Tag: Bethesda - Page 18

  • News The Elder Scrolls Online Will Consume Your PS4 in June

    Take the trip to Tamriel

    We sincerely hope that you haven’t got any plans for the summer, because Bethesda has just confirmed that The Elder Scrolls Online is set to embark on an epic adventure on the PlayStation 4 in June. The hotly anticipated MMO is due out a little earlier on the PC, which should give the publisher time to squash the title’s...

  • News You Really Shouldn't Expect Oculus Rift Support on PS4

    John Carmack's not holding his breath

    In a development about as predictable as the day making way for night, industry legend John Carmack has quit his role at id Software. The writing was on the wall earlier in the year when the DOOM programmer announced that he would split his time between the Bethesda owned outfit and Oculus VR, the firm behind...

  • News Fallout 4 Trademark Steps Out of Bethesda's Legal Vault

    Boston dead sox

    Steel yourself for a nuclear bomb, as it sounds like Bethesda is ready to pull the irradiated wrapping off the rumoured Fallout 4. A trademark registration for the unannounced release – which has been the source of copious speculation over the past twelve months – has just popped up on a European classifications website, pouring...

  • TGS 2013 The Evil Within Pulls Out Its Power Tools

    New trailer ain't for the fainthearted

    If your stomach is still feeling a little unsettled after the curious tasting curry that you gobbled last night, then you may want to save this brand new The Evil Within trailer until your tummy’s stopped performing somersaults. The footage – released to coincide with the Tokyo Game Show this week –...

  • DLC Review Stirring the Pot in Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches

    Twist of fate

    Dishonored’s latest DLC completes raspy-voiced assassin Daud’s story, continuing from previous add-on The Knife of Dunwall, as he pursues the mysterious Brigmore Witches and their leader, Delilah. Of course, if you’ve played through the original game, you’ll have some idea as to how Daud’s tale comes to an end. As such, the...

  • News By the Nine! The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Voted Game of the Generation on Amazon

    Dragonborn to win

    Running from 1st June to 4th August, mammoth online retailer Amazon.co.uk hosted a poll which pitted some of the biggest games of this console generation against each other in a tournament-style showdown. And Bethesda's open world epic, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, came out on top. The 2011 release fought off Super Mario Galaxy,...

  • News Carmack: Sony Has Made Large Strides with the PS4

    Legendary programmer fond of next generation system

    John Carmack, id Software’s veteran co-founder, has admitted that he’s pretty impressed with the PlayStation 4. Speaking as part of another enormous three-hour keynote at QuakeCon, the Wolfenstein 3D programmer praised the impending console – and suggested that the Japanese giant has done a...

  • News Wolfenstein: The New Order Fired into Next Year

    Back in the barrel

    Wolfenstein: The New Order, the brash first-person reboot by MachineGames, has been delayed until 2014, Bethesda executive Pete Hines has told Polygon. The title had previously targeted a release on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 this year, but the developer is supposedly struggling with cross-generation development...

  • News Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches Stirs Up August Release

    Toil and trouble

    French developer Arkane Studios will conclude Dishonored’s post-release strategy with a third DLC pack named ‘The Brigmore Witches’. The expansion – which is due out on 13th August in North America and 14th August in Europe – will pick up where ‘The Knife of Dunwall’ left off, directly after antagonist Daud’s...

  • Preview Hopping Away from The Evil Within, the Scariest Game on PS4

    Lopped legs

    Despite what the developers may tell you, survival horror is as dead as the butchered corpses that once tormented the genre. Franchises that founded the format – the likes of Resident Evil, Silent Hill, and, to a lesser extent, Alone in the Dark – have gradually shed their endurance aspects, favouring rote supernatural shootouts in...

  • First Impressions Brash Is Back in Wolfenstein: The New Order on PS4

    Reich for the stars

    Wolfenstein: The New Order is unashamedly old-school. The product of Swedish upstart Machine Games – a new outfit comprised of Starbreeze veterans – the revamp endeavours to ditch the conventions that have consumed the first-person genre over the course of the current generation, evangelising classic staples such as medkits,...

  • E3 2013 The Elder Scrolls Online Scribes a New Chapter on PS4

    Tamriel beckons

    The Elder Scrolls Online, the series' first foray into the MMO market, is heading to the PlayStation 4, Sony revealed during its E3 2013 keynote. The game, which sees you questing, journeying, and battling with friends and strangers alike, is set for a Spring 2014 release. The firm was also eager to announce a partnership with...

