Ultimate match-up

Sony’s followed up yesterday’s unfortunate leak with confirmation of Raiden’s inclusion in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale. The Metal Gear cyborg is described as a “close-ranged fighter who is capable of building tremendous amounts of AP with various combos and juggles”. He takes advantage of a unique chain-attack system that lets him “branch off into different combo attacks depending on the string of attacks input by the player”. The swordsman is equally offensive on both the ground and in the air.

In addition, Raiden has the ability to defend against attacks from behind using stabs and parries, which is particularly effective in chaotic four-player matches. One of the character’s special moves mimics the mechanics from upcoming title Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, allowing you to precisely slash your foes using the right analogue stick.

Developer SuperBot Entertainment has also confirmed the inclusion of a new stage. The Time Station is based upon Ape Escape’s infamous hub world, and features the lingering figure of antagonist Specter in the background.

More announcements are set to take place at PAX Prime 2012 over the weekend. Judging from the game’s recent leak, you can expect to see Heavenly Sword’s Nariko and MediEvil’s Sir Daniel Fortesque join the party.

In the meantime, check out the first footage of Raiden embedded below.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]