Tag: Neogeo Station
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 5th January 2011
Games Microbot ($9
99) Tetris ($9.99) NEOGEO Station PS3 Bundle Pack ($79.99) Ricochet ($9.99)</ul>PSone Classic Imports Reloaded ($5.99) Arc the Lad III ($5.99) Demos Microbot Demo Top Gun Network Demo Alien Breed 2: Assault Demo Ricochet Demo Kung-Fu Live Demo Add-ons John Daly's Prostroke Golf Course Pack 01 (free) Fist of the...
News American PlayStation Store Updates: 21st December 2010
Updates Afterburner Climax Sale (PS3) (now $4
99, original price $9.99) Alien Breed: Impact Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $9.99, original price $14.99) Arctic Adventures: Polar's Puzzles Minis Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now $1.99, original price $4.99) Battlefield Bad Company 2 Onslaught Mode Permanent Price Drop (PS3) (now...
News So Y'know They Are Bringing Out All Those NEOGEO Games For PlayStation 3...
.. You might end up wanting one of these PlayStation 3 compatible NEOGEO pads from SNK Playmore and Exar. The USB powered pad will work with both the PS3 and PC. It includes a PlayStation button for easy access to the XMB during gameplay, presumably so you can send your buddy expletives when he kicks your ass with Genan. Jerk. The...
News SNK To Bring NEOGEO Station To The PlayStation Store Later This Month
SNK's confirmed they're bringing the NEOGEO Station to the North American PlayStation Store on December 21st
The collection of PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable titles will be released to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the NEOGEO console. The NEOGEO Station is billed as a continuously growing library of NEOGEO titles, with each game...