There’s been intense conversation, of late, regarding PlayStation’s status in Japan. Sales statistics show that, launch aligned, the PlayStation 5 is performing worse than the Nintendo Wii U – although the console is sold out worldwide. Some think that the small hardware shipments signal a lack of interest in its home territory from the Japanese giant, and this sentiment has been compounded by a spate of high-profile departures from its Japan Studio development team.
PlatinumGames’ boss Atsushi Inaba feels differently, however: “To be honest, we don’t feel it that much, or at least I haven’t felt the impact of it myself yet,” he told VGC. “That being said, I do understand that the console industry in Japan is not what it used to be and when that happens the priorities of these big console makers will change, and that makes perfect sense to me.”
He continued: “I don’t know if this is an opinion that’s out there, and I don’t have any personal investment, but just because PlayStation is from Japan doesn’t mean it should focus on the Japanese market. I don’t feel that way. At the same time, I don’t think it’s American now either: I think it’s international and doesn’t really belong to any country. That’s how I feel as a developer.”
However, in the same interview, Devil May Cry designer Hideki Kamiya pointed to Sony’s decision to break tradition with PS5’s default controls as a sign that things may be changing internally: “My pride isn’t hurt as a Japanese person – it’s just more that there are two camps who had two ways of doing things, and I think they’ve short-sightedly leaned one way. I don’t understand the reasoning behind that.”
He added: “It’s just a little bit of disrespect towards the gaming cultures that have existed for decades now as part of so many peoples’ lives. I feel like PS5 has disrupted that and I don’t know if it was meaningful to do that.”
But Kamiya concluded that he doesn’t foresee “a shunning of Sony from Japanese [game] makers at all”. He said: “It’s so hard to get a PS5 right now that I feel we don’t have enough accurate data on how it will ultimately fare in Japan yet.” Unfortunately, stock shortages are expected until late into the year, according to AMD.
[source videogameschronicle.com]
Comments 35
Claims. Pffft. Some noisy minority gets their knickers in a twist and it makes headlines because it's sensationalist. As if Sony is abandoning Japan. What a ridiculous notion.
Not a slight at your article PS before you get all judgmental at me again. It's a lamentation.
@Hyperluminal None taken. But I don't think this was led by fans necessarily, it was a Bloomberg report that said Sony was abandoning Japan.
Playstation will never be the dominant force again in Japan but thats more down to their market changing then anything Sony has done. It is silly trying to use current sales figures as any kind of indicator though, as the PS5 is launching in a very unique time and traditionally Playstation's do not launch worldwide simultaneously.
All that said I do think Japan will be less of a priority overall when you consider that the PS4 is around half the install base of the Switch despite being on the market twice as long.
@get2sammyb great, thanks.
precisely. The notion is absolutely propersterous. Bloomsberg get a whiff of some disquiet over an issue as pathetic as changing the default button for action to what we're used to in the West and it becomes a story about how Sony have disrpected their homeland.
Where I'm from thats sh*t-stirring. Japan has a culture rooted in traditions. They can't even change a button press option without nonsense being insinuated about it. I don't know why opinions like that get validated by news outlets. Actually what am I saying, of course I do! 🤣
I wonder if Platinum games latest partnership with SE Babylon's Fall is getting the PS5 treatment.
Switch has been dominating in Japan, that even when games release on both PS4 and Switch, I think the Switch sales always top the PS4 sales for that game.
Maybe that is what started this whole thing, plus censorship of certain titles?
However, I think it's 100% clear Japan prefers the Switch over the PS4 as its 'primary' console even with its graphical limitations.
I think Sony changing Japan's default controls was a bit insulting, minimum they should be given the choice to switch back in settings. Also how many Japanese studios does Sony have? Well there's Japan Studio, Polyphony Digital and that's it.
No they aren't abandoning Japan but on a top 10 list of countries with the most priority to Sony Japan doesn't make the top 3 or probably top 10. Of course they could shut everyone up by purchasing a Platinum games, Atlus or Sega itself. Show us something other than empty words.
@Kalvort I don't think its that they prefer Switch over Sony as such, they prefer mobile gaming over static console gaming.
@Hyperluminal True, they do love their 'handhelds'. I wonder if any stats are available for Japanese Switch gamers' preference regarding handheld vs docked mode. Would be interesing!
I get the feeling that in Japan more than anywhere else, big Japanese produced software sells consoles. Games like Final Fantasy, Persona, Resident Evil, Bloodborne, Monster Hunter, Animal Crossing, Splatoon, and Mario have sold a lot of consoles. At the moment the PS5 has Demon Souls.
In the west I get the feeling there is a percentage of the customer base who will buy a console before any real exclusives are there to drive interest.
Platinum would carry water for anyone willing to moneyhat them. That Kamiya made it through the interview without swearing, insulting anyone, or throwing fits, makes me think he's being "handled" from above on the topic. But he said enough that we can still tell he's of a similar opinion of Sony flipping off Japan, but also understands the business position for it.
Japan abandoned consoles in general, though, but a softer launch for PS5 than WiiU, even if it's the limitation of inventory available as a cause, either bodes poorly on Japan's interest in PS5, or Sony really giving a rat's rear about that market. If they did, there would have been a lot more inventory allocated there.
Any news on Nier Automata update? I want to play it on ps5 but the xbox one x version is superior
Inaba: "Sony is international."
Kamiya: "They switched a button input...
... and I took that personally"
@Kalvort That’s actually wrong, most of switch sales are from 1st party games, 3rd party always sells best on playstation platform. Japan is mobile / portables land now, most of gamers there are playing on mobile, not console.
