
Topic: The Last Of Us Part II - OT (No Spoilers)

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Absolutely beautiful comment @Gremio108 šŸ‘

... I can't look at that article though.

Bit of an understatement but I've already been quite sassy today just in this thread... I might just explode from cringing at what's being said in what I can only assume is a complete nightmare of a comment thread šŸ˜‚

A serious & well thought out response on the internet @Rudy_Manchego? That's madness!!

[Edited by HallowMoonshadow]

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


@Rudy_Manchego I've just been for a look. I didn't get all the way to the end, but I did find time to leave a scathing review of your comment on metacritic.

It does make you wonder doesn't it? The game has clearly annoyed some people. But how annoyed do you have to be to start review bombing the game? We're living in very politically-charged times I guess, and when people see something that they perceive as a direct challenge to their sensibilities, they can sometimes react in very weird ways.

The game has people rattled, and personally that makes me quite excited to play it

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy The comments are a bit of a car crash in places yeah! It's good to remember though that the minority may be vocal, but they're still a minority. This game will sell gazillions of copies and the vast, vast majority of people will love it. I've not lost faith in humanity just yet

[Edited by Gremio108]

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


Gremio108 wrote:

The game has people rattled, and personally that makes me quite excited to play it

I definitely get this haha.

And this is coming from someone who was very sceptical of the story after seeing the leaks. I also felt that the "woke-ness" of it was a little too forced, but now that I'm seeing how many idiots it has annoyed, I kinda wish they went even harder on it lol



@Scollurio Nah, weā€™ve all seen your comments on that article. Your overall take is that this game ā€˜forces the wokenessā€™ more than the first game. In other words, Ellie gets to kiss her actual girlfriend instead of just having lesbian subtext. In the God of War games thereā€™s literally a heterosexual sex minigame in which you get rewarded. Can you honestly say that if that was between two men, there wouldnā€™t have been a massive outcry from people about an ā€˜agendaā€™? Itā€™s the same with TLOU2, anything that isnā€™t a game about a white heterosexual man who blows stuff up is suddenly ā€˜politicalā€™. Plain nonsense. Of course people would have actual criticisms about the game but the only 0/10 games Iā€™ve played have been crap like Elf Bowling and Ninjabread Man. Plus, just look at the reviews, theyā€™re filled with horrible buzzwords used by the sort of idiot who goes out on a Saturday to ā€˜protect statuesā€™.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Just started it and had a snowball fight with some pesky kids. Made me smile. The game looks beautiful.



@roe I've not seen the leaks, but I wonder whether a lack of context has added to people's anger? I'm sure there were those who were ready to hate it regardless, but for some, is it possible that they would have felt more empathy toward the characters if they'd actually played the game and suffered with Ellie through every scratch, instead of just being presented with the plot in one big information dump?

Good job, Parappa. You can go on to the next stage now.

PSN: Hallodandy


@nessisonett Uhm NO?! You must mistake me with someone else, I never had a problem with Ellie's sexuality, actually I don't care either way and thought it was delicately handled in the first game. My gripes are, in a short and easy to remember form:

  • magical Joel/Ellie Chemistry from first game gone
  • in my opinion way over the top violence, more for shock value than anything else
  • misleading, clearly doctored-with trailers that don't represent the events in the game

No idea whom you were adressing, but it's clearly not me dude.

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


@Rudy_Manchego @Gremio108 @Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Blimey, over 250 comments on that article and it was only put up this morning. I put my comment down earlier but not going anywhere near it now.

I see a popular YouTuber had to stop live streaming the game earlier as she recieved some quite disgusting abuse. She wasn't even doing it for herself, just to show some people that wanted to see the game.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder Yeah I know right? As @Gremio108 said, it does make you wonder.

It just seems so mad to dismiss a game and go out of your way to be abusive because you don't personally like your perceived message of a game. If it isn't saying anything illegal or outright offensive then it is just a view. The first game was as political as heck, and Left Behind addressed a lot of themes. I mean, Jeez the first game dealt cannibalism and paedophilia. It isn't Mario Bros clearly.

