Originally released for the PlayStation 2 all the way back in 2001, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was something of a cult classic. The action RPG was well received at launch, and now it's being reborn on PS4, complete with local co-op.
Its blocky visuals haven't aged all that well, but fans of the initial release will no doubt feel some nostalgia when watching the announcement trailer. Better yet, it's out tomorrow, on the 7th May, 2021. You'll be able to nab it from the PlayStation Store for a (dare we say rather steep) $29.99 / £29.99.

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Comments 57
Loved this game. Glad they're keeping it alive, but I'll wait till it's $9.99.
Very cool but uh yeah, £30 when there’s a new game in the series coming out at £35 makes honestly 0 sense.
Fantastic game back in the day, but that price is a no show.
I remember playing and completing this on the GameCube, then being disappointed that the story continued into the sequel which didn’t appear on NGC.
I’d reluctantly pay £30 if that included both parts, but just the one? Hmmmm. Think I’ll pass …
Ridiculous. Is this some type of port? Why didn’t they just use the emulation software Sony uses for ps2 games? They are usually available between £3-£7 and still have trophies.
Yeah, £29.99 for what looks like an extremely basic re-release of a PS2 game is mental. They don't even use the word "remaster" once.
WHHAAAAAAAATT? Where did this creep in from?
One of the best games of all time on the PS2!
However, £30 is a tad steep for just the one game but hope this gives rise to the 2nd one and the Champions of Norrath games too (which supported 4 player hack 'n' slash mayhem!)
30 and they didn't implement online co-op? No way. My friend will probably get it so I might have if it had online, but he moved away so I don't visit anymore so local co-op only is no use. I'll just play the ps2 version tbh haha
Remember taking my console round to a pals when i got this and planned to have an hour or so on it. Ended up playing the entire thing in one sitting. Sunset to sun up and it was one of the best gaming memories i have to this day.
Still not paying £30 for it though.
I’ll put it in my wishlist and get it when it’s below £7. Maybe.
I never owned it, but played it quite a bit on my friends PS2, great co-op experience. They could maybe justify a higher price if it were a remaster or included online, but they are going to need to wait for sales to see the money coming in.
@nessisonett Even worse, this a simple spin-off and not a proper BG - unlike 1, 2 and the upcoming 3 that you mention. It's part of the BG series in the same way Dissidia is part of the Final Fantasy series. I enjoyed this and the sequel when they came out but it's a world apart from the main BG games.
The game looks cool, but 40 euro is way to expensive, like many here I will wait till it on sale for 10 or 15 euro!
@Matroska Oh no, not Baldur’s Gate III. There’s a game called Dark Alliance coming out, a reboot of sorts of this series.
@nessisonett Oh cool, somehow I missed that. Could be cool but I think it'll have a hard time standing up to Diablo 4 when that eventually arrives.
It'll probably sell better than the new dark alliance game. I hope so, at least 😉
@Matroska The new one seems to be like a proper 3D entry rather than a top down hack and slash. It looks alright to be honest!
Although, must say, for that price they would have been better off including the sequel, or making a complete collection with the 'champions' games.
Still, would have rather seen a remake of these than the new dark alliance
@ShogunRok my thoughts exactly, they say nothing about any upgrades and quite frankly the video makes it look like there aren’t many. I could stick my ps2 copy into my pc and have it look better emulated. $30 is ridiculous.
@nessisonett @Matroska Yeah the reveal trailer for that thing raised a lot of eyebrows (very weird direction) but the gameplay we've seen since has looked decent. Cautiously optimistic.
The annoying thing is that Sony own the EverQuest IP (I think) but published the 'Champions Of Norrath' and 'Return To Arms' games but they never deemed that a remaster might sell?
NO WAY!!!! I just bought this on PS2 on ebay to help introduce my wife to easy RPG’s. If it’s co-op I’m picking it up even tho 30$ is dumb
Super excited until I read that price.
