Bend Studio's fast approaching PS4 exclusive Days Gone is looking fairly promising in its most recent trailers, and we certainly hope it's good. If we're to play this open world survival action game for about 30 hours, it'll need to hold our attention. Apparently, a decent chunk of play time will be taken up with cutscenes, suggesting a game that may be surprisingly story driven.
According to GameReactor, the game contains around six hours of cutscenes throughout its main campaign. This information apparently comes directly from the developers, but it has since been corroborated by Deacon St. John's voice actor, Sam Witwer, on Twitter. It'll certainly be interesting to see if the narrative and acting of Days Gone can live up to what we've seen elsewhere. Here's hoping the story will be worth experiencing.
Are you looking forward to Days Gone? Do you think six hours of cutscenes is too much, or is it about what you'd expect? Share your story in the comments below.
[source, via]
Comments 55
I was looking forward to this, but not with 6 hours of cut scenes.
If they can be skipped, it will be ok.
@GoodGame that’s the same as gow and Spider-Man and way less than rdr 2
People cry days gone has no story, 6 hours of story cut scenes announced, people cry theres too more story and want to skip it. Can't make this stuff up.
Fantastic news.
That's about the same amount as Uncharted 4 had, and that was a linear game that took between 15 and 20 hours to beat. This game will be a lot longer because it's open world; so it's not that much in comparison.
In comparison; Horizon Zero Dawn has a little under 6 hours of cut scenes, so it's about the same. And I don't recall hours of watching cut scenes in HZD either, so I think you won't even notice it in Days Gone.
@Gamer4Lyfe was about to say This as well.
Some people just complain about anything. Also funny that they complain about it for this game but are fine with the rough total of 10 hour cutscenes in red dead .
God I hate cut scenes. Especially ones you can't forward. A game without skippable cut scenes is dead to me from the beginning to be honest.
doesn't matter to me .i like cutscene.and days gone will be a amazing doubt playa.word up son
6 hours across 30 hours doesn’t seem that bad? Looks about right.
After the latest trailers I'm really interested in this game. I hope it's another excellent sony 1st party game like horizon
Cutscene skippers are the worst. They're the type of people who leave 'looks boring' comments on game trailer videos.
i like a good story in my games - that said i'm a little tired of zombies and was never a huge fan of survival games so i might wait for a price drop before picking this one up - but never know if the reviews are good enough i might jump in at launch
Honest question, but isnt it one word - Cutscene? Cut scenes makes it sounds like 6 hours of content are on the cutting room floor, ready to be sweaped up into a GOTY edition or something.
@Rob_230 You know what, you're right. Fixed!
I enjoy a cut-scene, if I'm honest.
As long as it's not 6x1hr, 12x30mins or even 24x15mins worth of cut scenes, I am fine with this. I don't know how many of these we will get to see in one play through either because of different decisions we may make or if its 6hrs worth in total but we only see a percentage of those in a single play-through. Maybe even less if you play a certain way - I don't know if its like the Witcher 3 where you may have some 'cut-scenes' for side quest story lines too which add up to a total of 6hrs if you do 'everything'.
Regardless, I am still looking forward to my pre-order arriving...
Loading screens are bad, cutscenes for story line should never be passed up. I also really miss the days of the end game cutscene reward.
@Quintumply haha thanks! Really sorry if it seemed pedantic. I just thought the headline meant this story would be about something very different
In answer to your question, cutscenes are fine provided they dont break up the gameplay too much (cough kingdom hearts 3 cough). If it helps tell and engaging story then im fully on board
I think its old news honestly and everyone reports it as news. Isnt it GameReactor speciality to keep reporting old news anyway?
Oh yea, I remember now, a while ago the news was it got many hours of cutscenes.
Its average lenght for cutscenes in AAA games too, isnt it?
this game is gonna be epic at least im hoping so
Good. No point in a story-driven game without getting to know the people. It's supposed to be around 30 hours long, and that may not include side missions etc.
If you want a shallow, half-empty game with, no story, throw-away characters, and no brainpower required, there are no end of online shooters for you to dribble over instead.
Sounds good to me. Had it preordered since e3
@Gamer4Lyfe maybe it’s not the same people ‘crying’? Just a thought..
@tomassi That's exactly why I would never replay God of War or Red Dead 2. I'm only interested in the story the 1st time.
Been looking forward to this game and I've got a lot of confidence in it.Think it's going to be a hit and I love a story driven game so the more cut scenes the better.
@NintendoFan4Lyf I don't have huge swathes of time to game (maybe only half an hour or an hour every evening) so I don't want to spend half that time watching a cut scene. It's a lack of patience on my part basically!
@Paranoimia This is about the 5,000th zombie based video game in the last 10 years, can the story line be THAT interesting by now?
@tomassi Yes, since they're clearly not zombies, it's not all about the creatures, and even if it were, a good story is a good story.
This will actually be only the 4th "zombie" game I've had since getting a PS4, the others being Zombi, Dying Light, and TLOU Remastered. 4 in 5 years... actually only 3 if you count the quality ones and discount Zombi... so hardly a flooded market.
