Code Violet is the (presumably) official title of TeamKill Media's upcoming third-person horror game, in which players must run, hide, and fight to survive an unfortunate outbreak of genetically engineered dinosaurs. Despite having an announcement trailer on the official PlayStation YouTube channel and a relatively soon release date of July on PS5, there is an air of unreality to Code Violet that we can't quite shake.
TeamKill's previous efforts include the similarly dino-focused Son and Bone and the decidedly not-great Quantum Error, so we don't anticipate having our hair blown back. Another tidbit that could be considered a red flag is that Code Violet is only coming to PS5, which, on its face, would be fine.

However, the developers reasoning for this is that due to PC players' endless, well-documented deviancy: "We do not want anyone modding vulgar versions of the main character as well as other characters in the game." This seems a bit excessive, and slightly odd, especially considering it didn't stop Square Enix from bringing Final Fantasy VII Rebirth to PC; that game even has legendary, iconic characters to risk.