Sony's next State of Play livestream will take place next month in February, the leaker who just correctly suggested the Nintendo Switch 2 will be announced today has hinted. Responding to a user on Twitter asking about the next possible State of Play showcase, NateDrake responded: "How's February sound?"
A State of Play taking place in February wouldn't be anything unusual from Sony, as the company has hosted the event in that month for the past four years, either through general presentations or ones focused on a single game. The likes of Death Stranding 2: On the Beach and Ghost of Yotei could be headliners for a potential upcoming State of Play since both are slated to arrive in 2025.
As for the claim itself, NateDrake has proven over the months to be a reliable member of the industry, with their most famous suggestion today coming true of a Nintendo Switch 2 reveal. Recently, they've also said Halo: The Master Chief Collection is coming to PS5 this year. As always, a State of Play fits smaller announcements around its biggest reveals, generally accumulating in anywhere between 15 and 20 pieces of news.
What would you want to see in the next State of Play? Share your predictions in the comments below.
[source x.com]
Comments 57
I will keep my expectations low so I expect to see a Vigilante 8 collection, Onimusha Trilogy HD, Xenosaga Trilogy HD and of course at least one Tenchu remake.
@Czar_Khastik I’ll lower my expectations further and predict some more pointless remasters.
Days Gone Remastered will be the most noteworthy game at this. Calling it now.
It makes sense because there's FairGame$, Horizon MMO, Marathon, Ghosts of Yotei, something from Insomniac probably (update on Wolverine?), doubt we'll see Heretic until later in the year, then you got SSM, Bend, Bluepoint, there's a lot that could be shown. But also, high probability that there'll be no showcase or none of the above being shown in what could be another above average state of play.
Keeping my expectations low but damn, Sony really needs to step up their game now that the PS5 is already halfway through its life cycle.
I’m just never gonna be down with State of Plays tbh… although it’s never gonna go back to the old way of doing things, I’ll always want proper Showcases like the first two shows at the start of this gen. They weren’t quite e3-level but they filled the gap.
State of Plays on the other hand just feel… thoughtless and unsatisfying. Maybe it’s just me… but I doubt it.
Mortal Kombat Midway Collection and Mk9 remaster.
RE9 news, why? because I'm on the purest form of copium.
Ah, the guy who said Starfield was coming to PS5 and then retracted his statement
Ghost of Yotei release date please! Need it ASAP!
Hopefully the rumored God of War Greek Saga will be revealed
They had a SoP in February from 2021 to 2023 and the 2024 SoP was in the last day of January so ...the leaker is playing safe here lol.
I think it will be
Sounds about right to me... 🤣
@RBMango honestly idk why they refer to them as remasters they should just call them ps5 upgrades
@twitchtvpat HZD remaster and TLOU Part I are basically remakes more than anything. Many aspects were remade from the ground up/with tech from the sequels for whatever reason, who knows, but to call it an upgrade is selling it short.
And really and truly they were made for the PC, so that answers my question
Wishful thinking:
@Fiendish-Beaver Lol 😂
@Oram77 don’t torture yourself brother.
@Frmknst well I did add “… but I doubt it” 😉
We will probably get new trailers and the release dates for Death Stranding 2 and Ghost of Yotei, so that would be good.
I'm guessing Intergalactic will be a first half 2026 game, so maybe a new trailer and date in the later part of 2025.
@BusyOlf In the words of Grey Fox "Give me more pain...."
Astro bot remaster!!!!
@RBMango I'd be game for that, I loved that game.
Well i feel almost nothing anymore when these things are announced. So my expectations can't be any lower than what Sony has already made them.
Although I’d love to hear news about what BluePoint, Bend Studios, Santa Monica, and Media Molecule are doing, as well as updates on DS2, GoY, Wolverine, Intergalactic, the next Horizon, Fairgames, Marathon, … but I really don’t expect much.
I do think we get Yotei and DS2 info soon-ish. Kojima admitted to suffering some crunch currently so maybe they were prepping a presentation for this.
Sounds about right
Apart from an announcement of Forza Horizon 4 (never going to happen unfortunately), I have zero interest in seeing any Microsoft owned IPs on PlayStation, so I wouldn’t be too fussed about anything Xbox related on a state of play. I’d be happy to see more on Death Stranding 2, but I think a star of the show would be a new Resident Evil or remake from Capcom!!
