
Topic: The Trophy Discussion Thread

Posts 4,921 to 4,940 of 5,162


@render cheers buddy, it actually has come quite a bit quicker than Iā€™d have though a couple of years ago tbh. Well, I now have around a year to settle on a worthy game for #200 I suppose šŸ˜…

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore That's a tough one but something truly special might come out before then that we don't even know about šŸ¤ž



I know what Iā€™m doing to get my trophy total to 5,000, but havenā€™t started it yet. Being lazy.



#44 - Ratchet Gladiator/Deadlocked

Only one in the series Iā€™d played before the 2016 remake, had it on the PS2 and loved it. While I donā€™t think itā€™s as good as 2 or 3, itā€™s got a great combat system and works well in that regard. 150 skill points is mad though, pretty hard platinum in that regard. Special mention for the guy that voices the commentator too, itā€™s the dad from Fairly Odd Parents if my ears are working correctly.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett further congrats on your Ratchet odyssey, I hadnā€™t even heard of this one tbhā€¦ sounds intriguing though.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore It was the last one on the PS2 but totally worth a playthrough! The Ratchet bug has definitely hit though, they really are very playable.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett the mad thing isā€¦ Iā€™m actually still to play a Ratchet game. It will get remedied eventually as I have the PS4 reboot and Rift Apart sitting on the shelf but never gotten around to them.

If itā€™s anything like other classic series that Iā€™ve cottoned onto late though, I could well find myself tracking down a PS3 HD Collection of the earlier entries if I catch a vibe.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore The PS Plus streaming works perfectly imo and theyā€™re all on there. Might just be my internet being alright but I managed to get the platinum in 3 games so occasional hiccups didnā€™t get in the way.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@colonelkilgore Thanks! After 163 hours, think Iā€™ve pretty well milked all I can out of this one for now. Bring on the dlc!

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

ā€œReason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.ā€ C.S. Lewis


Platinum #151 - We Were Here Together - thatā€™s the third in the series done, so just the fourth leftā€¦ unless they release any more. As with the previous entries, communication is key and it was a nice change of pace to my usual fare.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Great stuff. Any chance you could help me with one of those, I started it and my coop partner disappeared, as if by magic. And you know how much I hate an unplatinumed game.

[Edited by CaptD]



@colonelkilgore Cheers dude, it is We Were Here.
I see they have just released Expeditions for free on psn, free until 13 oct. That is an FYI comment more than anything.

Ps. Gonna download SAints row and Gen Zero. Also up for Shadow warrior 2 whenever you want.

No rush for anything as I might be popping heads next week in Sniper Ghost Contracts 2



@CaptD lol, so they have released another one then. Canā€™t complain when itā€™s free though.

Yeah Iā€™ll try and make some room on the SSD for those mate, sorry I shouldā€™ve done that already really but itā€™s all been a bit chaotic of late. šŸ˜…

**** DLC!


Scarlet Nexus. Not bad but requiring a second playthrough was a bit tiresome. 2/10 difficulty (I played it on very easy as the HP of the enemies was way ott), Around 35 hours, story was pretty interesting, no missable trophies but lots of tedious busy work (seriously how many presents do I have to give out).

Lost words beyond the page. 2/10 difficulty and about 5 hours. Nothing missable and collectibles are fairly easy to locate.
A delightful , chill out game with a fairly nondescript story but was well told.



@CaptD congrats on the one-two there, I have heard that Scarlet Nexus plays extremely similar to its stablemate Tales of Arise, which I liked a fair bit. Thankfully Talesā€¦ didnā€™t require a second playthrough though šŸ˜….

Havenā€™t heard of Lost Words Beyondā€¦ might have to check that out šŸ¤”

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


Platinum #48 is Chicory - just in time before it's taken off PS+
Very nice game with a ton of optional collectibles to find (all of which are required for the plat).
I used a guide for the last few (there are some that aren't visible until you stand near them) but the in-game systems (calling your parents for hints and a couple NPCs telling you in which regions you're still missing stuff) were enough to get most.


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