
Topic: What PS4 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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My mum started Mafia 2 today and the bugs seem to mostly have been ironed out and the frame rate is ever so slightly off only rarely which is good. Vito’s pal has the same voice as Phil in KH2 though so now I have “GET UP ON THE HYDRA’S BACK” ringing in my ears.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.



Lol that’s pretty funny honestly. Get up on the hydras back is probably engraved in very fan who’s played KHII. It’s been burned in to our memories, for better or for worse lol.


PSN: DiditAllByMySelf


@TheOtherEden In all those remasters, never once have they fixed the issue of him just screaming it over and over and over again!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy @nessisonett I’ve been wanting to play Code Vein for a while, but I got a little put off by the demo. It seemed a little confusing to me, but I know that this happens frequently with demos that the tutorials are much better fleshed out in the actual game. If you both get along well with it I’d probably jump on board. There just has been surprisingly little chatter about it. HavIng a photo mode is a nice start. Tag me if either of you start it up and have thoughts.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Final Fantasy VII Remake.
Well, it looks bad indeed. I mean, Fallout 4 it's an old and huge open world game but it looks better to me than FFVIIR, which being a linear game with no day and night cycle nor weather conditions should have been way more beautiful. 🙈

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@andreoni79 It’s mostly the strange texture issues. The environments look pretty, just don’t look at anything close up!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Bought Horizon Zero Dawn last Black Friday and it sat unopened until now. Played through the first hour and wasn't impressed, though I understand it takes a little while for the game to open up, so I'm willing to keep giving it a shot.

"You feel it? Fawful is also feeling it! I am needing to feel it even more, though!" - The magnificent Fawful

PSN: ianloveskindbars


@nessisonett It's not just a matter of textures. I'm in chapter 9 now and it feels they stopped working on graphics after chapter 2. The frozen NPCs start acting too late when you enter an area; 95% of the setting you move through is non interactive but it is still made of a bunch of polygons; the backdrop is just a bad quality flat image...
If compared to Resident Evil 2 Remake, the game feels like a budget game from a small sofware house.

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


Ni No Kuni 2. It's not a patch on the first game from what I've played so far. I think the fact that there's only the occasional voice overs makes it lose a lot of its charm and the speech text whilst wandering around is tiny and disappears far too quickly before you can finish reading it. Very peculiar. I much prefer the turn based combat from the first game, too.

Edited on by ApostateMage



@andreoni79 Hopefully you’re enjoying the game itself though! I didn’t really appreciate the nuance of the combat until the second run on hard mode which was great fun but took quite a bit of time to prep for.



@Thrillho Combat is fun and quite challenging even on Normal while the secondary missions are interesting, but technically... man, it's a continuos head shaking.

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


@Thrillho Oh man yes, I think I pointed out that exact NPC when the game first came out!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I got my first hard crash in Assassin’s Creed Syndicate today! To be fair though, I haven’t quit the game since starting it and I’m on 27% already. I’m sorta enjoying it, the smaller scale hurts it a bit coming off fixed Unity though. The soundtrack is utterly fantastic though, which is no surprise as it’s Austin Wintory. London is fun to explore with less checklist collectibles and more instanced tasks which I personally prefer. Carriages are proper good fun to drive, especially as I’m chasing the platinum so have to drive into as many obstacles as possible for a trophy. I really like the time period as it means there are loads of interesting historical figures to interact with. We’ll see how I feel about it as I get further in!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Arugula Yeah, the two protagonists are surprisingly fleshed out, I expected them to be a bit less developed since there are two of them. Kinda funny Evie shares quite a few animations with Arno from Unity though, considering the excuses Ubisoft gave against having female multiplayer characters in Unity and the issues they apparently had making female animations.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@Arugula The grapple gun thing’s kinda fiddly, that’s my only main complaint. It’s like a less helpful version of the Grapnel Gun from the Arkham games.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I've made some good progress with Code Vein the past few days.

Yesterday I FINALLY got past the Invading Executioner boss in the Howling pit. She was easily the hardest boss yet and did take a serious number of tries before I lucked out and beat her.

I did end up having to level my character up a little (I'm not sure why I hadn't leveled my character up a single time up to this point to be honest 😄) but right now she's only lvl 10.

Today however I got over halfway through the Cathedral Of The Sacred Blood.

I am really glad Code Vein has a map and minimap. This area is ridiculously mazelike and almost triple the size/length of the areas I've been to so far.

... Though I actually really quite like the area despite this as there was a fair bit of verticality/multiple layers to the map with you having to find/jump off ledges to find progress and unlock new pathways. I do quite like the general aesthetic of the pure white gothic cathedral too.

Really don't know what the complaints were about that I saw online regarding this area and the thin walkways. You still have plenty of room to dodge. Pretty much every walkway has rails (This becomes less true past the halfway point but there's really only one area where you actually fight in a pretty dicey area) so you can't fall off them (most the time) and the enemies are pretty easy to zip round and backstab drain.

I'm definitely not that good at it 😮 (She says despite doing a challenge run for a game she's playing the first time for some reason)

I've also played some more Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled

I finally unlocked the secret character by finding all the Beenox crate in each and every track in the game. The Checkpoint/?/TNT/Nitro/! Box was a sweet joke character.

... Still terrible at the Driv-Thru Danger track though. It has way too many turns for me to get any drifting going as a speed character 😅

And I mentioned it in the anime thread the other day but I've been playing Yu-Gi-Oh: Legacy Of The Duelist - Link Evolution (That was actually my daughter's purchase) alongside CTR and Code Vein.

I've actually managed to maintain playing all three as CTR and Yu-Gi-Oh are both really good for a small gaming session and not something I'd really play for an extended time unlike Code Vein. Otherwise I'd probably just be playing CV.

I'm nearing the end of beating the campaign of the first series (which I think is about 30 duels give or take?). The presentation's bare bones with just some text and character aetwork between each fight and the music/backgrounds during the duels is rather lacklustre too but the card gameplay is (assumedly as I've never really played it) replicated perfectly.

Seeing as I'm still in the first season I only have to worry about some of the more basic stuff/strategies but it's been pretty good still and really quite different to anything else I've played.

No close matches really though... It's either I clobber the opponent in a few rounds or they cream the heck outta me with some godly hand lol

Edited on by HallowMoonshadow

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy mean the Howling Executioner isn’t the second boss? I think I may have made a wrong turn since I’m stuck on that boss and I’ve only beaten Oliver so far 😅

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


The order I did it in @nessisonett was the City Ruins boss, then the Trenches and the Howling Pit.

The Trenches is accessible by going over the thorn that's next to the parking lot (But of course you have to go all the way round before you unlock the shortcut) and then past the park. Though you'll have to go through the boss of course to get to the trenches 😅

The trenches boss was the easiest for me. Beat him first try (Well and poor Oliver).

How are you finding it so far?

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy I’m actually enjoying it quite a bit, despite seemingly going completely the wrong way and clearing out Howling Pit first. The combat does feel a little bit imprecise and attacks lack a bit of weight compared to Nioh and Souls but it’s a lot easier to compensate. I’ve mostly been using the Prometheus blood thingy with the Bardiche. I did find every single Atlas and Assassin vestige thing though so I’ve cleared Yakumo’s memories. It’s been good fun though! Glad to see you’re enjoying it too.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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