
Topic: Ideas for the site.

Posts 41 to 60 of 1,107


Can we have a hyperlink at the bottom of an article back to the main page? There's a push square logo just plop it on there. I always read the articles and comments and due to my phone I have to scroll back to the top to get back to the home page.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


Its a windows phone (boooo) and it doesn't work tapping back, it just goes to my previously viewed site like Facebook or Bbc news. There is a workaround by tapping the PUSH SQURE, part of Nlife ltd at the bottom of the page and then going to the home page from there - but I only found that out before. most sites have a hyperlink back at the bottom of the page as it could be an issue with other phones but I'm only guessing and it could just be windows phones.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


This is going to be a little long winded because I've been holding off mentioning it but I think now is the right time. I have my account set up to get e-mails when there's a reply to me and after just sorting through ones from the last few days I saw some stuff that outraged me, especially since there was no way I could properly respond to defend myself. This is on top of some other stuff that has been bothering me. I get this is a family site and we don't want it to become the cesspool that is the youtube gaming community, and I don't want to be banned so I've done my best to keep the language as clean as I can and try to be as respectful as possible but I am close to a point where I might snap any day and I think it's something some people here want to have happen judging by some of the nature of the responses I get. So, basically, I'm just asking, is there any way to get an ignore feature for this website? I know this is a trio of websites but anyway Sammy, Ken and whoever runs NL can get together and maybe set up a vote? If nobody else wants it that's fine, but I think this website would benefit big time from it. There's a lot of people who don't care for my comments and the feeling is mutual. I don't want this to become a situation like Nintendo Life though where it's a great website but I have to stop commenting because anything I say that people don't agree with is met with vile garbage.

Edited on by Gamer83



Fair enough, but I think works better than any other option.


  • A better way to easily reply to a persons comment.
  • The ability to change your name an unlimited amount of times and not have to wait several weeks(testing this name & wish I just kept my old username.
  • More articles that the editors, writers did on video games. "What are you playing this weekend" is a pretty unique thing for the site. I know a good sum articles are similar to other websites but that could be from my obsession on wanting to stay on top of all things PlayStation.
  • MORE POLLS! I enjoy seeing statistics
  • Contests
  • Have one of the members of the site submit articles to be featured on gaming on any vast topic

You guys are pretty much doing great!


PSN: SillyBoyJudas


iGaymerGuyJudas wrote:

  • A better way to easily reply to a persons comment.
  • The ability to change your name an unlimited amount of times and not have to wait several weeks(testing this name & wish I just kept my old username.
  • More articles that the editors, writers did on video games. "What are you playing this weekend" is a pretty unique thing for the site. I know a good sum articles are similar to other websites but that could be from my obsession on wanting to stay on top of all things PlayStation.
  • MORE POLLS! I enjoy seeing statistics
  • Contests
  • Have one of the members of the site submit articles to be featured on gaming on any vast topic

You guys are pretty much doing great!

Hey man, I'm going to quickly go through these one by one.

  • What sort of features do you think would make replying easier?
  • That's probably one more for @antdickens, though I'm sure there's a technical reason as to why it's limited.
  • You want to know more about what we're playing? Certain things we've achieved in games? Stuff like that? Basically, more opinion articles about specific games, perhaps? Noted.
  • I enjoy polls, too. Noted.
  • We tend to do a lot of competitions on social media these days because it's quicker and easier, but ok. Noted.
  • Like a user submitted article? I quite like the idea, I know this is something that Kotaku's done in the past. Noted.

Thanks for the feedback, and glad you like the site!


Nintendolife did an editorial the other week about nintendo going mobile which was really interesting, perhaps more of that sort of content would be good on this site? As in more general articles concerning playstation as a whole in comparison to specific games, what the future might hold etc. I'm not explaining this very well but if you read the article hopefully you'll know what i mean!

PSN id: TXP184


1) Can we have a reply button in the forums as quoting all of the time leaves a wall of text? 2) i agree with gaymerguyjudas polls are fun, and the what are you playing this weekend article and the way you end your articles by encouraging discussion and comments are great and polls can help in other articles. 3) There should also be links to join push square clans - as although badmutha told me about them I have no idea where they are.

