Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 PS4 PlayStation 4

As you no doubt will have guessed, Call of Duty and Sony are still partnered up on the marketing front, and that extends to future DLC for the upcoming entry. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 will be supported with new content after launch, and it'll arrive on PS4 first. It's not as bad as it sounds, though; the timed exclusivity is just for one week.

Treyarch's initial plans for Black Ops 4's post launch content includes new multiplayer maps, such as the popular Nuketown, new characters, a raft of updates to the battle royale mode Blackout, and ongoing events. With no story campaign to fall back on, the developer seems to be planning on keeping players in the game long term, as has become the trend in many multiplayer shooters.

Are you excited for Call of Duty: Black Ops 4? Do you see yourself playing it constantly as Treyarch trickles out updates? Draw your weapons in the comments below.
