With the newly released Cyberpunk 2077 update promising "improved stability", we obviously had to go and check whether one of the game's biggest problems has been fixed. We are, of course, talking about the consistent crashing issue that's been present since day one. It exists on both PS4 and PS5 (through backwards compatibility), with the game crashing roughly every hour and a half of play, pretty much without fail. Some players have it worse than others, though.
Unfortunately, update 1.05 hasn't helped. Once again, after slumming it around Night City for about 90 minutes, the game crashed on us when we entered a busy area. Very disappointing. We're currently reading similar reports around the web.
What's more, the patch did not address the game-breaking bug that currently holds our 65-hour save file hostage, despite the patch notes claiming that it would. In fact, our in-game phone appears to be completely broken — quest givers simply refuse to contact us, even for smaller side jobs and gigs. Unbelievable stuff.
It's unclear whether Cyberpunk 2077 will receive any further patches before the holidays. CD Projekt Red has stated that two big updates are coming in January and February 2021 respectively, and if they work wonders, then we might see the game return to the PlayStation Store within the next few months.
Comments 113
It’s crash time in Bummer Town
My refund can't come sooner, I adore this game but it deserves my full attention and I can't provide that when I'm watching the clock for every 90 minutes to make sure I manually save before I'm kicked out!
Cool, the only issue that’s actually hindering my experience.
I was hoping now I could finally start my PS5 playthrough, but I guess not....
We need a poll to see how many in the push square community will be requesting a refund, sticking with the game or didn’t even buy in the first place.
Or is there already one and I just didn’t see it?
I get them every 4-10 hours, so not particularly consistent.
I don’t understand why I haven’t had these crashes. I’m unbelievably curious at this point. I haven’t played more than 3-3.5 hours at a time but that still doesn’t fit the hour and a half clockwork crashes I’m hearing about. I haven’t used fast travel yet and I move pretty slowly through the world, maybe that has something to do with it...has anyone else not had any crashes?
My game just crashed rn, 1 hour after downloading the patch...think it’s time to give up playing it for awhile
At this rate, the game’s only going to work properly when it takes up your entire hard drive.
It's best to wait for at least 6 months from now before buying this game, the core of the game seems good but the game is just not ready for release yet.
Welp. Guess it's best to wait until the January patch to see if it fixes the crashes.
Oh yeah? I guess I will have to keep playing the waiting game.
@Jimmer-jammer I haven't had these crashes either surprisingly but I've had a lotta bugs though
Tbh, the bugs and glitches are funny as hell but you'll eventually get tired of it especially when you encounter it during missions as it totally breaks the immersion.
I wonder if Steam will be offering refunds even after spending more than 2 hours on this game lol
So I got my digital refund, couldn't be more happier. Will take at least another year to fix this overhyped bugfest and bring the next gen improvements. Funny I always hated people that say never preorder, I agree with them now.
Anyone else not able to change any settings after the update? If I go into the settings menu I can make all the changes I want but then I can't leave the menu without reverting ALL of the changes! Wtf? The game is totally unplayable at this point.
WTF now my settings are all messed up. They didn't fix any of the issues yet again. Its clear the problems are deep lying in the code and no hotfix patch will address the issues. I hope after there holidays they can fix all this. But for me I am out and also unwrapping Cyberpunk present I bought for a family member and getting a refund. Maybe get her Valhalla instead. Such a mess and so sad to see.
@covell72002 Yep same here dude it seems the patch reverts settings to default state.
@Enuo Or in 2077 lol.
@Nepp67 oh boy are there ever bugs...do you use fast travel?
@Jimmer-jammer - I have more crashes when I am driving than anything else. I have begun using the fast travel more and the crashes are more rare. Still get them, just more in the 2-3 hour range instead of every 30 minutes. It also seems to help to do a manual save, and then an immediate load right after. That seems to help A LOT when I can remember to do it, I wont crash at all.
@Max2574 I can confirm Valhalla is a much more finished product 60 hours in only 1 crash that I can remember.
@Evilsilly She didn't like Origins but loved Odyssey. From what I have read Valhalla has a similar formula so after refund will pick it up just dreading the shops in Xmas rat race lol.
