
Topic: God of War OT

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@AgentCooper I noticed you were on it earlier… hope that wee little baptism-of-fire in the deep underground hasn’t put you off too much and that you enjoy it even half as much as I did. The same for Days Gone… I can’t tell you how many times moments in that game crop up in my memory, such an underrated gem of a game!

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore I was completely confused when I loaded up my save but I blew off the cobwebs eventually, I’m back in Midgard tackling some black breath. Excited about moving forward!

Can’t wait to return to Days Gone either, seemed to have the makings of something special 👍

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


Can someone explain to me (an idiot) what the advantages are for each armour and which one would be better and why? I’m totally lost a sea with all this still, I’ve collected lots of things but no idea what to do with them. Enjoying the game overall, finally after almost starting from scratch. Thanks in advance 👍


That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@AgentCooper Rarity isn’t the main thing at all really. The shoulder guard looks loads better to me with a decent spread of stats at a decent level (I think if you press R3 or something similar it explains what each stat means). Both have one enchantment slot too.

The one thing the new piece of armour has in its favour is that it has room to be improved; the dots under the current level show one filled circle so it can be levelled up twice. But I suspect based on the base stats that it’s just defence that will increase each time.

In the grand scheme of things I don’t thing it makes a massive difference but it’s worth thinking about what stats favour your style. Are you going all in on strength and being more of a glass cannon, making defence and vitality (health) higher to give yourself more of a chance, or spreading things around a bit?

It looks like it’s the first game you’re playing so one thing to consider later in the game is that some combat abilities can only be used/unlocked with stats at a certain level but, again, that wasn’t a deal breaker for me at any point.

tl;dr I don’t think it makes a huge difference in the end really.



@Thrillho Appreciate the feedback mate, helped a lot. I hadn’t even seen the L3 prompt 🙄

I’m trying my hardest to be as relaxed with it all but i had so much gear and other rubbish it was becoming a bit overwhelming.

I’ve tried to keep an even spread with subsequent upgrades including keeping the original armour. I’ve also acquired some decent gauntlet things since too so i think I’m in fairly good shape.

Really trying to not be obsessive about it and enjoy the story! 😂

Edited on by AgentCooper

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


What a difference a few days make, I’ve made some good progress and getting my head round the various combos and strategies for the various enemy types. I’ve just fought Daniel Faraday on a dragon which was truly epic! Every time I think there can’t be a set piece or area that blows me away, another one pops up. In short I’m having a blast and coming from a more apprehensive position last week it feels all the more sweeter.

That gum you like is going to come back in style!


@AgentCooper The combat in both games is great as it can be really easy to use but also has some great depth to it, particularly when you unlock and use the stance changes (a move where you pause after an attack, Kratos changes stance and then had new attacks to use).

It just feels great to play too.

The method of unlocking moves by using them in Ragnarok I think works better but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with how it works in the first game.

Glad you’re having fun!


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