
Topic: Did you know your PS5 is rare if

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You have the “Matrix Awakens” demo on it ?



@QualityGeezer Because its now 'delisted' - like the 'PT' demo on PS4. I don't know if it can be re-downloaded - but even if it can, there is still only a limited number of PS5 users that can play the Matrix demo as those that missed it can't 'get' it on their PS5...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


@BAMozzy that makes sense, just checked it appears I can re-download it



@QualityGeezer would you sell your ps5 for about $1000 and then buy another one ?

i’m thinking about it 😂

make a quick $500



@QualityGeezer you have the matrix demo right ? since there’s a rare game on it , there’s people out there willing to pay that much to have a ps5 with a rare game on it , like how P.T. was for the ps4



I'd love to know what percentage of working PS4s still have PT on them. Can't be a gigantic number. Every year that passes, I feel increasingly privileged to be able to play a genuinely almost unobtainable game.

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah Is it really 'worth' it? I'd hardly call it a 'game'. Its probably as 'rare' as some of those old 'demo' discs you got with Magazines as most of those ended up being lost or thrown away. Some had demos that never ended up releasing too.

The Matrix Awakens was more of an Advertisement for both the Matrix movie and Unreal Engine 5. The short 'on rails' section is really the 'only' bit of game you have, the rest is just a showcase of UE5 - there is 'no' story, no structure or missions to complete. Its just there to show you what UE5 can offer and maybe 'inspire' people to build games in UE5. Its not too much of a stretch to 'imagine' GTA or Spider-Man/Superman in UE5 if they write a 'story' and decide what players need to do in that city etc.

I don't know about PT as I never played it but its not what I would consider a 'game' and even a 'demo' is perhaps pushing it too - a 'Playable Teaser', a playable advert for something that ended up not getting made - its more a Curio. There are 'rare' complete games that are delisted and 'unobtainable' so a short little demo/teaser is likely to appeal to only the most dedicated fans.

Its still a rarity for sure and you are one of a select group that have played it so you do have that 'privilege' and still having access does give you something 'few' can still do today. I am sure I have some old Demo discs in storage that may have extremely Rare demo's on them - inc some that may have games that didn't end up releasing too - at least not on that platform...

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


@nomither6 I don't think it's your PS5, it's the account on your PS5. My account is worth more than $500 excluding the matrix demo (which I never did get around to playing).



@BAMozzy It has a beginning, middle, and end, as well as a unique narrative thread that runs through it. It's a walking simulator, but so are many commercially sold products. It's not a chunk of a larger game like your PS1 demo discs were.

It literally could have been a $5 game on PSN and nobody would have batted an eye.

It's still one of the freakier horror games I've played to date. It sucks that people who didn't own a PS4 early on will likely never get to experience it.

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (PC); Unicorn Overlord (NS)

PSN: Ralizah


Just fired up my PS5, and it does re-download. For what it's worth, there are a whole host of games we shall never see again. Most of them are now-offline MMOs, MOBAs and always online games. This year we've seen like 10 of them announce their closure, so what constitutes a lost game at this point?


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