@Paranoimia you don't think zombies in media is oversaturated? Really?! OK. I can happily name you another ten games on PS4 that have zombies within them (not just games that you have personally bought).
And that's not to mention the sequels, spin offs and add-ons in other games (CoD for example). Even Fortnite Save The World is battling against Zombie like creatures.
Come on, it's oversaturated.
@NintendoFan4Lyf I hear ya, but I'm all about getting straight into the action (RDR2 is the exception for me because I love a Western)!
@tomassi That is the silliest reason to not play a game.
This will be my 2nd "Zombie" game since the original Dead Rising on 360!
Why would you skip cutscenes on first playthrough? That doesn't make any sense regarding a story driven game. You also said you only play them once for story. Not consistent there
He did dnt say its the same people but obviously some people actually do just that either way, good thought haha
Love the way some people write about "people moaning about anything" which is basically them moaning at people moaning! Anyhow back to the topic, personally I feel the correct time spend watching cut scenes is very much dependent on the 'action' level of the game, long cut scenes on a fast paced action game might be too much but 10 hours on a slower game like rd2 is in my opinion fine.
@JJ2 Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me; but hey, if that's how he likes to play his games, so be it. Personally, I think people are missing out on what games are and can be by skipping cutscenes. Take The Last of Us for example. If you skip the cutscenes in that then you're practically missing out on what made the game so fantastic, which is character development, seeing how people can come together amidst totally different backgrounds, etc. The same goes with BioShock and BioShock Infinite, and there are many more titles.
The cut scenes make games interesting for those who don’t like to play ... my misses for one. She loved watching me play TLOU2, took an active part in Detroit... and that one cut scene stitched into another no? She currently enjoying Resident Evil 2... make makes my gaming more acceptable to her...I am 46...
I’m psyched for this game and 6 hours of cut scenes is no bad thing... I can cope with that. Rather 6 hrs of decent story telling over 6mins of poor game play, but then that’s just me
Exactly. It's fine if some people aren't interested in stories but then, they should just avoid story driven games.
Oh yeah... embargo lifted tomorrow... that’s almost as exciting as Christmas for me .... yay!
I'm trying hard to refrain moaning about you moaning about people moaning at people moaning.
I.... can do it... I can....
@Riparcade2 I'm jealous you got to play TLOU2 before everyone else .... Lol.
Playing a story driven given game and not wanting to watch the cutscenes has always been mad to me. And its not like its gona be 6 1 hour scenes, likely lil 2-5mins scenes scattered
@Nerdfather1 yep you should be it’s amazing and only has 23 minutes of cut scenes... they all available on YouTube! I
@Riparcade2 dunno how you got to play TLOU2 before any of us but good on you
Someone's always complaining about something on here and it's some sad s*it to see.
If you DON'T want/like the 6 hrs of cutscenes skip the game. Easy..... funny people will moan about this but get on YouTube and watch a live stream...
@tomassi So you listed some small indies, remasters no we can have a few more. Where is the story driven Zombie game?
@Flaming_Kaiser You want more?! Do you NEED more?! Regardless of whether it's open world or not, I'm pointing out to you that there are PLENTY of zombie games on the platform, which was in reply to you saying there weren't. I win.
@JJ2 I didn't say I only play a game once for story? Not sure where you got that from?
I play a game once, don't overly care about the story, just how the game plays and if it's enjoyable and, once completed, delete it and forget about it.
@Nerdfather1 It's not really though, not when you only have snippets of time here and there to play a game. If I start a game and it begins with a cut scene I can't skip, for all I know it's going to go on for 10 mins and I just don't have the patience to sit through that when I could be playing something more immediate.
@tomassi Quality over Quantity and excerpt The Last of Us and Resident Evil there is almost nothing good. So yes i need a good zombie game. Telltale games are not really games. 😁
@tomassi I still think it's weird. To me, that's like skipping an entire season of a television show, only to tune in to the season finale to see what happens. It's pointless, but hey, to each their own.
Even discounting my own preferences and limited purchases, other than "zombies" the games listed are nothing like the same, and cover a range of wildly different genres - first-person, third-person, twin-stick arcade shooters, side-scroller, isometric, etc. Some are comedic, some are serious, some are out-and-out shooters, some focus on stealth and survival aspects, some aim for realism, some are cartoonish.
I'd even argue that two of them don't belong on the list at all. I'm thinking "Overlast" is a typo/autocorrect of Outlast (can't find any information on a game called Overlast), which isn't a zombie game at all. And sure, PVZGW2 has zombies in it, but it's a tower defence game; if we're classing it as a zombie game, we may as well add Rocket League to a list of racing games because there are cars in it.
With the possible exception of FPS, no single genre is particularly swamped with zombies. In fact, when you consider the main gameplay aspects of Days Gone (open world, third-person, cinematic, story-driven) there actually aren't many directly comparable products out there. As such... no, I wouldn't say it's entering an over-saturated market at all. On the contrary, I feel it's a fairly unique title.
@Paranoimia mmmmkay.
@Flaming_Kaiser Telltale Games most certainly aren't a real game. We can agree on that one at least!
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