Tag: Accessories - Page 2

  • News Nyko Shows Off New PS Vita Accessories

    Start your starter kits

    Accessory manufacturer-to-the-stars Nyko has revealed an all new line-up of trinkets for PS Vita, ranging from rudimentary chargers to ergonomical battery boosters. The Power Grip, much like the 3DS Power Grip, will boost battery life while adding in a controller-like feel. The PS Vita Starter Kit bundles together a case,...

  • News CTA Digital Creates Official U.S. Army Move Accessories

    Fire at will

    CTA Digital's range of Move accessories already includes a PS3 bowling ball and a three-in-one Move sniper rifle, but the peripheral manufacturer just scored a huge licence: the United States Army. The U.S. Army Sniper Action Rifle is Move-exclusive, and looks like a slightly revamped version of its original sniper peripheral. The other...

  • News Sony Reveals American Prices For Memory Cards and More

    Prepare to spend

    Sony's American wing has announced its suggested retail prices for the accessories you'll need to get the most out of Vita, including memory cards. As we said at the time, GameStop's prices were off the mark, an extra $10 or even $20 more expensive in some cases. Here's all the details you need: 4 GB Memory Card — February 15,...

  • News Guess What Snakebyte's cam:clip Does

    Oh, you got it

    If you're still without a camera mount or clip for your PlayStation Eye, Snakebyte's just released its cam:clip in Europe. The clip can be adjusted to fit most plasma and LCD TVs, and is available now for €9.99. It's not quite as imposing as this PS Eye, Kinect and Wii Megazord, but then what is? snakebyte announces cam:clip for...

  • News Multiple PSN Accounts Means Multiple Vita Memory Cards

    Get buying

    PlayStation Vita offers on-the-go gaming either solo or against others through WiFi or 3G, but there were recent reports that the machine would only support one PSN account. That's not quite true, according to a Sony spokesperson talking to Wired.com. Each PSN account is bound to your Vita memory card, so if you want a second PSN account,...

  • News Official PS Vita Memory Cards Priced for US

    Get your funds in order

    The PS Vita will house a proprietary memory card, meaning you won't be able to plug in any of those Pro Duo Memory Sticks you bought for the PSP. You have to buy new ones. Seeing as many PS Vita Games (like Uncharted: Golden Abyss) won't even boot without a memory card, you should probably consider bundling one with your...

  • News Snakebyte Announces First Vita Accessories

    Quick off the draw

    Snakebyte has jumped the gun by being one of the first accessory manufacturers to reveal its range of Vita peripherals for next year. There's not too much exciting here — screen protectors, cases, chargers etc. — but if you're already planning how to carry around your Vita and keep it safe, you might want to investigate...

  • Out Now Flex-Fire (North America)

    Locked and loaded for launch

    We’ve been covering Flex-Fire for a few months now and the time has finally come for you to get one all for yourself. We’ve already given our full analysis on Flex-Fire in our First Impressions: Flex-Fire article and we think it’s worth the investment for those looking for a gun peripheral with a different, more...

  • News Sony Promising Special Move Add-On for BioShock

    Here's hoping for an arm drill

    If you were excited about BioShock Infinite before, prepare for new heights of anticipation. Sony has revealed the game will launch alongside an exclusive, as-yet secret PlayStation Move peripheral. According to Sony, it will "drawn you even deeper into the stunning vision of a parallel future", which could...

  • News External Battery Extends Vita's 3-5 Hour Life

    Battery add-on enables 9-15 hour lifespan

    PS Vita lasts about 3-5 hours on its own, but the optional external battery peripheral just announced by Sony will give perpetually unplugged consumers the opportunity to buy themselves some more time. The company released info on the device on Sony's Japanese site. PS Vita runs 3-5 hours only if players...

  • News Move Controllers 50% Off, Games for $9.99

    GameStop offers deal "while supplies last"

    If you have been holding off on picking up a Move, there's no better time than now. GameStop is unloading its Move controllers and accessories at a huge 50% off discount. That means you'll be able to pick up a Move controller for $24.99, the SharpShooter for a cool $19.99, and a Navigation controller or...

  • First Impressions Flex-Fire

    Outperforming the Sharp Shooter?

    Has there ever been a time in your life when you thought, ‘I could do or make that better’? But what do we normally do at this point? We go on with our lives, as the thought passes on and whatever it was we thought we could do better... well, it just never comes to be. But what would happen if you actually tried...