Have not had a single crash in 15 hours of play. But I rarely if ever game for more than 2 hours at a time. Maybe that is why.
And it's such a good game though. I'm playing it on PC and I'm really into it now. Should have never released the thing on last-gen.
This game will need to be rereleased in a similar fashion to the "Next" update of No Man's Sky. At this point the game will either need to see a massive discount or even be offered as a PS+ title if CD projeckt wants to save face.
@DonJorginho same, its literally an extra kick in the face when they mention stability improvements, and in this case actual crash fixes, only to find out it hasnt been. This is likely just another patch to attempt to put a little water on the fire.
Too late CDPR I think this is the final straw for me. 19 crashes and counting with this game on my PS5, I tihnk I'm getting rid of the game. I wasn't going to go through the hassle to return it through amazon, but F it, now that they are allowing it too, opened, I want my damn money back based on being straight up lied to alone.
I hope this complete and utter failure of a launch tanks CDPR and sends a message throughout the industry, that this practice of release, rake in profits, and fix later has got to stop.
@Yinx it was literally only going to release on last gen and last gen PC cards had it released during its initial window or any of the last several years of its abysmal development. Next gen consoles, and the only graphics cards able to run the game in all its glory in a stable fashion didnt even exist up until a few months ago.....
They shouldnt have lied, and kept this one in the oven for another 6 months to a year at least. aside from the technical tragedy that this is, its an unfinished game from a design stand point as well.
@Max2574 WHAT?! so its still resets settings?? even after you set them again and restart the game? WTF are these idiots doing? Do they have no QC process at all?
@Odium right?! literally the only reason i don't want to even boot the damn game up anymore
@Jimmer-jammer It's usually if it's very far but even then I still use Jackie's bike. That reminds me I'm trying to get that sexy Yaiba bike for 22k
Can't argue with that.
At some point, CDPR will probably announce that the only real solution is to delete your save and start over with the latest patch. They probably already know this, but are afraid to say so just yet.
What doesn’t make sense is some people playing on PS5 have played like 30+ hours and haven’t had a crash at all? It’s weird how the bugs happen to some and not to others
@Jimmer-jammer that is almost certainly why you haven't had the issues yet. Most of my crashes have been based around either driving too fast through crowded areas (or places like Jig Jig Street that have a lot of interior spaces). I can also make the game mostly crash on demand by riding the elevator near V's apartment and slamming the right stick to one side, the he drops to about 4 fps and will crash most of the time.
To anyone who reads this the next time whatever game your following on Twitter or Facebook or whatever and you see someone say something like hurry up release this game or something alone them lines.
You have permission to call them a massive a***hole!
Pfft like they made the employees work flat out at crunch time and then they released it in this state. The employees must just wanna walk like we worked on this game for years we knew it worked like crap at the point of realesse like what was the point of it all we worked so hard for people to be unhappy with our product.its unfair to them and us.this is what happens when you go on the stock market your not in charge anymore the investors are that whant a return. And now look those investors have pulled out that’s what happens when you roll with the big boys😎
Can you just stop with these articles... At least until I get more popcorn 😂
@Jimmer-jammer You should keep trying and once found what triggers the crash, report it immediately to CDPR. This is what a good tester do to earn his money! 😉
Well the game is a little more stable now but I managed to make my precision rifle useless now cause one of the enemies had "-999999" sniper rifle ammo and I picked it up wondering why I couldn't pick it up and pressing "take all."
CE-108255-1 on PS5 or do we get different ones yet?
@Jimmer-jammer same here. Had one crash in about 5-6 hours of play. Im not playing for many hours on end though. I try to hold myself in and wait for more patches but it's hard since we just entered another lockdown..
Mine almost always crashes while driving fast. Did it again a couple of hours in, tonight post patch, during a race. Start triangle (quick save) is built into my muscle memory now.
Took 4hrs to download the patch. Yet it still continues crashes once every hour on my PS5.
@CmShepard have you had the money refunded? Where are you based and when did you put your request through? I'm not sure mine has gone through as i had an email stating I needed to complete a form, but the link was not a form just a "Request Refund" button
Just to reset people’s expectations, if yesterday’s patch was going to be big fixes do you think it would have been delisted the night before?
Does anybody know if they patched out the "buy back" glitch that scores you some Eddies from vendors?
