
  • Review Super Stardust Ultra VR (PS4)

    Super Starbust

    Super Stardust is becoming a bit of a new PlayStation hardware tradition. Ever since the venerable Super Stardust HD, the Housemarque developed arcade shooter has appeared on every Sony system released – including the PlayStation Portable, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, and now PlayStation VR. But is the concept strong enough to...


  • Review Super Stardust Ultra (PlayStation 4)

    Rock 'n' roll

    Super Stardust HD drew the dual joystick short straw last generation. Released at a time when the PlayStation 3 was really unpopular, Geometry Wars and its Xbox Live Arcade successor tended to lap up all of the downloadable shoot-'em-up plaudits – despite it never, in this author's opinion, hitting the same highs as Housemarque's...


  • Review Chimpact (PlayStation Mobile)

    Simian-ply amazing

    “Chimpanzees are members of the Hominidae family, along with gorillas, humans, and orangutans, and live in large multiple-male and multiple-female social groups called communities. Well known for making nests at the top of tall trees, chimps are constantly falling down 2-300 meters only to have a mysterious force fling them back...