The simple fact that Baldur's Gate 3 exists at all is a miracle, never mind that it managed to exceed its predecessor in virtually every conceivable way, considering Baldur's Gate 2 is, itself, considered amongst the finest RPGs ever made. Now, add to all that the fact the primarily single-player game had more daily concurrents in 2024 than back at launch, despite what conventional wisdom says, and we are truly in uncharted territory.
This news comes to us through "Some Fun Data Facts" from Larian publishing director Michael Douse. According to Douse, the daily peak player concurrents for the nearly infinitely replayable roleplaying masterpiece was up 3% year-over-year, which he attributes to mods (now available on PS5). Daily active "users" are up 20% (presumably modders and those browsing), and Steam Deck gamers, in particular, are playing a ton, up 61% from last year. We were also extremely heartened to learn Larian has secured one additional sale from inside Vatican City, almost certainly Pope Francis himself (probably).