  • E3 2013 Wolfenstein: The New Order Trailer Drops Some Big Bombs

    Afraid of the future

    Wolfenstein: The New Order may essentially boil down to another first-person shooter with mechs, but at least developer Machine Games has gone out of its way to include some harrowing imagery in this E3 trailer. We’re not talking about the Nazi branded bombs or even the moon landing – but that terrifying alternate version of...

  • News Wolfenstein: The New Order Targets the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4

    Reboot assaulting store shelves soon

    Wolfenstein: The New Order will re-imagine id’s first-person classic on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 later this year. Bethesda teased the title overnight, but has now officially confirmed the shooter. The release is in development at MachineGames, a studio comprising of ex-Starbreeze veterans. "We are...

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition Rides Again in June

    Loot the complete adventure this summer

    As expected, Bethesda has officially confirmed that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition will saddle up and trot onto store shelves on 4th June in North America and 7th June in Europe. The re-release – which bundles the core campaign with all of its DLC – will set you back $59.99/£39.99...

  • News Tango Gameworks Will Employ id Tech 5 to Uncover The Evil Within

    Supernova of horror

    The Evil Within, Shinji Mikami’s macabre return to the forefront of survival horror, will take advantage of Bethesda’s proprietary id Tech 5 engine, according to information posted to the publisher’s Japanese website. The snippet – kindly translated by Gematsu – was accompanied by a slew of details about the game...

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Targeting Legendary Status with New Release

    All you ever wanted, all you ever needed

    Bethesda may have turned its attention away from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in favour of a more grotesque experience, but that’s not stopping the publisher from repackaging the title with all of its DLC.

  • News Shinji Mikami's The Evil Within Spooking PS3 and PS4 Next Year

    Don't worry, it's just tomato sauce

    Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami is returning to his roots on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 next year with The Evil Within. The title – which publisher Bethesda has been teasing for the past couple of days – was revealed on IGN mere moments ago, alongside a genuinely haunting li

  • News Bethesda Teases Mysterious Project, Laps Up the Fallout

    Zwei to go

    Hours after putting The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim out to pasture, Bethesda has launched a teaser for a new title. The publisher uploaded a mysterious video onto its Twitter account this afternoon, showing little more than barbed wire, a few books, and a vinyl record. Contrary to public opinion, though,

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC Done, Bethesda Switching to 'Next Adventure'

    Fus ro dah

    With hundreds of hours already on offer, Bethesda has ruled out the possibility of any further The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim content. Writing on its official blog, the company revealed that it's leaving behind the snowy peaks of Hrothgar in favour of its (hopefully warmer) next big adventure. "Skyrim has been a labour of love for us since...

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Lands Legendary v1.9 Update Later Today

    New features added to open world epic

    Bethesda will freshen up the PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on PlayStation 3 later today, with the publisher confirming that the recently announced v1.9 update will deploy shortly. As previously detailed, the patch will include a laundry list of bug fixes, in addition to a new Legendary...

  • News Dishonored's 'The Knife of Dunwall' DLC Draws Blood in April

    New content unsheathed for stealth title

    Bethesda’s brilliant stealth sandbox Dishonored will make a comeback in April, as the title explores the narrative of antagonist assassin Daud in a new expansion named ‘The Knife of Dunwall’. The add-on – which is apparently the first of two story-based expansions – will launch on 16th April in...

  • News Dishonored Developer Says That PlayStation 4 Is a Joy

    Delighted with the extra memory

    One of the developers behind last year’s surprise hit Dishonored has described Sony’s next generation system as “a joy”. Chatting with Eurogamer.net directly after last week’s BAFTAs, lead level designer Christopher Carrier revealed that the PlayStation 4’s surprise inclusion o

  • News Skyrim Version 1.9 Enters Beta, Venturing to PS3 This Month

    Keep on slayin’

    You have to give Bethesda credit for continuing to support The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim for more than a year – and it seems like they have no intention of stopping just yet. The company has announced a brand new update for the open world epic, and it adds a couple of surprising new features. Firstly, a new ‘Legendary’...

  • First Impressions Taking Sides with Skyrim’s Dawnguard DLC

    Bloody good

    Consider Dawnguard’s arrival on PlayStation 3 a late Hallowe’en present from Bethesda. The latest The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim expansion is full of vampires, creepy rituals, spooky old castles, and a lot of violence. There’s also a lot of epic questing thrown in for good measure, too. Just like Dragonborn, there’s an awful lot...