  • News These Chinese Move Controllers Don't Look Bad, Actually

    Bit costly though

    Third-party Move controllers are still thin on the ground, but Chinese company FirstSing has put together its own Move and Navigation and they don't look too bad actually. The bundle sells for just $44.80, a huge saving on the price of real accessories, but unfortunately with worldwide shipping at a steep $60 it's not such a sound...

  • News This Custom Painted Sharp Shooter is Pretty Sweet

    Beats red, anyway

    The PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter is available in two different colours: red in Europe, off-white in North America. Neither looks very much like a gun, which is why enterprising Joe Cosentino decided to take matters — and a paintbrush — into his own hands. His custom-painted Sharp Shooter complete with unique grips is one of...

  • News Memorex Shows Off New Move and Navigation Controllers

    Black and blue

    We thought we'd have seen third-party Move controllers on sale by now, but Snakebyte's own controllers experienced significant delays to their original January 2011 release date. Now Memorex is gearing up to unveil its own take on the motion controller and Navigation at E3 next week. The Memorex Motion Gaming Controller —...

  • News Trimount Makes a PS Eye, Kinect and Wii Sensor Bar Megazord

    Combine, transform!

    Real fans of motion controlled gaming often struggle for vital space around the TV area: with your PlayStation Eye, Kinect for Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii sensor bar all in one place, wouldn't it be great to combine them into a massive Megazord of black plastic motion-sensing? The $29.99 dreamGear Trimount takes all three...

  • News Flex-Fire: An Innovation or Fine Adjustment?

    Sharp Shooter with a twist

    It seems like we just put our hands on the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter a few days ago, but an inventor named Adam Wickam — Colorado gamer and entrepreneur — has already found a way to innovate the design of the Sharp Shooter. In our Sharp Shooter Impressions Article we noted that the controller had its strengths...

  • News Don't Want to Spend $40 on a Sharp Shooter? Make Your Own

    Might not be quite as pretty though

    The PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter is an awesome-looking piece of kit, with stacks of buttons, sliders, stocks and triggers, but it's also a pretty costly $40/£40. There must be a cheaper alternative, right? Movemodo Kussuth thinks so, and shared this photo of a home-made Sharp Shooter alternative fashioned from...

  • News CTA Digital Prepares to Launch Eye Clip and Mount

    Not as painful as it sounds

    CTA Digital continues to support PlayStation Move with new accessories, not least the PlayStation Move bowling ball, but its next release is a little less prone to ridicule. The Universal Wall Mount & Clip for the Kinect Camera & PlayStation Eye is a two-in-one solution that lets owners set the PlayStation Eye...

  • News Nyko Skill Shot Aims to Blow Your Wallet Wide Today

    Shoot to thrill

    Nyko's PlayStation Move support continues today with the launch of the Skill Shot, a "tactical rifle attachment" for Move that arrives just in time for the launch of SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs. Costing $19.99, the Skill Shot is half the price of the PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter and offers support for left or right-handed gamers via...

  • News PlayStation Move Bowling Ball Looks as Good as It Sounds

    CTA Digital strikes out

    The Wii is notorious for hosting some of the most ludicrous accessories known to man — BigBen's Cyberbike is one of our favourites — but PlayStation Move isn't exempt from the plastic add-on craze. CTA Digital, the company behind the PS3 transforming sniper rifle and Move sub machine gun, is set to r

  • News Snakebyte Move Controllers to Take Centre Stage at E3

    Centre stage at booth 5744, that is.

    Accessory manufacturer Snakebyte is working hard to bring its own-brand Move controllers to market, with the company announcing they'll be shown to the public for the first time at E3 in early June. While we expected the Move controllers this month it now seems they won't be available to buy until after June's...

  • News Third-Party Move Controllers On the Way in April

    From Snakebyte

    Back in November we brought you shots of the first third party Move controllers from Snakebyte, with the expected release date set for January 2011. As you probably already surmised from their invisibility on shop shelves across the world, this date passed without event, but the controllers are now expected to launch worldwide in...

  • News CTA Digital Creates Three Move Sniper Rifles in One

    For when one just isn't enough

    There are tonnes of PlayStation Move accessories available, including sniper rifles, pistols and assault rifles, but what about a shell that combined all three? That's the thinking at CTA Digital, the company behind a new customisable add-on. An accessory that can be transformed into an assault rifle, shotgun or...

  • News Blaze Charges Move with New Rapid Charger Unit

    It's a charger, you know

    Just when you thought there wasn't room on the market for another PlayStation Move battery-replenishing gizmo, along comes Blaze with its own take on the must-have accessory. Pointing to the release of "super addictive PS3 Move games" – their words, not ours – Blaze has crafted the PS3 Move Rapid Charger that...