Does anyone know how to report bugs? I've not seen my issue anywhere else and I don't want it overlooked. Googling CP2077 bug reporting just brings up articles about the bugs (in which my bug is not mentioned). EDIT: nevermind, seems it's been fixed!
@BrainHacker no they don’t.
@Jimmer-jammer you've gotten lucky. Playing on PS5, I was crashing at least once an hour. It was random. Driving around the city, being on a quest, anything.
@Jimmer-jammer I’m thinking the same, I’ve played it’s since launch for hours at a time and not experienced one crash(PS4 pro)
For me the crashes have become more frequent after this. What used to be every 30 minutes or more has happened twice. Once when trying to load the game and another when going to speak to Elizabeth. None of these are demanding either so it makes me question what did they break now??
The game works perfectly. You're all making things up. I've played 600 hours so far on a PS3 with ultra settings turned on and not even seen a frame dropped yet.
Hmm, that's weird. I'm on PS4 and my crashing issues are fixed after 1.04 patch. Honestly, the performance and bugs have also become better.
Will get 1.05, hopefully it'll make things better.
A couple more months like this and the game will drop below £10. It'll be a good time to snatch a copy then wait for a permanent fix
@WanderingBullet there's no 'might be' about that question 😆
100gb on PS5 is too much space for this bug filled game... I need space for the new games I'll get on Christmas
"SEVERE SOFTWARE MEMORY LEAK ISSUE" 😶-From what I have read about, the game is crashing across ALL platforms, it seems like the Software has a "Severe Memory Leak" issue embedded in it, and it would explain the different amounts of play times people are getting before it crashes, and the reason some people's games aren't crashing at ALL, and it's because in their case the Ram isn't critically used up...(yet). "Memory Leak" issues can be difficult to track down and fix. Try to Google"Memory Leak Issues" for "Games" and check out the process that happens as a result of having it. It sounds dead on point to me.(IMO)
Edit: Here's a link to the "Steam Community" with people tracking the problem, and even people with cutting edge graphics cards and tons of RAM are experiencing framerate drops after playing for short and long play sessions with RAM getting chewed up, so after they save and reboot the game on PC, the FPS goes back up as well as the RAM, and then it cycles back down all over again the longer you play. Acting just like a "MEMORY LEAK". Your play style can determine how long you play. An example- "fast traveling" more often uses less RAM than "Driving around" inside the game. Also playing for short enough sessions won't crash it, because your not depleting the RAM down to the critical point of crashing it. So in that scenario you could end up with "0" crashes and tons of ("accumulated" play time.) The "MEMORY LEAK" in the Software is not allowing the game to PROPERLY dump ALL of the OLD outdated memory files in the RAM to allow for all NEW memory files to fill up the RAM, till it builds (and improperly stores it up) with too many old files, and starts to slow down the FPS and or just outright💥crashes, and it's ultimately because of the lack of enough space left over in the available RAM's memory pool for NEW data files to be input and output correctly because of the now DEPLETED SPACE inside the RAM from the OLD non-deleted files, so as a result it can't run the game properly!
When you wake up to 4 cyberflop news stores smh....
@KundaliniRising333 that’s such a shame. I can look past the occasional clipping or strange texture (which is all I’ve had), but crashing is just frustrating and makes it really hard to get into the game.
I think that's the core of the issue. They realised it will never be a good experience on the base consoles even if delayed one more year. That cant be fixed. So they released it as is anyway instead of cancelling the base version.
"What's more, the patch did not address the game-breaking bug that currently holds our 65-hour save file hostage, despite the patch notes claiming that it would. In fact, our in-game phone appears to be completely broken — quest givers simply refuse to contact us, even for smaller side jobs and gigs."
What? That is shocking. Weird visual bugs and running out of memory type crashes are annoying but (barely) can be lived with. Nuking a save though, that's so bad I'd be tempted never to play again even with all the patches and if CDPR do something like annouce free DLC missions for anyone who purchased in the first month or with a pre-order. If they ever get to that stage, what with having their hands full trying to fix what's already been released.
