
Topic: Ideas for the site.

Posts 61 to 80 of 1,107


get2sammyb wrote:

We'll probably experiment with it this week and see how it does.

Nice, never expected that great stuff.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Can you guys get rid of the noise making video ads that automatically play? It's beyond annoying to leave a Push Square tab open and then start to hear an ad playing.



Option to hide certain comments.

PSN: Ultranomnom

I'll take the Vita to the grave with me, even if Sony won't.

PSN: Ultranomnom


NomNom wrote:

Option to hide certain comments.

Yeah, I want that option too =). Good thinking =).



@NomNom @Gemuarto I like reading the comments, the community here is excellent and Tasuki keeps a tight ship. Sammy and Shogun reply loads as well why do you want that? Dont you 2 comment a lot as well :/

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


themcnoisy wrote:

@NomNom @Gemuarto I like reading the comments, the community here is excellent and Tasuki keeps a tight ship. Sammy and Shogun reply loads as well why do you want that? Dont you 2 comment a lot as well :/

There is nothing exceptionally wrong with the community, it is quite good, and I do comment often, as does Gemuarto, I just feel that, although posters keep it civil (thankfully), some comments are sarcastic, arrogant, or may in a roundabout way be offensive, I just want posters to have the option to hide such comments, so that it won't hinder their stay on this site. Nothing more, nothing less.

PSN: Ultranomnom

I'll take the Vita to the grave with me, even if Sony won't.

PSN: Ultranomnom


Jaz007 wrote:

Can you guys get rid of the noise making video ads that automatically play? It's beyond annoying to leave a Push Square tab open and then start to hear an ad playing.

This would be great. I also wouldn't mind paying a (low) monthly subscription to use the site and remove all ads. Could use a dual system where subscribers don't get ads at all, whereas those who use it free still have the ads littered around. It is my primary source of Playstation News.

PSN: Ultranomnom

I'll take the Vita to the grave with me, even if Sony won't.

PSN: Ultranomnom


NomNom wrote:

Jaz007 wrote:

Can you guys get rid of the noise making video ads that automatically play? It's beyond annoying to leave a Push Square tab open and then start to hear an ad playing.

This would be great. I also wouldn't mind paying a (low) monthly subscription to use the site and remove all ads. Could use a dual system where subscribers don't get ads at all, whereas those who use it free still have the ads littered around. It is my primary source of Playstation News.

Just install an Ad Blocker into your browser. I never see any annoying ads on any site

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

Feel free to add me but please send a message so I know where you know me from...

PSN: TaimeDowne


BAMozzy wrote:

NomNom wrote:

Jaz007 wrote:

Can you guys get rid of the noise making video ads that automatically play? It's beyond annoying to leave a Push Square tab open and then start to hear an ad playing.

This would be great. I also wouldn't mind paying a (low) monthly subscription to use the site and remove all ads. Could use a dual system where subscribers don't get ads at all, whereas those who use it free still have the ads littered around. It is my primary source of Playstation News.

Just install an Ad Blocker into your browser. I never see any annoying ads on any site

Honestly we ask you guys not to use Ad Blocker and if you do please disable it when visiting this site. It's how we keep this site going. Without the ads this site wouldn't be here for you all to enjoy.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


So what happen to reporting on Xur in Destiny? I thought you guys were gonna try in out.



What has happened to the front page?! I hope this is just for E3. I prefer the one story per line format :/


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


iDangerMouse_ wrote:

ZeD wrote:

What has happened to the front page?! I hope this is just for E3. I prefer the one story per line format :/

Scroll to the bottom of the page and you can change it!


Thank You! Some parts looks OK but to be honest is is a mess! Looking at it again I think it is all the game boxes at the bottom causing the issue. Also do the story boxes switch around like they do when some one comments?

Edit: looks good on mobile!

Edited on by ZeD


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


ZeD wrote:

What has happened to the front page?! I hope this is just for E3. I prefer the one story per line format :/

Anything you don't like about it? I'm sure @antdickens is open to feedback.

Jaz007 wrote:

So what happen to reporting on Xur in Destiny? I thought you guys were gonna try in out.

I do still plan to do it... Sorry it's taken this long to materialise.


@get2sammyb yeah the articles were out of order earlier and the extra pictures if the games made my screen hop around so I couldn't click on anything.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


@antdickens @get2sammyb
I like the front page update but it feel cramped.

  • On my view on the right side there is about 1/3 empty space (with an ad) that needs to be used for content. When I did my Web Design course, we were encouraged to use as much space as possible. — On-my-view-on-the-right-side-there-is-about-1-3-empty-space-with-an-ad-that-needs-to-be-used-for-content-When-I-did-my-Web-Design-course-we-were-encouraged-to-use-as-much-space-as-possible
  • The images for the games need to be different to the news. Let me explain my madness - if you quickly look on the front page at the games they look like news articles. I know upon looking again they are just links to games. — #The-images-for-the-games-need-to-be-different-to-the-news-Let-me-explain-my-madness---if-you-quickly-look-on-the-front-page-at-the-games-they-look-like-news-articles-I-know-upon-looking-again-they-are-just-links-to-games

Like I sad - I like some of the changes. it is a fresh, organic layout but just needs tweaking a little. Also why to the posts hop around?

EDIT: Why have all my words got dashes in them?

Edited on by ZeD


PSN: KratosRisesAgain | Twitter:


Why on Earth do the story boxes/links keep rotating around? Bit odd. The Transformers story went from first to fifth to second to sixth within the space of about fifteen seconds. Wasn't just that one but I picked one to follow it round.

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


ZeD wrote:

@antdickens @get2sammyb
I like the front page update but it feel cramped.

  • On my view on the right side there is about 1/3 empty space (with an ad) that needs to be used for content. When I did my Web Design course, we were encouraged to use as much space as possible. — On-my-view-on-the-right-side-there-is-about-1-3-empty-space-with-an-ad-that-needs-to-be-used-for-content-When-I-did-my-Web-Design-course-we-were-encouraged-to-use-as-much-space-as-possible
  • The images for the games need to be different to the news. Let me explain my madness - if you quickly look on the front page at the games they look like news articles. I know upon looking again they are just links to games. — #The-images-for-the-games-need-to-be-different-to-the-news-Let-me-explain-my-madness---if-you-quickly-look-on-the-front-page-at-the-games-they-look-like-news-articles-I-know-upon-looking-again-they-are-just-links-to-games

Like I sad - I like some of the changes. it is a fresh, organic layout but just needs tweaking a little. Also why to the posts hop around?

EDIT: Why have all my words got dashes in them?

Absolutely no idea?

@rastamadeus: I believe it's reacting to what's trending at the time. I'll make sure Ant's aware of this issue, though - he may be able to make it so it stays still while your cursor's hovering.


get2sammyb wrote:

@Tasuki That'll all be back after E3, so just like this for a few days.

@themcnoisy Has it settled down now?

seems to be working now This is similar to Eurogamers look on my phone. Please dont add the positive/negative on the comments though it just encourages trolls.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy

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