
Also Known As
Zombie Vikings: Ragnarök Edition
Number of Players
Release Date

PlayStation Store

  • US 1st Sep 2015, $19.99
  • EU 1st Sep 2015, £15.99

PlayStation 4

  • EU 22nd Apr 2016
Also Available On
Official Site


  • Review Zombie Vikings (PS4)

    Norse so bad

    Zombie Vikings trades heavily on its character, and what's here shows a lot of heart and creativity – but it's mired by repetition, which means that while this brawler is charming enough to capture your attention, it's unlikely to hold onto it for long. A big part of its appeal is its aesthetic. Much like developer Zoink Games'...

Screenshots 7

Zombie Vikings Screenshot
Zombie Vikings Screenshot
Zombie Vikings Screenshot
Zombie Vikings Screenshot
Zombie Vikings Screenshot
Zombie Vikings Screenshot
Zombie Vikings Screenshot

Zombie Vikings News


About The Game

Loki is at it again, and in an act of brutal mischief steals Odin's remaining good eye. Thor and the other gods are too busy partying. Blind as a bat Odin is left with desperate measures: he raises four of the most fearsome Zombie Vikings – Gunborg, Seagurd, Hedgy and Caw-kaa – out of the Norse soil. This putrid posse is sent on an epic quest through the most wondrous of worlds to retrieve The Eye, and to make peace with their rotten pasts.