  • News Nyko Set to Support PlayStation Move with Both Barrels

    Gunning for success

    You can never have too many plastic guns for PlayStation Move, with accessory creators Nyko bringing two new attachments to the controller in the near future. The more interesting of the pair is the Power Shot, a rifle-style design not unlike Sony's official Sharp Shooter. Holding both the Navigation and Move controller, it's...

  • News DualShock and Move Players Will Square Off in Killzone 3

    Plus more sharpshooter info

    Will they, won't they? The ongoing saga of whether DualShock 3 and Move users will be able to pit their skills against each other on the battlefields of Killzone 3 has taken many a twist and turn, but now the word has come from the

  • News The New PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter is a Serious Bit of Kit

    New accessory enters the kill zone

    Move isn't short on plastic guns, but there's always room for one more, particularly when it's officially licensed and designed to get the most out of Killzone 3. The new PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter, to give it its official name, is set for release in February and is the first rifle-type accessory to come from...

  • Talking Point Why Are Accessories So Important Anyway?

    What's the big deal?

    We've reported on Move as an important factor in growing the accessory sector at retail, but with hardware and software figures falling year-on-year why is the success of plastic add-ons so important? Accessories Make Money: For retailers, accessories are key: profits made from add-ons far outweighs the margin on a new game or...

  • News Snakebyte Announces the First Third-Party Move Controllers

    And they don't look bad

    German manufacturer Snakebyte has emerged as the first manufacturer to offer its own line of PlayStation Move controllers, starting in January 2011. Recent PS3 firmware updates have rendered some third-party controllers out of action, but Snakebyte has a cunning plan, equipping its controllers with the ability to receive...

  • News Get More from Your Workout with Mel B's Accessories

    Workout mat and weights

    Get Fit with Mel B is out now in North America, but any UK-based readers with one eye on making the most of their fitness experience might want to check out these performance-enhancing accessories available from Blaze. Officially endorsed by both Mel B and Fitness First, the BLAZE Fitness First Wrist & Ankle weights are...

  • News Move Has a Lot More Plastic Guns Than We Realised

    Almost every one, apparently

    We've done our best to keep you up to date with the rapidly-changing world of PlayStation Move accessories, from Lego-looking submachine guns to fairly hideous plastic pistols, but it turns out there's more plastic guns than we realised. A lot more. Site

  • News Logic 3, With These Move Accessories You Are Really Spoiling Us

    No, really

    So far in our journey through Move we've covered plenty of gun accessories, with the odd boxing glove and sports set for good measure. Now Logic 3 is wading into the murky waters of PlayStation Move accessories with a mix of the old and new, all in its own chic black style. As well as a chunky-looking revolver-style pistol shell for...

  • News Move Submachine Gun Looks Like it's Made of Lego But Isn't

    Another suitably manly gun

    Whilst the Wii received endless gun attachments, their white plastic made them look rather less menacing than some of the add-ons we've already seen for Move. Accessory manufacturer CTA Digital has just released shots of its new submachine gun attachment for the Move, and it's a masculine piece of plastic and no mistake...

  • News Battle Rifle Joins the Ranks of Extravagant Move Accessories

    $29.99 for replica firearm

    If a piddly little pistol just doesn't cut the manly mustard for you, this forthcoming battle rifle should fulfil pretty much all of your plastic gun needs. Priced up at $29.99 and due for release on November 10th, the rifle has space for a Navigation around the back and a "break away" design to allow you to...

  • News Eagle3 Enters the Battle for Best Plastic Move Accessory

    Some strong contenders

    Hyperkin's Sporting Victory accessories were squarely aimed at those gamers who wanted a bit of Sports Champions action on the Move, but that's not to say there's a huge wealth of as-yet untapped peripheral possibilities. Rival accessory manufacturer Eagle3 has zeroed in on some of the possibilities with a new range of snap-on...

  • News MadCatz's Range of Move Accessories Sounds Surprisingly Useful

    Cables, chargers and more

    Accessory manufacturer Hyperkin may have sounded the first battle cry in the PlayStation Move accessory arms race with its sports victory set, but gaming gubbins Goliath Madcatz is not to be outdone, revealing its own line-up of add-ons for Move. Mad Catz Charging Station ($29.99) – The same price as the official...

  • News These Sports Victory Accessories May Not Guarantee Sporting Victories

    They do look nice, though

    Despite the array of events in Sports Champions promising the most realistic and intuitive controls yet seen in a console sporting compilation, there will always be those who believe they could be made more reliable by the addition of plastic snap-on attachments. Those people will be greatly cheered, then, to read about the...