
Topic: PlayStation 5 --OT--

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I just got Spider-Man for PS5, the enhanced version, and I think I'm really missing something about the combat. I just died about 5 minutes into the game when you're in the entrance of the Fisk building. It seems like a chaotic clusterf*ck and I'm still not sure exactly what options I have.

Edit: Okay now the game's totally screwed up. In the middle of combat, Spidey ran off to the left and started climbing a wall. It ignored my controller inputs. I unplugged the controller and plugged it in again and now I get this screen.


Edited on by Matroska


PSN: Matroska_


@Matroska press circle to dodge incoming enemy fire when seeing the white lines and triangle to zip line straight into enemies who are at range. It does throw you in at the deep end a little bit and if in doubt there is a move list tab in the menu

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



@carlos82 Thanks. Though I'm a bit worried about playing it now after what I said in the edit of my previous post. I had to force the console to power down as no input did anything, then I got this screen.



PSN: Matroska_


@Matroska I've had one instance of the controllers not responding but it was already in rest mode, rebooting fixed it but I didn't get the power down message. I wouldn't worry too much about it being caused by the game, it just seems the console has some stability issues right now which hopefully get ironed put pretty quickly

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



I thought the SSD changed the way how games are installed. But I noticed that the copying feature is back when updating Spiderman (PS5 version)


PSN: InterestingTimes


Grey_Area wrote:

I thought the SSD changed the way how games are installed. But I noticed that the copying feature is back when updating Spiderman (PS5 version)

It can do I believe, as not everything has to be in sequence on the drive now, so new files can just be tacked on was the general idea. But you may find that games still make a copy of the whole structure to ensure no file corruption, or if a lot of different files are updated for stability reasons.



Matroska wrote:

@carlos82 Thanks. Though I'm a bit worried about playing it now after what I said in the edit of my previous post. I had to force the console to power down as no input did anything, then I got this screen.


I’ve got SM:MM sitting on my ps5, but I’m not touching it until it and the OS get some patches. And that’s fine, because a bunch of stuff just went on sale, so now I have FF7, Ghost of Tsushima, TLoU2 and THPS1+2 to play while I wait.

Hopefully by the time I’m done with those SM:MM will be stable, and Demon’s Souls will be on sale.



After playing the amazing Miles Morales on PS5, I decided to continue playing Kingdom Hearts series via backwards compatibility. It's so great to be able to keep my existing library on PS5!

I did run into one issue, though - DualSense vibration is NOT working for KH. I'm not sure if this is specific to KH or if it's a general BC problem... Can anyone confirm?


PSN: rkummer


I honestly don't think I'll be able to get a PS5 till they sell them in stores. The last round in the US sold out in less than a minute. You can't beat bots. So frustrating...

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


@Splat I feel the same. Buying one online seems to be completely hopeless. I'm hoping that Sony will shed some light after New Years as to when they might be in stores. They can't delay them forever due to Covid out of fear of crowds, because no matter when they do become available, people are going to line up for them. That will happen in the Summer the same as it would in January.



@Splat @Unlucky13 Yeah, I completely slept through the Wal-Mart restock tonight. After making plans to bombard the site all week, I was all ready to go at 8:45PM before the 9:00 drop and then dozed off. Woke up an hour later. I think the universe of telling me something... Like maybe just forget about the PS5 😅.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Well I'm going to have to give in and get an external drive for my PS4 games. It doesn't help when so much data is hidden under "other" from PS4 games in particular. I had FFVII remake installed at 90gb and upon deleting another 18gb was removed from this mysterious other.

On a brighter note I did finish Miles Morales and its a great game, loved the story, gameplay was very fun. Its effectively dlc for the first game, which isn't a bad thing in that it really does continue that story and feels like a natural progression in that world but it is fairly short as a result. I'd recommend playing it in fidelity mode as many of the environments were very clearly designed with ray tracing in mind.

Just picked up Demon's Souls so wish me luck

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



I've not seen anything from Sony yet, but IGN quotes one of the bosses at Microsoft as saying that they hope that supply can meet demand for the XBOX next gen system starting around April. Given that the PS5 is more popular, we probably have a longer wait than that, sadly.



Holy crap, just got a PS5. Yes, I know, I know, don’t buy on eBay but the dude was selling it with that buy it now thing for £450 + £20 postage. I’m gonna say that £20 was his markup because it’s being sent 2nd Class and won’t get here for another 2 weeks 😂😂

Worth noting that it’s going under the tree anyway so the wait doesn’t matter for me

Edited on by nessisonett

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@JohnnyShoulder More? Sure. But how much? Enough to make it so that regular people can get one without them being all scooped up by scalpers? Unfortunately, I really doubt it.



nessisonett wrote:

Holy crap, just got a PS5. Yes, I know, I know, don’t buy on eBay but the dude was selling it with that buy it now thing for £450 + £20 postage. I’m gonna say that £20 was his markup because it’s being sent 2nd Class and won’t get here for another 2 weeks 😂😂

Worth noting that it’s going under the tree anyway so the wait doesn’t matter for me

Nice! Here’s hoping it will come in one piece, new, and you don’t get stiffed in any other way



@Mega-Gazz No doubt I will but I’m going to allow myself a bit of hope!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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