I'm another gamer who can confirm that fast driving makes it more likely to crash. Whether you have a HDD or an SSD in your PS4, or indeed using the PS5s which are obviously all SSD, it seems that streaming that much asset data from storage is causing the game engine to do something along the lines of use up all the system RAM (on the Pro that's 8GB as it has 9GB but 1GB is reserved for Orbis OS) and then crash due to out of memory errors. You can tell when it's getting to that point because the game tries to quick save between areas, and each time it does as you move between them it takes longer to do and the frame hitching (where the game appears to "pause" for a half second or so) gets longer each time. Eventually the entire game goes down.
CE-34878-0 is the error I get on my copy of the game, which looking up on Sony's site just lists it as a "general error" not anything specific. I recommend just continue sending the error reports (with video) when it crashes so presumably Sony can forward it to CDPR or something.
Talking of bugs, I find it odd that 7 years after release, even when you set the PS4 to "automatically update" even when in sleep with the right power settings, a lot of the time it's only when it's woken from sleep that it starts downloading updates. That's not strictly "automatic" is it? 😂
@zekepliskin Your description of the crashing issue is spot on. You can almost feel the game creaking as it gets closer to the crash, and then it happens. Not good!
That will be 2078
@Jimmer-jammer I've had one crash in 30 hours, while driving. I've also had a handful of graphics and audio glitches, but that's been the extent of it. (PS5 here.)
@ShogunRok Thanks dude. I should be an advanced playtester but knowing CDPR they ignored the ones they already had so 😁🤣
Crashes on my PS5 every 90mins or so, also cannot exit settings if I change graphics options. Others also report not being able to look around using right stick anymore. I'm putting this down to protect my saves / progress for now.
I've never seen bugs like this on any PS game.. unbelievable. I'm thinking inside job - either CDPR has been hacked or they have begrudged employers wanting to burn it all down.. .. yeah surely I'm kidding
Glad I put a refund request in. Game still boots atm so they've obviously not made it down the list to me yet! 😆
@andreoni79 I was hoping I could try and help figure out what’s triggering the crashes as I hadn’t had any but after the update (if that has anything to do with it) I had it crash on me in a Delemain mission so...that’s that, I guess.
@Max2574 Valhalla is from the team that did Origins. Odyssey’s developers did Immortals Fenix Rising so she might enjoy that one more
@Buckeye4Life2015 it started crashing on me last night after the update, but I’ve also been driving greater distances. I played for 18 hours after getting through the interlude and all that and only now I’m having issues. Maybe related to unlocking the rest of the city?
@RicksReflection thanks for this!
@Wormold...... Well to his Credit Oscar Wilde lived in a time when the electron was not the industrial work horse yet, his world was not yet computerized........ If his logic were correct No Man's SKY would be breaking sales records right now, unfortunately the games industry is driven at its heart by FOMO and NEXT(NEXT BIG THING, or WHAT CAN BE DONE NEXT) and a big NOW(EN VOGUE)................. If the game released in a gaming drought period in terms of AAA launches then it could maybe recover.........while its being fixed, it's also moving towards launches of Hitman, God of War, RE 8, Horizon FW and a roll out of next Gen games still also begin which means by the time they start release patches for CP2077, it will not be having the whole gaming world's attention to itself and they have definitely lost the wow factor and the game is destined to survive only by sales and free content from CDPR and also Rockstar my dump on the gaming world release GTA6 as nobody knows how far it is in development........
@Jimmer-jammer No problem 😃👍!
I have to give my personal honest opinion on the game. I've played about 80 hours. Still finishing the game. Started a new playthough a few days ago. After the latest patch 1.05, I've seen a MASSIVE difference in play since launch. Yes on my ps4 pro I still have textures lagging a few seconds with npcs and some objects, but the game itself underneath the issues is amazing. I can say without doubt its the best game I've played this year. I loved GOT but Cyberpunk is so deep story wise. Ive have 1 crash so far since the update. Before that it was every 4 or 5 hours I'd get the blue screen. However that said I feel people are jumping the game now with a gang mentality. If your someone who can't deal with the bugs then yes I would wait until the patches this January and February, but if your enjoying the game regardless then play on. Launch day the game was looking like GTA San Andreas and that's not a exaggeration lol, but now after the latest patch. The game looks and plays ALOT better. We can at least give them that. They know they "done f****d up", but I have faith they'll work even harder to polish this game in order to get it played back into the PlayStation store.
