
Topic: The Boost Thread: GTAV, RDO etc...

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Following last nights show, I’ve been mulling over playing the original Helldivers. Have no idea when I’ll be able to make time for it but… that’s never stopped me before tbh 😅. I noticed that there are a few multiplayer trophies, so if anyones interested let me know and we’ll work something out 👍

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I’d be up for that mate 👍 the game hasn’t been on my radar before so worth a punt, always fun to knock over a few trophies with the gang 😎

Also @Fight_teza_fight is looking to knock over some Far Cry 5 multiplayer trophies if anyone is game?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@AgentCooper @render nice, I’ve added it to the wishlist (so I don’t even own it yet 🤣) and will keep an eye out for a sale. If you guys want to make a start before that happens let me know and I’ll bite the bullet 👍

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Haha don't worry I also don't own the game but will make sure I do before we start. I need to make some progress on Dead Nation too



@colonelkilgore I'm up for Helldivers 1. I own it as it was a ps+ game at some point.
I did play it for about five minutes so it would be nice to get the remaining trophies plus have some coop fun.
Also I have Dead Nation if anyone wants to play that, I was after doing the hardest difficulty trophy although I'm not sure my skills are up to it. Great game though.



@CaptD cool, well that’s the 4 we need… obvs if anyone else is keen, we’ll work it out 👍.

As for Dead Nation, @render and I’ve been talking about it for a while and gonna make an effort to play it in June, you’re more than welcome to get involved mate. I think it’s only 2 player but we can cycle in and out etc.

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore @render I leave it with you guys then regarding Dead nation, I was after all the coop trophies and had pretty much given up on progressing further so I'm not overly fussed especially as I'm not sure I'm up to beating morbid difficulty I managed Grim on my own).



Just installed Helldivers and Dead nation. A word of warning Dead Nation is prone to crashing on ps5 (it crashed for me today), I think it is at the end of the level. So perhaps bring those ps4s out of retirement and/or be sure to backup your save data.
Looking forward to giving Helldivers a play as people seem to rave about it.



@colonelkilgore @render @AgentCooper @CaptD
Don't want to tread on anyone's toes if you've already got the squad together but I could be up for some hellldiving, played it years back but still have trophies remaining as it was difficult to coordinate properly with internet randos. Happy to be first reserve for the time being.
Will re-download it, see if I can remember how to play and see what trophies remain for me.

As for Dead Nation, I'm not sure teaming up will help on the hardest dificulty(could well be wrong though). For me it was more about unlearning some of the tactics that had got me to that point. Accept that sometimes you're better off running to the next checkpoint rather than clearing all the zombies.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@CaptD “Sheeeeeet” (in the manner of The Wire’s Clay Davis), I haven’t even put my PS3 out to pasture yet… let alone my PS4! In all seriousness though, yeah I did hear about some PS5 specific issues with Dead Nation as it goes. Time to dust that old sucker off I reckon 😎.

@sorteddan not only are you more than welcome… I have a sneaky feeling that your twin-stick shooter skills could be paramount mate. We’ll be more than happy to accommodate you… hell you’re our Messi/Ronaldo 😉

[Edited by colonelkilgore]

**** DLC!


Yeah don't get carried away just yet. One of the things I clearly remember about Helldivers was the amount of casualties caused by friendly fire, accidentally shooting teammates in the back of the head when things get hectic or calling in the shipment/reinforcement stuff on somebody's nut. Ahhh good times.
Thanks though.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


Howdo fellow peeps. I'm trying to clear up some of my backlog and am after a multiplayer trophy for Ratchet and Clank full frontal assault.
The trophy is QForce activate and is obtained for starting a coop campaign.
Please note that I need a Vita player and I think it is region locked so someone in the U.K./EU/Aus.
I have the other multiplayer trophies but like a muppet didn't get this one, I can help with MP trophies if req.

[Edited by CaptD]


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