Days Gone is a single player only experience, but World War Z developer Saber Interactive has gone on record claiming that it pitched a mode to Sony which was declined. This is probably what it would have looked like: players versus players versus zombies. The clip reveals a class-based competitive environment, whereby you’ll need to fend off an opposing team – and swarms of the undead.

There will be five modes in World War Z at launch, and here’s the full lineup:

  • Scavenge Raid: players race to secure resources across the map to win
  • Vaccine Hunt: players must pick up and hold an object to earn point for the team
  • Swarm Deathmatch: two teams go head-to-head in a bitter fight to the end
  • Swarm Domination: capture zones to earn points and win a team victory
  • King of the Hill: capture a single hill, then control it to earn victory points

In addition to competitive multiplayer, the title will also feature a four-player co-op mode, where you’ll need to fight off swarms of the infected. Do you think modes like this could have enhanced Sony Bend’s upcoming open world exclusive, or are you happy that the platform holder stuck to its guns and focused on the release’s single player?
