

Yes mate, tutorial is about 20 minutes, shows you the basics.



@ralphdibny Ah, it's a shame to hear you dropped off the running as you seemed to be making good progress before!

I went out today in my other new top from the same site and had a bird poop on it. That's supposed to be lucky though, right?



@Thrillho just got too busy with work and then subsequently with moving. I will get back into it once I've settled down and got into a schedule. Yoga first me thinks and then the couch to 5K again. Probably best to start more or less from the beginning again, I've put on weight and also my knee has gone a bit again (I think mainly it's from rushing for a train after work so it's like uncontrolled movements as opposed to a controlled exercise). My back was pretty rough for a while lugging all those moving boxes, furniture, equipment etc around for the new place too! Seems to be settling down now though.

Haha yeah it is. Not sure if that's just what they say to make you feel better about having avian poopoos dripping down your clothes though 😂.

See ya!


Anyone else completely fallen off the wagon of eating healthier due to Christmas food? Seemed to have an insane amount of snacks in the house this year!

Going to start calorie counting tomorrow again, quite disappointed in myself as I was doing well before December.

@ralphdibny sorry to read you've had issues with your knee and back. For what it's worth I think you're making the right choice starting over. I think there comes a point where you've been away for too long and your body needs that slow introduction again!

Yoga sounds like a good thing to start with, I've had people recommend it to me in the past. I'm interested in trying yoga out now as well, can I ask where you'd recommend I'd start please?



@NedStarksGhost Christmas is just a difficult time for eating healthy. It's not just the food, it's the Bailey's too! All that creamy alcohol can't be good for you 😅

I did DDP yoga before. Like Diamond Dallas Page Yoga lol. It's good but only because it's a familiar face to me. It's a bit more than just yoga in some ways. I think there is a touch of calisthenics in it and it kind of gets to be a bit like interval training in the way it's presented and some of the exercises. No equipment needed except a cheap-o yoga mat so that's always a plus.

I got one of them stormtrooper beers over Xmas as it happens. Got a bottle and pint glass combo from Asda for like £2.50. mainly got it for the glass!

Edited on by ralphdibny

See ya!


@ralphdibny I actually didn't really drink much over Christmas, just ate a bunch of mince pies, biscuits, all the good snacks!

I'll have a look at that, sounds interesting! Something that's easy to do from home or when I have to work away.

So you recognise my avatar! Yeah I've got a glass too, it's really cool. The beer is nice, but I do think it's quite expensive for what it is (sounds like you had a good deal), I'll only buy it on rare occassions now! What did you think of it?

Edited on by NedStarksGhost



@NedStarksGhost A friend of mine dropped off a bunch of Christmas cookies and snacks during the holidays, because she had more than she needed. Guess what I ate for two weeks straight.



I am now down 11kg from my heaviest. Nice. A few more to go, hopefully.
But also my "elliptical trainer" (I think that's what they're called) machine broke (got jammed somehow) this weekend and I didn't find the time to look into fixing it.

Edited on by Voltan



@Octane I'm trying to remember when I made the decision to stop drinking sugary sodas... I think it was sometime in spring, which would make it about 7-8 months now? I didn't really do anything else about it.



@Voltan Congratulations on your success. I remember you mentioning cutting out sugary drinks, glad it's worked out for you. It's crazy the difference they make!



I checked my earlier post in this thread (turns out it was on the previous page, lol) and it looks like I started reducing my soda intake around April last year (but it was a gradual process that went from way-too-much to near-zero over a few months).



I bought a pair of rollerblades yesterday!! Haven't skated since I was 13. I have only tried them in the house to make sure they fit but I seem to remember how to do it. I'm still not 100% sure on the sizing, so I am going to wear them every night at home for a bit and then try them outdoors at the weekend if I am sure. So be sure to think of me skating from my sofa to the bathroom for a crap tonight.

Stock is really low so I jumped on a pair in-store. I'd initially budgeted £150 for a good pair but ended up with the ones below. Hopefully the extra cost means I will be more compelled to use them.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


In negative health related news my eye has flared up again (uveitis, linked to my arthritis) so I have to go to A&E tomorrow to get steroid eye drops before I go blind. It always seems to kick off at the start of the year


PSN: WigSplitter1987


Got my booster yesterday, and I'm feeling a little lightheaded today. So I went for another run, as they help with hangovers too, and I beat my best pace for the 5k. Give me another shot!

@Voltan Nice, congrats! I pretty much cut out all soda years ago. When I was a kid I was never allowed to drink soda, only during the weekends, and only one or two glasses. In hindsight that helped me a lot, cause I'm not missing it at all. Sometimes I get a diet/zero, but it's been mostly water, coffee and beer for years lol.

@kyleforrester87 That sucks. Is it both eyes? Do you get to wear a real eye patch?



@Octane That’s essentially all I drink now as well. Lots of water and coffee and an occasional ale or 5



@Octane I've probably had it 10-15 times in the past 5 years, alternating in each eye. Worst was probably the year before last when I had it in left eye, then right eye, then left eye back to back. Each time it is steroid eye drops - every hour for a week, every 2 hours for a week, every 3 hours for a week, every 4 hours for a week, 3 times a day for a week, 2 times a day for a week, 1 time a day for week. So I just had like 24 weeks of what felt like none-stop eye drops, they taste pretty nasty and each time it seems my eyes don't fully recover. I am on different meds since last summer and this is the first time it's flared up so hopefully it's going to be less frequent now...!!

I did used to wear an eye patch actually :') At least initially, because they also give you dilating drops to use for the first week as it can be really painful. But it's really annoying being blinded so I go without them these days.


PSN: WigSplitter1987


@kyleforrester87 Bad luck on the eye, hope you get that sorted quick. It doesn’t sound pleasant.

Can’t believe you’ve bought some rollerblades. I last had a pair about 25 years ago. Hope you bought some body armour at the same time! I had plenty of spills on mine but I remember my flat mate falling over in the park on his and literally knocking himself out. Just don’t brain yourself on the crapper later 🤣


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