@neurosteroid personally I'm waiting for a 2TB PS5. I'll see if the GOTY edition comes first. But £10 + season pass has to be cheaper than a GOTY. Also I wonder if a PS4 season pass is compatible with the PS5 upgrade or if it's only the base game???? I wish Sony gave clear info about upgrades
I've put 30 hours in thus far, beat the story and played a good chunk of side quests and have seen two different main quest endings through loading saves. So far only two crashes. One a few hours in and another one yesterday at random even though I was in the badlands with nothing particularly taxing going on. I don't know if I am just lucky or what.
Don't buy it unless you have a next gen .
They're taking the smeg!
Push is really chicken little on cyberpunk. Truly sad publication
@Rhaoulos id like to buy your lifes work for 1 penny
@BrainHacker "Tbh, the bugs and glitches are funny as hell but you'll eventually get tired of it especially when you encounter it during missions as it totally breaks the immersion."
Yeah I agree there are some hilarious bugs in this. The positions that some people fall into when they are killed makes them look like double-jointed gymnasts 😂
@jess3a3 You should have said "Xbox One is too slow for the game" because it's the worst running version in terms of performance. I can't help but wonder if the Xbox platform is having a better time in terms of less crashes though, regardless of whether you're using a base console/S, One X or Series S|X.
@Rocco81 Not really dude. Some of the worst crash reports I've read from users is on the PS5, and some have said it's every 20-30 mins. That's worse than my average of 2-3 hours on the PS4 Pro, which is interesting because the PS5 is using the PS4 Pro version.
At least sites are getting plenty of clicks with this release! Article after article on here, and the amount of comments per piece shows them he reason why.
I've returned to Persona 5 royal, Cyperpunk crashes every hour on my ps5.
@Granny_Basher666 a far better game! My 2020 GOTY
My personal work around for CE-108255-1 with Cyberpunk is restrict car usage to a minimum, I try and rely on fast travel points where I can now. Also don't charge around out of lifts etc on foot. I have not crashed since I have restricted car movement and slow down especially using elevators. It's a pain in the backside and needs fixing but, not crashed today.
@Hobbesyall 100% with you on that.
@zekepliskin I mean even V is doing some contortionist sh*t and it's in first person lol. Missing body parts, cars suddenly crashing or exploding even though it's not moving, T-posing NPC's. The list goes on and on lol
Hasn't crashed once for me with new update. Push square should change its name to chicken little hysteria
This cyberpunk fiasco has taught me to never trust push square or the gaming media. I finished cyberpunk and loved every minute of it. Bugs and all
Hey at least you can take solace guys in the fact that a lot of the pc players who made fun of you can now not launch the game, are having saves deleted, seeing a 20 fps drop for no reason, and all sorts of fun stuff.
It's also disturbing to me that there are people in deep denial about the state of this game. I hope they're just paid trolls or something.
@jess3a3 don't know what you're on about. The coverage on here has been honest and balanced but most of the gaming media have been down on the knees for CDPR for the past week making excuses and acting like nothing's wrong. You must be reading something else.
I played roughly 6 hrs yesterday without any crash. The game mainly crashed in the menus for me. So I think the patch maybe has improved on that end. Oh it didn't even reset my settings for a while now xD
nudity is gone as well
@Jimmer-jammer have crashes every 1-2 hours. Every 3 hours outside NC .. This problem just killed the enjoyment from this game...
@Granny_Basher666 Rigth are you.. Cyberpunk is dead in the water
@lordzand totally agree with you 👍🏼 Well said! The game is a total mess, and not by a long shot what the developer promised players.. It was supposed to be a deeply emerging RPG with a detailed “lived in” world.. What I got was a game with little options, crashes and a general feeling of emptiness. I tested the new update (1.05) hoping it at least would address the crashes, to my disappointment. The game is still so empty, I drove my bike trough NC and was almost alone, some few cars on the road and some pedestrians here and there.. but it’s a feeling of being barren, it’s not a lived in city at all... Novigrad in TW3 was a more buzzy city than any part of NC..
