Update: Patch 1.05 does not fix the consistent crashing issue that has been present on PS4 and PS5 since Cyberpunk 2077 launched. You can read more about that specific problem by clicking through here.
Original Story: The pre-holidays patch that CD Projekt RED promised for Cyberpunk 2077 has just landed, weighing in at a rather large 17.5GB on PS4 (and PS5 via backwards compatibility). Update 1.05 is available to download now on Sony's systems, promising stability and performance improvements as well as bug fixes for major quests. Even the enemy AI has been improved, apparently.
As recently reported, the PS4 version Cyberpunk 2077 will continue to be supported despite the fact that it has been delisted from the PlayStation Store. Users who bought the game and are unhappy with their purchase can request a full refund through PlayStation support.
Cyberpunk 2077 PS4 Update 1.05 Patch Notes
Here are the full Cyberpunk 2077 1.05 patch notes, as per CD Projekt RED:
- Jackie will no longer disappear in The Pickup or The Heist.
- Fixed an issue preventing players from landing the helicopter in Love like Fire.
- Fixed an issue with Takemura not calling in Play it Safe.
- It's no longer possible to trigger the same dialogue twice in Big in Japan.
- Fixed an issue with Delamain appearing upside down at the end of Don't Lose Your Mind.
- Saul now correctly reaches the van in Riders on the Storm.
- Fast travelling before the encounter with Tyger Claws no longer breaks progression in I Fought the Law.
- Fixed an issue blocking progress in Ghost Town if an autosave made upon Raffen Shiv's arrival was loaded.
- Fixed an issue with not receiving new calls or messages if Happy Together failed as a result of combat.
- Elizabeth Peralez stops being excessively insistent with her calls after her job offer is refused.
- The scene with Misty and Jackie now starts properly after leaving Viktor's clinic.
- Wakako's dialogues no longer get blocked after finishing Search and Destroy.
- Walking away from Stefan in Sweet Dreams shouldn't prevent other characters from calling you anymore.
- Brick’s detonator should now be properly interactable for players to disarm. Or set off. Your call.
- Elevator doors should now correctly open in The Heist.
- Saul now correctly gets out of cars in Riders on the Storm.
- Fixed an issue with not receiving new calls or messages after running too far away from Frank in War Pigs.
- Jackie now correctly leaves the factory after the combat is finished in The Pickup.
- Fixed an issue with Militech reinforcements not spawning if driving through the gate too fast in Forward to Death.
- Skipping time while in the club in Violence no longer results in issues with progression.
- Fixed issues with starting Gig: Getting Warmer...
- Fixed an issue with not receiving new calls or messages after Pyramid Song has been abandoned midway.
- Fixed an issue whereby Delamain core could be already broken when player enters the Core room in Don't Lose Your Mind.
- Fixed issues with Delamain not appearing or doing nothing outside the Afterlife in The Heist.
- Fixed an issue with objective getting stuck on "Talk to Viktor" in The Ripperdoc.
- Fixed an issue whereby it was impossible to talk to the bouncer in front of Lizzie's in The Information.
- Added description for Don't Lose Your Mind in the Journal.
- Fixed an issue preventing player from saving, using fast travels, and talking to other NPCs after reloading a save with an active call with Frank in War Pigs.
- Fixed an issue with Panam not calling about any other matter until I'll Fly Away is completed.
- Fixed an issue with Dum Dum following V after The Pickup is finished.
- Improved the reaction times of NPCs taking cover.
- Corrected the number of shots needed to kill civilians from a distance while in combat.
- Fixed an issue with Delamain's image displayed on top of the current caller during phone calls.
- V's mouth doesn't stay open after entering the space lock in Where is My Mind.
- Fixed some UI overlap issues.
- V appears more modest in the inventory preview after the half year montage.
- NPCs are faster to appear in the quest area during Stadium Love.
- Added some warmth to HDR.
- Fixed T-posing NPCs in Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Just Say No and Gig: Hot Merchandise.
- Fixed an issue whereby after a braindance it was possible to be stuck in 3rd person view with no head.
- Silencer icons are no longer displayed with no image in the inventory.
- Fixed an issue with weapon crosshair persisting on screen.
- The inventory menu no longer closes immediately after opening it for the first time after leaving a car.
- Fixed an issue whereby upon accessing a fast travel terminal the button shown on the top right corner prompting to open the quest journal would not work.
Performance & Stability
- Multiple stability improvements, including crash fixes.
- Offscreen explosions make noise now.
- Improved image sharpness with Chromatic Aberration and Film Grain on.
- Settings should no longer reset to default after several game session restarts.
- Fixed visual issues occurring during the transition between The Heist and Love Like Fire.
- Corrected the look of several vehicles.
