Resident Evil News







  • News Resident Evil 7 Falls Short of Capcom's Sales Expectations

    Despite selling over 3.5 million units so far

    Resident Evil 7: Biohazard has failed to meet the sales expectations of publisher Capcom, the firm's latest financial report has revealed. The game – which was something of a critical darling – has sold a very respectable 3.5 million units thus far, but that's some way short of the four million units...

  • News Resident Evil 7's Free DLC Goes into Hiding Until Later Date

    Go tell Aunt Rhody

    Resident Evil 7's free DLC pack has been pushed back until an undisclosed later date. Not a Hero – which is set to feature series veteran Chris Redfield – had been set to release this Spring, but in an overly apologetic video, the expansion's producers have admitted that they need more time to hit the standards expected of the...









  • News Resident Evil 7 Sounds More Like Silent Hill Than Ever

    Happy ever after?

    Here's the sum of everything we know about Resident Evil 7: it's coming out on 24th January. Okay, we know a little bit more about the game than that, but you get the idea – Capcom is really playing its blood splattered cards close to its chest with this one. And that's exciting, because it'll be more of a surprise when you...

  • News Here's How Resident Evil 4 Looks on the PS4

    Leon! Leon!

    Resident Evil 4 needs no introduction – it's one of the greatest games ever made, after all. And it's coming to the PlayStation 4 in just about a week's time, so Capcom has released the first ever gameplay footage of that version. Unsurprisingly, it looks a lot like… Well, Resident Evil 4. What were you expecting? At the end of...

  • Gamescom 2016 Resident Evil 7 Really Is Going Full Survival Horror


    This is tense, isn't it? Capcom's released a new Resident Evil 7 trailer to coincide with Gamescom 2016, and it really ratchets up the tension. The clip takes the form of some found footage – which should be familiar to anyone who played the recent demo – and sees a woman attempting to send a message to a man named Ethan. Unfortunately...

  • News Wait a Minute! They're Still Making Resident Evil Movies?

    This is the final chapter, apparently

    We knew that Milla Jovovich's live-action Resident Evil movies were relatively popular, but we didn't realise there was a sixth one coming out. Due in January 2017 – the same month as Resident Evil 7, of course – Alice will return for the final chapter in director Paul W.S. Anderson's series, which has been...

  • News Surprise! Resident Evil 7 Will Have Healing Herbs

    Slow news day

    Despite it launching in a few short months and there being a standalone demo available on the PlayStation Store, we still don't know a whole lot about Resident Evil 7. Fortunately, Capcom has shared a tidbit with ambassadors: the forthcoming first-person sequel will include healing herbs. At least try and act surprised, eh? The image...


  • News Ensure You Have Enough Cash for Resident Evil 4 on PS4, Stranger

    Hehehe, thank you

    What're yer buyin' on 30th August? Resident Evil 4, of course. The legendary third-person shooter – which is surely in the running for the greatest game ever made – will lurch its way to the PlayStation 4 on 30th August, publisher Capcom has announced. There's no word on a price yet, but both Resident Evil 5 and Resident Evil 6...

  • News Resident Evil 7 Breaks PS4 Demo Records

    Giving other games the finger

    Resident Evil 7's self-contained demo experience Beginning Hour has set the record for PlayStation 4 demo downloads in North America, becoming the most coveted slice of sampler content in its first week of release. There are a lot of stipulations here, so we're going to attempt that sentence again: more people in North...



  • News Resident Evil 5 Punches Rocks on PS4 from 28th June

    Muscle man

    You'll be able to admire beefcake BSAA agent Chris Redfield's rippling biceps in full 1080p starting 28th June, as that's when Resident Evil 5 is set to release on the PlayStation 4. The timeframe does come courtesy of the Xbox store page, so we're still awaiting official confirmation for Sony's new-gen system – it's almost certain to...

  • News Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps Is Looking Really Rubbish on PS4

    Not even Resident Evil 2 maps can save it

    Surprise! The game that no one asked for, Resident Evil: Umbrella Corps, is shaping up to be something of a stinker. Capcom recently announced that the competitive shooter spin-off will boast a couple of maps based upon Resident Evil 2, which should be a reason for real hype. However, seeing the...

  • Rumour Resident Evil 7 to Return to Horror Roots on PS4

    P.T. designer promisingly on board

    Capcom is apparently preparing for a "full-scale offensive" with regards to the Resident Evil franchise towards the back-half of this year, and now respected video game consultancy gaffer Serkan Toto has shed a little light on what we can expect. Writing on Twitter, the Kantan Games chief said that the "entire game...

  • News Is It Almost Time for Resident Evil 7 on PS4?

    Full-scale offensive

    The Internet is convinced that Resident Evil 7 is months away from smashing through a glass window, and all signs suggest that it may be right. As part of its financial report recently, Capcom said the following: "In the fiscal year ending March 31, 2017, the Company is scheduled to release the strategic titles of Sengoku Basara...




  • News Resident Evil Spin-Off Umbrella Corps Shuffles to PS4 in May

    'Ella! 'Ella!

    Who remembers Umbrella Corps? The bizarre PlayStation 4 and PC exclusive was announced during Sony's packed Tokyo Game Show press conference last year, but has been lying doggo ever since. Fortunately, publisher Capcom has decided to feed the project a green herb today, announcing that the tactical shooter will deploy in May across...

  • Review Resident Evil Zero (PS4)

    From zero to hero

    Last year, Capcom delighted fans (and newcomers) with an HD remaster of its legendary GameCube exclusive remake, Resident Evil. A year later and the firm's other former Nintendo exclusive Resident Evil Zero has arrived on the PlayStation 4. But while last year's efforts were great, the ported package still had some areas of uneven...


  • News Is Resident Evil 6 Getting Reanimated for PS4?

    Redfield alert

    Confession time: this author, despite being a big fan of Capcom's campy survival horror series, hasn't played Resident Evil 6. The sequel has sat sealed on your host's shelf since its 2012 launch day, but has never been touched since then. It's one last-gen game that this scribe wants to go back to – but it seems that we won't have...




  • News From Resident Evil Zero to Hero in New PS4 Gameplay

    Silly Billy

    While the announcement of Resident Evil 2 for the PlayStation 4 may have overshadowed Resident Evil Zero HD somewhat, Rebecca Chambers' locomotive adventure will still launch first. You may be wondering how the ex-GameCube exclusive is holding up on Sony's new-gen system, then – and we come bearing good news. Indeed, it looks great –...

  • News How Does Resident Evil: Revelations 2 Look on PS Vita?

    Not as bad as you may think

    Resident Evil: Revelations 2 has already been overshadowed by much better games, but it is still one of the surprise packages of the year. We were expecting the budget PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 survival horror to be a bit of a disaster, but the episodic escapade was thoroughly enjoyable from start-to-finish,...

  • News Resident Evil 2 Will Rise from the Dead on the PS4

    Remake of PSone classic in production

    We're truly living in a golden age where all of the best PSone titles are coming back from the dead. Hot on the heels of Final Fantasy VII Remake, Capcom has now announced that Resident Evil 2 will rise again. There are no formats officially confirmed at the time of typing, but you should anticipate a...










  • News Will a Fan Favourite Return in Resident Evil: Revelations 2?

    Spoiler sandwich

    Resident Evil: Revelations 2 is mere months away at this point, which is an exciting revelation in itself for fans of the fearsome franchise. However, with the release drawing near, it’s fair to say that we still don’t know a whole lot about the episodic survival horror, aside from the fact that it will star Claire Redfield and...