@jess3a3 Dude seriously, what's your obsession with Chicken Little? You seem to use it in every post when you're trolling. Is your reference pool limited to nursery rhymes, or is there more to it?
Damn I can't put this game down. Finished the main story with two endings, close to 50 hours in.. what a great game and atmosphere. Crashed with credits rolling 😳but who cares...
@lordzand "Hey at least you can take solace guys in the fact that a lot of the pc players who made fun of you can now not launch the game, are having saves deleted, seeing a 20 fps drop for no reason, and all sorts of fun stuff."
So you're assuming he's the kind of person who takes pleasure in the downfall of others, is that right?
"It's also disturbing to me that there are people in deep denial about the state of this game. I hope they're just paid trolls or something."
Have you not considered that maybe they're not in "deep denial", that perhaps the bugs that make you consider the game "unplayable" aren't as annoying to other people as they are to you? Not everyone perceives things the same way you do, good lesson to learn. Writing them off as "paid trolls" is ignorant and rude, although from what I've seen so far that's kinda your style.
@RBMango Just for another experience, if you are actually really wanting to start it, I was crashing to the home screen every 30 minutes to an hour at launch, 1.04 didn't help, but ever since 1.05 my game has miraculous never crashed once with 15-20 hours of game time.
I'm probably going to have a crash as soon as I got reply now...
@Emilebusinge yeah the city is large but there's little to do and so many decisions just baffle me. Like why for Sidegigs do I have to answer a call and then get a text message. Why can't it just be one or the other?
@zekepliskin says the person who's calling everyone who disagrees with him a troll. Funny how that works.
I'm sick of being told there's something wrong with enjoying the downfall of greedy companies or douchebags. There's not. They're getting why they deserve for attacking people who didn't like the game and saying they had no problems. Now they do. It's hilarious.
It's always nice when someone preaching politeness calls you ignorant and rude out of the side of their mouth. I've come to expect that from hypocrites though.
@zekepliskin patch was not even out 1 hour and push square says it doesn't work. Patch works perfectly for me no crashes. Gaming media is chicken little. Wouldn't miss them if they all lost their jobs
@1_W1NG3D_4NG3L trolls act like chicken little and haven't even played the game. I completed all the missions in cyberpunk. Game of the year
@jess3a3 None of which answers the only thing I asked, which was why you keep using a nursery rhyme as a reference point.
wowww.. who would have imagined CP2077 is gonna be this bad man... its a fit finish to 2020 I guess. just a s++t year
@zekepliskin because the gaming media thinks the sky is falling. Finishing the multiple endings of cyberpunk. After 70 hours its much better than last of us 2 or gta 5
@jess3a3 Well... I have enjoyed it more than GTA V despite the inferior driving sections, and I haven't played TLoU 2 because it doesn't interest me so I can't comment on that. I personally think it's nowhere near as broken as some places have made out. People seem to forget that GTA V on PS3 used to drop into about 25FPS when driving in dense town sections, and might dip even lower than that on occasion. Games released at console "end of life" are often pushing so hard against the limits that even when optimised they're still too much for the hardware.
@zekepliskin im just grateful geniuses like cd project red created cyberpunk. They are geniuses with bad management
Are we all getting different error codes?
@zekepliskin says they get CE-34878-0 yet I've never seen this error yet my crash scenario is very similar. I always get CE-108255-1. So is more going on here?
Edit: ahh get it Zeke is on PS4 Pro.
So new question are all PS5 Cyberpunk crashes CE-108255-1?
As an aside @get2sammyb @ShogunRok could you guys consider doing a poll on how widespread CE-108255-1 is with PS5 on Cyberpunk or other games? I am curious as some people still say Cyberpunk has never crashed for them.
I had a couple of crash free days avoiding driving and fast transition and then crashed twice yesterday. Once at the end of a race (at the finish line). Played again and was fine. Then once at a dialogue point in a 'search for someone' side quest. Again fine the second play through.
That's 17 crashes in 60 hours for me now.
Yet a game like Astro's Playroom where people have reported crashes I have 100% finished it, platinum'd with all add on trophies completed. Not a single crash.
Spider-man Remastered has crashed 3 times in 14 hours. Always CE-108255-1.
Sony replacing some PS5 consoles, promising fix for others. Hmmm
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