- Telemetry consent request will appear once more due to an earlier issue with settings reset.
- Fixed an issue whereby it was possible to fall down the elevator shaft in Megabuilding H8 in Automatic Love.
Needless to say, it's been a crazy few days. Even with all of our experience in writing about video games for a living, we've never seen anything like this ongoing Cyberpunk 2077 saga. At this point, we just hope that this new patch, and the updates that are set to follow in early 2021, improve the game dramatically.
Comments 52
"Improved stability"
it;s another 17gb monster. Downloading it now!
Here it is!
Added the full patch notes from CDPR. Apparently this fixes the game-breaking bug I have. Here's hoping.
Takemura finally about to give @ShogunRok a call!
17.5 GB for a patch.........crazy the state of modern gaming, and that we allow it to be as so.
No longer having to switch back to invert Y axis every 3-4 startups will definitely be nice!
Great now you guys can finally put a number on your review 😊 hopefully all future half broken games you review will also receive this special courtesy.
Looks like a good patch to be fair. Glad to hear about the HDR tweaks, as well as the "improved sharpness" (although I'll probably still keep CA and film grain off).
Also glad they've solved those crucial progression issues. Let's hope that the crashing has stopped now!
I haven't been refunded yet so i will check it out before Sony refunds me. Reading it its clear my core issues aren't fixed or been made less problematic so i'm glad i've asked for a refund.
A 17.5 GB step in the right direction.
@get2sammyb I don't see why you'd want CA on ever unless it's in some dream sequence as it just ruins the visuals.
They need at least 100 more gb until it's fixed!
@Eadgar What are you talking about? Do you want good games or not? We aren't playing on 16 bit consoles anymore. Lmfao. What a ridiculous boomer take.
@AFCC Not even remotely true.
Here's to hoping it'll help with some of the crashes a lot of people have been experiencing.
Facebook society:
Day 1: This game has bugs! Patch it or give me my money!
Day 5: Gets refunded
Day 8: Oh my gosh huge patch, so ridiculous!!
Day 10: Repurchases game
Base PS4: It already looks clearer and runs smoother, possibly higher framerate. This will be my last post for a couple of hours. I'm going in!
Anyone else having issues downloading this patch? It's now sitting at 18GB downloaded out of 17.3, and it says I have 99+ hours to go. I've never seen anything like this before.
I don't have to go through all of my video settings again and again, thank effing god.
That damn Love like fire bug caused me to uninstall. Couldn’t progress...
Awesome thanks cdpr, loving the game
As long as I can still glitch away my underwear and terrorizes night city bare ass I’m happy.
I just started up the game saw the patch and came here while it downloads. Fast work.
I'm glad they are coming out with the performances fixes. I don't like how broad the description is when it comes to the crash fixes is. I wish they would address the crit and mod stacking issue. That's one thing that is truly annoying me if I had to be honest. Either scrap mods or make them usable. I think it's essential to builds and gameplay in general
As the king said : a little less conversation and little more action please
It did not improve stability.
The menu closing thing and setting resetting are the only things I've experienced listed here in 57 hours.
Edit// Didn't see the crashing bit, that too.
This made me chuckle.
Fixed an issue with Delamain appearing upside down at the end of Don't Lose Your Mind.
Thought I would get up early and sneak in a quick hour. Nope. GIANT PATCH! Back to my scratcher!
Doesn't fix CE-108255-1? Sad face 😟
What you telling me that for when you don't mean it
What you telling me that for I don't believe it
Your promises have never been anything you made them seem
So what you gonna promise me this time
You're telling lies so plain to see, you're trying to make a fool of me
So what you gonna promise me this time
Disgusting that you're not scoring it.. really poor show... Worst thing you've done yet Push Square.. call it like it is.. 3/10
@CuzzoWuzzo Please stop telling people how they should feel. We still are waiting for 1.0 of the game the game never made it through QA this shows that platforms should be way more critical about what they can release even if its a big title.
No mention of the issue I've been experiencing (vehicle dash geometry gets stuck to V when exiting vehicles / camera views geometry gets stuck to V when exiting camera mode). EDIT: It's been fixed!
@TheLightSpirit it won't fix real life issues only video game ones !! 😂😂
@OneManDroid yup. Now they have to carry that president when it comes to buggy broken releases. But they won't.
Can somebody please let me know what this worrying note means?
“ "V appears more modest in the inventory preview after the half year montage" “
@TheLightSpirit ha ha that's amazing. What a bug
A little concerned they are rushing these out with little regard for storage optimisation. I really don't need a 200+GB game when this is all said and done.
Sadly this is probably the least of their concerns atm.
I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned, but it’s been reported elsewhere that save files over 8mb can/will become permanently corrupted, with deletion the only solution. There is a item duplication bug which complicates matters and the recommendation is to keep crafting and stored items to a minimum.