@Hyperluminal Even with the change from the default button being the O button for Japan you can still change it back to that button since Sony lets you change button assignments for all buttons on the PS5.
I don't think Sony is abandoning Japan, but their priorities would have shifted more to the western market with less interest for consoles in Japan. But I'm sure Sony will be happy if they can sell around 10 million consoles in Japan each generation, but even without the 9-10 million ps4s they have sold in Japan the ps4 would still now be over 100 million anyway.
Regardless of what Sony, Bloomberg, or whomever says, it won't sway the Japanese people. They are marching to a different beat, either adapt or move on.
Of all the devs to talk back about this, I didn't expect it to be Platinum.
Kamiya's take is no surprise, he's clearly not a fan of the platform at all.
The home console market in Japan is shrinking year by year. The numbers are on the wall, if Sony can't compete with handhelds, then Sony will not do well.
@wiiware Japan has always been a land focussed on handhelds. But traditional PlayStation consoles have still done well in the past. Just not now.
PlayStation is, for all intents and purposes, an American brand now. Or at the very least, a Western brand.
They have been moving away from Japan for years and it's clear with everything they've done since Jim Ryan took over.
@wiiware 3rd party do not always sell best on PlayStation platforms.
@Hyperluminal 100% on this. Japan has moved more into the handheld/Mobile space. Anything that can be played on commute is a big win. The market has changed, nobody abandoned anyone.
Sony's western dominance is so clear to see. I don't see Sony giving up on Japan as long as there are still some big bosses there, but I can see the entire Sony brand moving more west and having a limited presence in Japan one day. Not xbox standards.
Wasn't there something about the Japan Sony factories being moved out of country due to renewable energy issues? Seems like a good excuse.
Not censoring games would win back a little goodwill...
@__jamiie Besides indie games of course, AAA games like the dragon quest 11 and monhun sells best on playstation, and top 10 best selling titles on nintendo console usually always nintendo own 1st party titles.
Consoles matter less and less are expected in japan, people there always focused on work and rarely homes, plus their birth rate is declining (so less kid with free time) so it's kind of hard to find time to play console. It's a bit sad that japanese titles like final fantasy sells best on english speaking country compared to it's own country. It's like if red dead 2 sells best in japan compared to usa, that will be weird.
@wiiware When FIFA "Legacy" on Switch sells more than the actual full fat version on PS4, there's a problem. There are many other shared games where the Switch version has sold many times better. But Sony really don't seem to care that they're rapidly losing that market. It makes me sad.
@__jamiie No, I mean full great games like doom and doom eternal, mortal kombat 11, and others port. Playstation always sells best for 3rd party games, I don't count "bad port" like fifa legacy or others.
Can you tell me what game besides indies that sells better on switch compared to ps4/ps5?
@JustATomato cyberpunk? That game where you need to trigger glitches to have the awkward low texture boxers removed from your character in game? To be fair that could be cd projekt's choice.
Anyways games censored by sony:
Terminator resistance
Blue Reflection
Super Seducer
Omega Labyrinth Z
Nekopara volume 1
Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart HD
Mary Skelter 2 (moved to switch to avoid censoring)
Super neptunia RPG
Senran kagura burst renewal
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: Scarlet
Dragon star Varnir
This is in no way exhaustive but these are ones confirmed to be requiring changes to comply with sony policies.
@sonicmeerkat Yep, the signs of the power shift within Sony are there for all to see. The fact that the new puritanical censorship only applies to Japanese games is a baffling as well as overtly racist example of this shift.
@wiiware So the biggest selling football game on the planet selling more on Switch for 3 years running despite it being a really poor legacy compared to the PS4 full fat version doesn't count??? Even though PlayStation has sold more copies of the series each year for the last 20 years???
And Indies don't count either for some reason. Is that because pretty much every indie title sells better on Switch???
Oh okay, it's just about the games you want to list. When you said 3rd parties always sell better on PlayStation in Japan I didn't realise you only meant the games you consider legitimate for your particular list.
My bad.
@__jamiie Dude, where do you get the data fifa legacy sold better than ps4 version, that's a lie. Indie games are nice but I'm talking about AAA games. Okay then, indie games sells better on switch, AAA games sells better on ps4/ps5, satisfied? Lol.
Also maybe you're in the wrong website? Nintendolife is the place for stanning nintendo 😁
I don't limit myself to owning one console because I love games and am not blindly aligned to one brand over another. But I guess that you're one of those sheep fanboys who can't handle any criticism of a plastic and metal box they bought because their plastic and metal box is better than any other plastic and metal box on the market and anyone who likes a different plastic and metal box is a loser who knows nothing. You didn't make PlayStation so grow up and stop crying if anyone says anything negative about it.
Also, why does it even matter if, as you claim, all AAA games sell better on PlayStation in Japan??? So what? Can't you just be happy to own one and enjoy the games you like???
Switch hardware sold more in 3 years than PS4 did in it's lifetime. But it really doesn't matter!
You clearly enjoy trying to prove your plastic and metal box is the best.
Grow up "dude" and just try to enjoy games. 🙂
@Deadlyblack Games where square and
X are reversed and you can't modify it in the options really piss me off. Flushing 20 years of muscle memory in the toilet is really dumb/disrespectful.
Concerning censorship, I used to think "thank god for PC" for standing for free market, freedom of expression and artistic license/integrity but the last couple of years pretty much changed that.
Nowadays, Steam is just as much a bunch of ***** than Sony. Anime tiddies from Japan are the new moral panic. I can play a "western style of animation" game like "Futa fix dick dine and dash" with zero censorship (looks good lol I'm not judging) but they add clothes on waifus and ban japanese games like we lived in a caliphate. When Nintendo censors less than you you know you ***** up Sony.
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