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


get2sammyb wrote:

iGaymerGuyJudas wrote:

  • A better way to easily reply to a persons comment.
  • The ability to change your name an unlimited amount of times and not have to wait several weeks(testing this name & wish I just kept my old username.
  • More articles that the editors, writers did on video games. "What are you playing this weekend" is a pretty unique thing for the site. I know a good sum articles are similar to other websites but that could be from my obsession on wanting to stay on top of all things PlayStation.
  • MORE POLLS! I enjoy seeing statistics
  • Contests
  • Have one of the members of the site submit articles to be featured on gaming on any vast topic

You guys are pretty much doing great!

Hey man, I'm going to quickly go through these one by one.

  • What sort of features do you think would make replying easier?
  • That's probably one more for @antdickens, though I'm sure there's a technical reason as to why it's limited.
  • You want to know more about what we're playing? Certain things we've achieved in games? Stuff like that? Basically, more opinion articles about specific games, perhaps? Noted.
  • I enjoy polls, too. Noted.
  • We tend to do a lot of competitions on social media these days because it's quicker and easier, but ok. Noted.
  • Like a user submitted article? I quite like the idea, I know this is something that Kotaku's done in the past. Noted.

Thanks for the feedback, and glad you like the site!

  • Having to click quote on your response & then delete my response is troublesome(yes, I'm lazy with my fingers.American here, i had to edit this because i incorrectly messed up trying to delete your quote entirely) There should be a feature in the forums such as in articles where we can just click reply and the persons username is automatically sent to the box to begin the comment and have the person you are replying to be notified on the site (not email, my inboxes from several emails are too much to delete even with having them enabled on my phone)
  • A technical reason for being limited?
  • Not more so of what you are playing in articles but more so of maybe "steps to getting through a game", "how did you feel about a game", "the game industry period", "comparison charts", not too sure right now.
  • Just followed you guys on your social media sites
  • Yes, a user submitted article would be great to trigger discussion from a new mentality or angle than from those of you who work on PushSquare

Edited on by SillyBoyJudas


PSN: SillyBoyJudas


I think it would be neat if you guys started reporting on Xur in Destiny.



get2sammyb wrote:

Jaz007 wrote:

I think it would be neat if you guys started reporting on Xur in Destiny.

We've discussed this as we've seen a lot of other sites reporting on it. How relevent do you feel this information is?

Very if you have a lot of people playing it on the site. But you could do it every 2 weeks or so - similar to the bloodbourne articles were you describe how to beat the bosses. Just a couple of lines on xur, what the weekly strike is, focus on a weapon, best place for drops etc. Probably be a better article once house of wolves lands.

Edited on by themcnoisy

Forum Best Game of All Time Awards

PS3 Megathread 2019: The Last of Us
Multiplat 2018: Horizon Zero Dawn
Nintendo 2017: Super Mario Bros 3
Playstation 2016: Uncharted 2
Multiplat 2015: Final Fantasy 7

PSN: mc_noisy


You should have an easier way to post images. I can never remember the script...



themcnoisy wrote:

get2sammyb wrote:

Jaz007 wrote:

I think it would be neat if you guys started reporting on Xur in Destiny.

We've discussed this as we've seen a lot of other sites reporting on it. How relevent do you feel this information is?

Very if you have a lot of people playing it on the site. But you could do it every 2 weeks or so - similar to the bloodbourne articles were you describe how to beat the bosses. Just a couple of lines on xur, what the weekly strike is, focus on a weapon, best place for drops etc. Probably be a better article once house of wolves lands.

Couldn't really do it bi-weekly since the point is Xur visits weekly and people want to see if there is anything decent coming up that they should log on for. Personally, I wouldn't bother, this information is readily available if you're so inclined or you can easily log on and check Xur on the day. It does tend to annoy non-Destiny players who feel other games are not getting the attention they deserve. Having said that, I'm aware it generates a ton of hits for the websites doing it.

Would be nice if you could put your own spin on it somehow, if you were going to


PSN: WigSplitter1987


get2sammyb wrote:

Jaz007 wrote:

I think it would be neat if you guys started reporting on Xur in Destiny.

We've discussed this as we've seen a lot of other sites reporting on it. How relevent do you feel this information is?

I always check for it every week, and it would be really nice to have it with the rest of my gaming news on here. I think it would be nice for anyone who plays the game so they can see if there's anything good to log on and get when they check the site.


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