Rise of the Ronin Review Poll

Rise of the Ronin has been out for just over a week now, and so we want to know what you think of Team Ninja's open world action RPG. Published by Sony itself, this PS5 exclusive was met with somewhat divided reviews, and so currently sits at a 76 on Metacritic. User impressions have been more lenient overall, but it's still hard to shake the feeling that Rise of the Ronin has struggled to make any kind of significant impact.

"Rise of the Ronin isn't a bad game; it's something debatably worse: completely forgettable," is what we wrote in our Rise of the Ronin PS5 review. While we praised its tense combat system, we just couldn't overlook how boring and by-the-number its open world design is. We gave it a 'not bad' but rather disappointing score of 6/10.

But now it's your turn. What review score would you give Rise of the Ronin? Rate it for yourself in our poll, and then explain your opinion in the comments section below.

What score would you give Rise of the Ronin (PS5)?

Please note voting will score the game in your games collection