If you think this price is high, you should check out the other Baldur's Gate games or Neverwinter or Planescape & Icewind Dale. Those are like 49.99.
Wow. Terrible pricing aside, this is a welcome surprise! My first ARPG experience and still my fave. Especially how let down I was with the new Dark Alliance, this will be a definite purchase...
... after a heavy discount.
it's an absolute must buy. When it hits 10 bucks.
Too expensive for what it is, but I had SO much fun with this game on the GameCube! Even got my non-gamer ex-girlfriend to play it!
@Jayofmaya Could probably use Share Play to play with your friend.
I'll rather reconnect my PS2 to play this (and sequel of course).
Great game - but $30? No thank you...
@Smash41 What's that?
No, you're alright. I'd rather crack out my ps2 and search out my physical copy of this to do d out that it's not as good as I remembered, than pay 29.99. On your bike, Sony.
Ill pay that price for a physical copy not a digital one.
@Jayofmaya On PlayStation you connect to a friend with Share Play and its like youre playing local splitscreen multiplayer but over the internet.
They should give us both for the one price. And can we stop saying "hasn't aged well"?
@sanderson72 Nope they dont own those IP's anymore look it up and Champions of Norrath i loved that one fun and simple.
Nice! Was going to say I hope it’s on the switch and it says it is! Love the ps4 but this seems perfect for the switch
Ill just get out my launch PS2 and my copy of it thanks.
For this price I’ll pass. Loved the original but for come on it’s a re-release of a PS2 game with basically little to no improvements.
Was a bit excited when I heard this was coming out and so soon. I loved it on the PS2. I saw the price and, um no thanks. Not even being remaster etc not sure why it's priced so high? Will wait for a sale for sure.
I'll pass at £30, Already buying one overpriced HD re-release this month.
Haha nice music 😸 not sure id pick it up at full price but i DID enjoy it back in the day so perhaps down the road
Loved the game but it hasn't aged well
@Smash41 Ahh ok. I just read that it only works for an hour, though?
£29.99 isn’t steep, it’s f-ing vertical!
@ILikeStake It is 20 years old..
@sanderson72 I'm aware of the age, but in my opinion, it hasn't aged as well as a lot of other classics. For example, Symphony of the Night has aged extremely well and released in 1997. Final Fantasy IX, in 2000. If you want to go same genre, Diablo II has fared better. All my opinions, but wasn't trying to hurt feelings. Hope you enjoy it
@ILikeStake Don't worry, no feelings hurt here! I was just saying the game probably hasn't aged well given that it is 20 years old and was last seen running on a the PS5's great-grandad.
Perhaps they could've remastered it or even just upscaled the visuals as it looks quite good on the PC emulators I've seen. The new Diablo 2 is a remaster rather than an 'as-is' conversion. Either way, perhaps we can finally see a resurgence of the top-down/isometric dungeon crawlers?
No sign of it on the PS4 Store or the joke Store yet? What time do these titles launch at?
Would love some graphic improvements... I will buy it a bit later...
Has anyone been able to find this game in the psn store? I'm not seeing it in the North America/US store.
@gusglez It’s up on the UK store.
The price in the UK is actually cheaper than the article says, but £24.99 is still too much.
@Bentleyma- Thank you. It's not available in the North America store just yet. I did see it listed on the Microsoft/Xbox store for $29.99.
$40 Canadian?? I didn't pay that back when it was new. Jesus, they made marijuana legal here and now everyone's smoking it.
@Jocinetu According to the PS Store description, it features Pro enhancements, meaning support for 4K so hopefully the graphics will look quite a bit sharper!
@ShogunRok I've never played the series before, can I jump straight into Dark Alliance 1 without playing Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 Enhanced first?
@KidBoruto Yeah, Dark Alliance is a separate spinoff series. It just takes place in roughly the same D&D universe.
@ShogunRok Thanks for the fast reply! I'll def check out the game when I can.
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