Would love to see a release date for Lost Soul Aside!
I mean, Sony basically has to do a State of Play next month, don’t they? There’s no release schedule for the console after a few titles in March. Sony will look incredibly weak if they let Xbox and Nintendo have buzz and say nothing. I mean, that would also be a Sony thing to do, but, man, do I hope we finally get a good look at the year’s games. I am beyond ready to preorder Death Stranding and Ghost.
Sony know what's up haha, Nintendo just drop that Switch 2 trailer, Sony better not be messing around they gotta be on their A game now
@somnambulance exactly Nintendo is gonna bring it Sony must be on their absolute A game cause momentum can shift real quick especially if people is not satisfied
MAG. Never played it, looks like I missed a great game. Make a new one please!
Ff7 part 3 reveal or i quit
@Ashina Same plan here, not expecting any big new reveals.
Hopefully we'll at least get gameplay for both Wolverine and Ghost of Yotei.
@LogicStrikesAgain That would be an awesome State of Play, one can certainly dream...
@Ashina it's so weird thinking PS5 is nearly 5 years old. I only have had mine for 2 years due to low stock. It's weird specifically because there haven't been more than a dozen PS5 games without also releasing on PS4. I hope that this current gen lasts longer before we get a PS6 announcement because PS5 as a console has barely pushed it's limits compared to PS4 at the same age.
I will not watch.
I bet the direct will only show rated 18+ games.
I only play kids games so I can wait for PushSquare to break down the games revealed from the direct on the upcoming article and I just only read the text without even seeing the pictures or videos.
Save my brain and my eyes from inappropriate rated 18+ games images.
@Czar_Khastik I’ve been thinking about Xenosaga a lot lately.
@PinderSchloss Yeah, but Xenogears is certainly up there too
Oh they need this definitely after that Bloomberg article
@Th3solution "I'd love to hear news about Bluepoint"
"Why are we still here?....just to suffer?"
@Keyblade-Dan welp, my comment didn’t age very well, did it? 😂
“What is a man [or a company], but a miserable pile of secrets?”
Kratos to Sony:
“Don’t be sorry, be better.”
@Th3solution Seriously though I don't know whether to laugh or cry 😅
@Fiendish-Beaver Xbox has some great games
Doubtless PlayStation will soon too, @Toot1st... 😉
Expectations at record low considering the amount of resources that must’ve gone into the 12 recently uncovered and cancelled Gaas games…
Bloodb-oh it's a SoP. Some remasters, weird MMO, maybe some live service stuff. Sony has lost this generation for me. I now play on Steam and Swotch more and that is so sad 😞
@colonelkilgore I agree 100%.
@Bionic-Spencer Halo and Gears are pretty good games if they come to Playstation you really need to check them out.
@somnambulance Sony already said starting this yr and until the end of the generation, it will be more stacked
@PCPS4XB Then they can give us release dates soon, can’t they? Sony has not proven we can trust what they say at this point. Much like Xbox, they’ve been totally wishy-washy with their vision this generation.
@Fiendish-Beaver down the line probs 🤣 they'll at least stagger em I reckon
Imagine if they just come on and show all the Xbox games coming to ps5 😂 open up or end with halo 🤣
@somnambulance I guess we'll see lol
With the cancellation of so many GaaS projects what I'd really like to see is an apology and a commitment to getting back on track... I think the best we can hope for is a Ghost of Yotei release date and third party fluff.
@ProfessorNiggle i have most of them hzd , last of us 1+2 , honestly i have to say horizon on the ps5 pro and last of us on the ps5 pro look amazing.
@Mintie honestly if they showed off san monica's new corey ip with a trailer , wolverine with a release date and new trailer , the long rumored new studio based in san deigo with uncharted revival, the not so secret until dawn sequel at firesprite , i think that would ease people off,
@twitchtvpat they are! The technology behind them are really exciting. Such a shame we only see basically 1-2 games every 8 years from the likes of SSM, ND, Guerrilla. Wish they could just give us Miles Morales sized AND priced games.
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