Earlier this year, Video Games Chronicle put out a report stating that Capcom is currently in the process of remaking Resident Evil 4. It's aiming to release in 2022, meaning it is most likely a PlayStation 5 game, and has the blessing of the original game's director, Shinji Mikami. We haven't heard anything since that April 2020 story, but the man at the centre of it all has now commented on the speculated remake.
In an interview with IGN, Mikami was asked how he feels about his greatest piece of work being remade by a new team. He simply responds saying: "As long as it turns out good I have no issues with it." Of course, this still isn't official confirmation that the project is in the works, but it's interesting to see the original director so casually comment on the matter. We definitely think this is a real thing, although we still have the just as exciting Resident Evil 8 to come first. That is apparently releasing as a cross-gen game next year.
Are you excited by the prospect of a Resident Evil 4 remake? Let us know in the comments below.
[source ign.com]
Comments 27
It's a long game, might be expensive for them to remake.
"Not enough cash... stranger."
It will be cool to see, I still hold a glimmer of hope for a Code Veronica remake. If this is for 2022 maybe 2021? Although Resi 8 is probably more likely in that year.
A remake of Resi 4 cool.
Somebody, please think of the... Dinosaurs. 🤔🦖
I dont want to sound entitled but Capcom.

Ok, still not convinced why remake it, it's still play great and looks OK to enjoy, remaking 4 sounds as stupid as the remake of CoW MW 1 and 2. Right now I'm only concerned about the werewolf thing in RE8! I hope they go back to the more grounded sci-fi themes and stop using those paranormal like stuff like in 7!
No remake needed for 4. Bring on a revitalised 8 please!
I'd honestly just prefer they focus on 8.
4 was a brilliant game as everyone knows. But it was also the start of the decline of the series - moving away from it's survival horror roots. Resi didn't recover until Resi 7, so i am much more interested in seeing how capcom build on that game's success
Would prefer to have seen RE Code Veronica X get the remaster treatment-just hope it works via the b/c mode given the ps2 classics on ps4 are effectively running off an emulator already,(& I own a few eg:GTA Vice City & SA).
Though I wouldn't want a rushed job which RE3 sounded like it was with cut areas from the original....
We need a AAA dinosaur game.
I'm currently replaying Resident Evil 4 on the Wii and I don't know how they can improve upon it, as others have said Code Veronica would benefit a lot more than I feel this would. I'll still buy it of course but I do kind of feel like they could have taken the opportunity to rewrite the series after 2
I hope that they are going to release it on PS4 too. Not just for PS5.
Doesn’t PS4 already have the Resident Evil 4 game?
Really hope this is a rumor, not worth remaking this already solid game. If they absolutely need to remake something else, then let's get some Dino Crisis action please!
I want RE8, and for a remake Dino Crisis 2 over a remake of RE4 is my desire.
Yeah... i'd rather a code veronica remake.
All up for a dino crisis 2 one aswell.
@N0RSEVIKING The PS4 version is a lazy port/remaster.
Which is different from what this rumored remake will turn out to be.
Nemisis should have been rebranded as a DLC expansion for the RE2 remake, dropping the 3 from the title all together. Just have it be a part of RE2, as DLC. It was incredibly short, they had to add a multiplayer game to justify the full price when it should have just been an expansion for RE2 called just "Nemisis".
The next remake should have been Code Veronica, but rebrand that as Resident Evil 3: Code Veronica, because it was the true 3rd game in the series anyway.
Then do RE4 remake, even though I don't think that's necessary.
@NB-DanTE nice joke
@LuckSource are you joking?or just playing?
@ShaiHulud it's old needs a remake just like the first one needs a remake
@carlos82 you're joking right?
@Taylorzombie no
@Taylorzombie So just because it's old it needs a remake?
Look we do needs some more explanation for re4. So, am good with this but re5 ***** off the game looks fine even for todays graphics.
@ShaiHulud yes babe
@Insanebassninja who said resident evil 5 remake needs a remake?
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