  • News Leaked Dishonored DLC Explores the Other Side of the Coin

    There are two sides to every story

    Dishonored will get a second helping of post-release content named ‘The Other Side of the Coin’ shortly, if a new batch of leaked Trophies are to be believed. The digital trinkets – which popped up on PS3Trophies.org earlier today – point to the addition of new story content, evidenced by the reward...

  • First Impressions Make a House a Home with Skyrim's Hearthfire DLC

    Sitting beside the furnace

    Hearthfire isn’t quite what you’d expect from a piece of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC. This doesn't offer an epic journey into the heart of an unknown land – it’s about expanding your experience through lovey-dovey stuff like making you and your spouse a new residence from scratch, or adopting children. In...

  • First Impressions Exploring The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's Dragonborn DLC

    Back to the brink

    After more than a year without DLC, the PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim finally gets some love from Bethesda. In this case, the latest Skyrim DLC to release on other platforms is the first on PS3 – and it’s arguably the best of the bunch. In an attempt to make up for the delay, Bethesda and Sony saw fit to...

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Expands from 12th February

    Fashionably late

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s long-overdue DLC will finally stumble onto the PlayStation 3 in North America this month. The first pack, Dragonborn, will arrive on 12th February, and will be followed by Hearthfire on 19th February and Dawnguard on 26th February. There’s no word on a European release just yet, but publisher...

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC Travels to PS3 in February

    Sound the trumpets

    It’s been a long, laborious journey, but The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s DLC will finally arrive on PlayStation 3 in February. Bethesda confirmed the glad tidings in a PlayStation Blog post, noting that Dragonborn, Hearthfire, and Dawnguard will all launch within the window, and will be accompanied by a 50 per cent discount to...

  • News Is There a New Fallout Sequel on the Horizon?

    We certainly hope so

    Sometimes it can be tough to keep your mouth shut. Projects leak all of the time thanks to loose lips – it’s what keeps our job interesting. But you’ve got to give credit to Fallout 3 voice actor Erik Todd Dellums: at least he checked first. Posting on Twitter late last night, the voiceover artist – best known for his...

  • News New Dishonored DLC Trailer Drops Some Different Beats

    Rap master

    Dishonored publisher Bethesda has clearly exhausted its reserve of creepy nursery rhymes, as it’s been forced to use a fan-made rap song for this debut Dunwall City Trials trailer. The video demonstrates the various deadly activities you can expect to occupy your time when the expansion launches next week. It’ll set you back...

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC Spreads to PS3 in Early 2013

    No, really

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s latest expansion pack Dragonborn will fly onto the PlayStation 3 in early 2013, publisher Bethesda has announced. The add-on is due out on the Xbox 360 tomorrow, but will officially spread to Sony’s system next year. It concludes almost a year of excuses from the developer, as content has frequently sk

  • News RAGE's Anger Reignites with New DLC Expansion

    You remember RAGE, right?

    We’re so used to post-release plans being perfectly calculated that the apparent addition of new RAGE DLC has left us a little confused. It’s been over a year since the first-person shooter originally launched on PlayStation 3, and it hasn’t exactly maintained much mindshare since then. As such, the addition of ten...

  • News Bethesda States That Skyrim DLC Is Still Coming to PS3

    Keep your cool

    You’d be forgiven for forgetting about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s DLC, but Bethesda promises that the content is still coming to the PlayStation 3. The publisher has spent an entire year trying to port the title’s expansion packs to Sony's system, but has so far failed to launch any post-release content for the platform...

  • News Dishonored 'Dunwall City Trials' DLC Deploys on 11th December

    Refresher course

    The monarchs of Dunwall would like to cordially invite you to the City Trials set to take place in critically acclaimed PlayStation 3 adventure Dishonored next month. From 11th December, those who cough up the $4.99/£3.99 entrance fee will be able to partake in 10 challenge maps that have been specially designed to analyse your...

  • News DOOM Classic Collection Targets the PlayStation Network

    No sign of The Rock

    If your trigger finger’s itching for some old-school first-person action, then the DOOM Classic Collection should catch your attention. The downloadable compilation – mentioned on this week’s episode of the PlayStation Blogcast among other places – will comprise DOOM, DOOM 2, and Final DOOM. The first two titles were...

  • News The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim's DLC Is Finally Coming to PS3


    After what seems like an eternity, Bethesda has confirmed that it is "close" to releasing new content for the PlayStation 3 version of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Technical issues have delayed the content for months, despite it launching on the Xbox 360 and PC. But in a nonchalant Tweet posted earlier today, the publisher revealed that...