This is actually similar to the PS3 Skyrim memory leak bug which was caused by a bloated save file and would result in a reduction in frame rate and freezing/crashes.
This is another blow for Cyberpunk, it’s really turning into one of, if not the worst launch ever.
"Added warmth to HDR."
But HDR isn't working at all on the PS5 so I would hoped for "added working HDR" in the patchnotes.
Cyberpunk has only SDR and all this game does is pretending it has HDR by raising the brightness with raised blacks as a result.
This is not acceptable for any 2020 game imho.
AC Valhalla has only 11Khz audio files on the Playstation consoles instead of at least 44Khz sound as an normal CD disc.
These companies screws us royally but wants us to pay premium for it, and meanwhile most sites give these games 8-10 and say it is great games....
They are scamming us as much as the game developers do!!
And on top of that we got the fools "but I have had only one crash in 10 hours". Guess what, the games shouldn't crash once for gods sake !! 😵😢☹️
@Mince i'm getting the notion that he some how thinks that we the consumer have some say over what devs release,the size of game installs and the size of the patches...they all got crap thrown at them for releasing it early and now they are at least trying to fix the mess we get nobodys trying to say we should not let them...and how exactly should we stop them pray tell...what a stupid comment..
@Eadgar better not say that. You'll get a lecture from people who can't think past what someone tells them is best.
But that's the way it always was. Consumers have no control despite being the source of profit for the company.
People are complacent nowadays and they want a cookie for it too. Talk about entitled.
WHY is the world gelatinous? Why is there no SOLID surfaces in this game? Everything is "floating and breathing" on some weird subsurface. Why is there no solid ground? Nouns BREATHE in this game. What is going on!? This has to be why it runs so poorly! EVERYTHING is Breathing!? WTF!? 🤷♂️🎮🤷♂️
Why is Night City "breathing"? This HAS to be eating up performance. Stand still and look at the world. Everything is bobbing up and down. WHY!?
@CuzzoWuzzo how come people still defend the game? 🤦♂️😂
Definite improvement. The HDR looks better as well. My kid has been playing this last patch about 6 hours and had one crash on the PS4 Pro. I played a couple hours in the 5 with no issues. I didn’t start playing until the first patch post launch and I don’t think the game should have been pulled from the PS store. I didn’t really have many expectations about the game and I understand the initial launch, but to completely pull it from the store was a little ridiculous. Just give people refunds so the the people that want to buy it still can. Plays fine on the pro and 5. I’ve experienced worse crashing games not nearly this good.
@CuzzoWuzzo "What are you talking about? Do you want good games or not? We aren't playing on 16 bit consoles anymore. Lmfao. What a ridiculous boomer take."
I think it's more constructive to say that if a game needs 3 patches within just over a week of release, all clocking in at around 17GB, it wasn't released in an acceptable state. That's 51GB of patches, another entire game's worth in terms of size (in fact a lot of PS4 games are smaller than that).
That's much more constructive than wheeling out the "OK Boomer" response like it's witty and smart (hint: it's neither). I'd say it's your take that's ridiculous, not his.
"Not even remotely true."
He was clearly joking, but it figures your sense of humour would be MIA ha.
@zupertramp "A little concerned they are rushing these out with little regard for storage optimisation. I really don't need a 200+GB game when this is all said and done."
Don't be daft, these patches aren't cumulative, they're usually replacing parts of the install rather than adding to it.
If you'd been keeping an eye on the size of the game before and after patches, you'd know that after the first patch (1.02 aka "Day One") it's held steady at around 109GB. For me this puts it just behind Red Dead Redemption 2 as the largest game, which is 115GB.
My Pro has a 2TB SSD with 450GB left so for me, not an issue either way, but worth pointing out that the patches aren't making the game take lots more space each time so people aren't misinformed.
@Vacuumator I’m not sure if it’s been mentioned, but it’s been reported elsewhere that save files over 8mb can/will become permanently corrupted, with deletion the only solution. "
I read that too and I believe it, but isn't it a PC only thing? I'm going to point out that all of my manual/quick/auto saves for PS4 are 12.59MB each and I have had no game-crippling "can't advance past this point" type problems... yet.
@lordzand "better not say that. You'll get a lecture from people who can't think past what someone tells them is best."
That's rich coming from someone who told somehow how he should think, act and behave on another Cyberpunk comments thread. Ever heard of the expression "pot calling the kettle black"? 😁
"But that's the way it always was. Consumers have no control despite being the source of profit for the company."
Reeling out the usual "big corporations are evil" script again, are we?
"People are complacent nowadays and they want a cookie for it too. Talk about entitled."
I don't understand. How are complacency and entitlement related in this statement, can you explain it to me?
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