You can not like it which is fine. As I said on the thread, I loved The Last of Us. The game and the characters meant a lot to me. It got me back into gaming. I am worried I won't like the story direction and I'l comment if I don't (no spoilers of course) but I won't slam the whole game. I think The Last Jedi is a bad movie personally but some people don't and that's fine. In fact, I'm jealous as they get a film they like. I am not going to go and be hateful about it or anyone that does like it.

Now I may be an idiot, but there's one thing I am not sir, and that sir, is an idiot

PSN: Rudy_Manchego | Twitter:


For a while I've been saying that I might not play this game, not because of the nonsense I've seen people going on about but I liked how the original wrapped itself up. However after watching the Digital Foundry video, John Linneman was talking about how the world was structured and it just shows where you need to be and you make your own path there without being told exactly where to go. It's this kind of element that I like to see in games as so many have you chasing markers around, so I now have it downloading and frankly that world seems safer than the comments sections on certain articles šŸ˜‚

Older than I care to remember but have been gaming since owning a wooden Atari 2600 and played pretty much everything inbetween.



This is game now has the dubious honour of being the first PS4 game (I have just under 200 in my library) to fail to install. After waiting for about 20 minutes, the installation bar on the game time had a cross over it. It had stopped reading from disc. I waited for a while just in case but nothing changed. I thought maybe I was meant to put the other disc in but then it just said to put the data disc in first. I had 150GB free and the data disc is 39GB.

Fingers crossed for the second attempt.


PSN: Matroska_


@Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy Not able to discuss peacefully. Shame.

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


Game is looking good. I recently replayed the first one, so this brings back memories.



@ApostateMage Did you know you could beat the entire game using only snowballs? 0/10!
@Matroska You may need 200GB free to install it since the game is 93GB plus a 4GB update.

[Edited by andreoni79]

Praise the Sun, and Mario too.

PSN: andreoni79


Damn it, it's failed to install again. Anyone ever had this happen with other games and know why it happens? After 15 mins it just gives up, then if I check the install size it says 1.25MB.

Edit: If it's lack of space, why doesn't the PS4 say there isn't enough space like it normally would?

I have 241GB free and it still just failed.

Edit 2: Trying again with 366GB free. šŸ˜«

[Edited by Matroska]


PSN: Matroska_


I canā€™t help but wonder why people are so surprised at the tone of this game. The teaser trailer came out over 18 months ago and it was dark. ā€œIā€™m going to kill every last one of them.ā€ Um, yeah. I think Ellie is pissed and she killed a bunch of Fireflyā€™s and Joel is concerned. I didnā€™t read any leaked spoilers, but do I really have to? Iā€™ll find out if my own ideas of the plot come out or not.

I played through the early intro last night and then, quite reluctantly, pulled myself away since I had to work today and knew that was a dark rabbit hole to start and Iā€™d be up all night playing! šŸ˜‚


PSN: starhops


@Matroska Iā€™ve never had it on the PS4 but it happened to me on Switch. Had to restart the whole console to get it to properly download.

Plumbingā€™s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Gremio108 wrote:

It does make you wonder doesn't it? The game has clearly annoyed some people. But how annoyed do you have to be to start review bombing the game? We're living in very politically-charged times I guess, and when people see something that they perceive as a direct challenge to their sensibilities, they can sometimes react in very weird ways.

The game has people rattled, and personally that makes me quite excited to play it

Well, there have been many death threats to people who have given COVID-19 guidelines calling them liars and such. There is a lot of misguided, angry, conspiracy theory driven people out there and the internet gives them a ā€œvoice.ā€ Frankly, in a way, Iā€™m glad it does. The dark underbelly of our homophobic racist society is finally getting exposed for all to see. This is the only way true change will happen. Some things need to break before they ever get better. Heartbreaking for sure.


PSN: starhops

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