God of War: Ascension

If you’ve already exceeded God of War: Ascension’s level cap, then you’ll no doubt appreciate the title’s upcoming update. The impending patch – dubbed version 1.04 – will raise the game’s multiplayer level cap from 30 to 40, providing you with a further ten stages to demonstrate your dedication to the Gods.

In addition to the new levels, the update will add a fresh item, two relics, and an ultimate magic for each allegiance. But that’s not all. The patch will also incorporate a stats screen that will allow you to peruse your various records in battle, as well as fix those pesky audio issues that were present at launch.

There’s more information about the hunky update available on the PlayStation Blog. According to designer Vincent Napoli, we should start learning about the game’s first DLC packs soon, too. What are you hoping to see added to God of War: Ascension’s multiplayer over the coming months? Let us know in the comments section below.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]