  • News Skyrim Premium Edition Explores Certain European Territories

    Specific path

    As leaked by Amazon Germany earlier today, Bethesda is planning to release a Premium Edition of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in certain territories across Europe. The specially prepared bundle will include a copy of the game, world map, t-shirt, novel, and six postcards. The package will release in the UK, Germany, and Benelux, but...

  • News Test Your Might Against Dishonored's Dunwall City Trials

    Shadow man

    Reckon you’ve got the best of Dunwall’s royal guard? You’ll be able to put your confidence to the test this December with Dishonored’s first expansion pack, Dunwall City Trials. The add-on includes “10 Challenge Maps” that will examine your skill against waves of enemies, time-trials, and a “gravity-defying run of drop...

  • News Dishonored Launch Trailer Takes No Prisoners

    Cut throat

    If you haven’t already seen the piles of praise being tossed at Dishonored, then this launch trailer should get you up to speed. Between scenes of protagonist Corvo slitting unsuspecting throats, there’s a selection of lofty media quotes. We’re playing the title right now, and can confirm that it’s pretty good. We’re not willing...

  • News Bethesda: It's On Us to Solve Skyrim's DLC Woes

    Shouldering responsibility

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s second major expansion pack, Hearthfire, launched on PC this week – but the post-release discussion has been focused solely on the content’s absence on PlayStation 3. Bethesda admitted recently that it was struggling to get the expansion – and its predecessor, Dawnguard – to run on...

  • News Sony Working with Bethesda to Solve Skyrim DLC Woes

    No guarantees

    While Xbox 360 owners enjoy the second The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim DLC pack, developer Bethesda has yet to release the first expansion on PlayStation 3. In fact, the company has revealed that it's struggling to get the content running on Sony’s platform at all – an unsurprising admission considering the game’s troubled launch...

  • News Bethesda Still Struggling with Dawnguard DLC on PS3

    No solution in sight

    Bethesda has warned that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim’s Dawnguard DLC pack may never release on PlayStation 3. The content launched on Xbox 360 earlier this year, prompting the developer to release a statement noting that it was having difficulties with the PS3. Those issues are ongoing according to the company’s community...

  • News New Dishonored Trailer Comes Out of Hiding

    The essence of invisibility

    Stealth gameplay in Bethesda’s upcoming Dishonored promises to be a bit more engaging than simply studying guard patterns. Instead you’ll need to take into account sound, peripheral vision and cover. Blowing out candles and peaking around corners will give you an advantage over your pursuers – assuming you’ve got...

  • News Prey 2 Removed from Bethesda's Website

    Logical explanation

    The drama surrounding Prey 2 has reared its ugly head once again – this time due to the fact that the delayed title has been removed from Bethesda’s recently revamped website. "Since we had already announced it wasn't coming out this year, we simply didn't think it'd be appropriate to include it on the new site launch," Pete...

  • Rumour Bethesda Scouting Boston Area for Fallout 4

    Red shift

    Bethesda is supposedly researching Boston for Fallout 4, an anonymous tipster has revealed. The spy said on Reddit: “The rumours are true, Fallout 4 will take place in Boston. In case you haven’t heard, Bethesda has recently been scoping out and researching Boston. They also have a strong connection to MIT [Massachusetts Institute of...

  • News Skyrim Version 1.7 Travels to PS3 This Week

    The long and winding road

    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim will finally be updated to version 1.7 in North America this week. European players will have to wait an extra week, because, well, it’s customary on these shores, isn’t it? The patch implements a number of bug fixes, including “general memory and stability optimisations”. Unfortunately,...

  • News Bethesda Reveals Bumper Cast for Dishonored

    Trip the light fantastic

    Bethesda sure knows how to splash the cash on outrageous voice talent. The publisher has announced the cast-list for upcoming PS3 adventure Dishonored, and it’s practically bulging with Hollywood talent. Rocky Horror Picture Show legend Susan Sarandon will make her video game debut as Granny Rags, a mad old lady who’s...

  • News Skyrim's Dawnguard DLC "Unsatisfactory" on PS3

    Long wait ahead

    Most developers have come to terms with the PlayStation 3’s unique architecture. Unlike at the start of the generation, it's now rare for a multiplatform title to perform significantly worse on Sony’s black box of tricks – but Bethesda’s The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim remains a notable exception. The title launched in a...