David Lynch, the renowned film director and writer, has passed away aged 78.

Known for his influential works like Twin Peaks, Mulholland Drive, The Elephant Man, and so many more, Lynch leaves behind an extraordinary, inimitable legacy that has had an enormous impact on movies, TV, and games.

Notably, he also wrote and directed one of PlayStation's surreal advertisements. The Third Place is an ad for PlayStation 2, a black and white short starring a man who discovers and enters the otherworldly realm:

Of course, Lynch's contributions to the world are mainly celebrated in TV and film, but it's impossible to deny the clear influence he has had on games. Lynchian inspirations can be found in countless games throughout the years, with many developers citing Twin Peaks in particular as a touchstone.

Games like Alan Wake (and most of Remedy's output, actually), Kentucky Route Zero, Deadly Premonition, and so many more owe much of their atmosphere and themes to Lynch's body of work.

Our condolences go out to his family and friends.