The Studio's Bringing Art To The XMB.

Sony's teamed up with a bunch of talented artists to make your XMB (on either PS3 or PSP) a touch more artistic. Catalogued under the banner "The Studio", you'll find a bunch of really cool dynamic and static themes on the PlayStation Store from today. Artists include Rex Coyle (LittleBigPlanet) and Jasper Goodall (Muse).

If you're not keen on buying themes without previewing them, you can check out more information and videos on the PlayStation Blog. Apparently these themes are the first from The Studio, but we should expect more on a weekly or monthly basis. We're really impressed with the ones available so far, and can't wait to see what wacky designs release in the future.

For now we'll make do with the black and white one featuring a dog on a skateboard. Seriously. It exists. Buy it now.