Hey, remember Final Fantasy XV? After years and years of writing about the bloody thing, we'd almost reached a point where we'd forgotten it exists, but Square Enix wasn't about to let that happen. The publisher will be hosting a two year anniversary livestream next week, on the 7th November, and it'll be prerecorded so that the world can watch.
If those additional downloadable content episodes are still in the works, then we suppose that they'll be detailed during this stream. We imagine that there's probably some kind of second anniversary event heading to the game as well. Maybe Noctis will be wearing one of those little cardboard birthday hats.
Are you ready for more Final Fantasy XV? Get back in the damn car in the comments section below.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 44
Can't wait.
More FFXV is always welcome in my book.
Without a doubt the game I regret buying most this generation. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it at the time, but it turns out I hate a mainline Final Fantasy game having DLC. I just want a complete game. A post-credits story campaign is a different matter, but adding stuff to the middle and making so many changes to the core game for so long after launch is just exasperating. When the game is finally complete I might go back to it but until then I'm just confused and annoyed at the whole mess.
Love the salt sewn into this article
It’s so much better playing through it on PC with all the DLC and mods than it ever was the first time on PS4. I don’t regret double-dipping, I regret not waiting on the PC version in the first place.
great i love FFXV and i can't wait to experience more of that world
on a side note i wonder if they will show off any of the new character stories or if it's just updates
also i would rather they expanded the game via DLC than release sequel games that's not needed COUGH FFXIII COUGH
Can they just hurry up with the VII remake, that’s what everyone wants!
Or how about getting VIII to the PS4 already.
@SwanPrincess83 apparently work on the VII Remake has restarted now that Kingdom Hearts 3 is done, most of the FFVIIR team was moved the KH3 in order to finish it you see not to mention the company they were outsourcing it too (CyberConnect2) and Square decided it wasn't working and they had to scrap it and start again in house
still no news on VIII for PS4 yet though
FF VERSUS XV will be announced as a PS5 launch title, and then in the waning years of the PS6 it will be released as FFXVII, years after the MMO FFXVI releases on PC.
And in case anyone forgot -
@rjejr OK i know this is a joke but i really hope there are no more MMO's in the main line series, they really should have been their own thing
@SegaBlueSky "Without a doubt the game I regret buying most this generation."
FFXV is the game that broke me. I'm broke forever now and it's all FFXV's fault. After a lackluster FFXIII, I didn't even play the two sequels, FFXV had me excited again, I even pre-ordered it months in advance, something I never do. I got the game, blu-ray steel case movie and guide all for Christmas that year. And my whole family gathered round and watched it all. And to quote the Queen, we were not amused. The movie was the best part, and the webisodes after that. But I've played worse games, much worse, even worse FF games like FFX-2 for instance, and FF:CC:TCB on Wii.
But even after having purchased the game and season pass they decided to improve the game in the Royal Edition, then add season pass 2. All, as you say, for a single player JRPG. This isn't free-to-play Fortnite that needs constant improvements to keep people coming back. And, AND, it took them 10 years to make this one game.
And just to show what an abhorrent mess it was and still is, the same company Square Enix just released DQXI, complete game, no paid DLC, no season pass, over 100 hours of single player JRPG goodness, for $60. By the same company. 18 months later.
So no more FF games for me. Or single player games with season passes until they are done. I bought GoW and DQXI Day 1 this b/c they were done. Spiderman and Tomb Raider will wait. I'm just broken now.
One of the few games I'll buy expansions for...so deserving.
XV was pretty much the last nail in the coffin of me being a FF fan. And to think it used to be my favourite series. Playing DQXI, I found myself thinking "this is what a modern FF would be like if SE hadn't buried the series under a mountain of crap and turned it into an open world action game with the worst side quests I've ever seen and an abysmally delivered plot."
I mean, DQ shows they're still capable. FFXV shows they've totally lost their direction, though.
@FullbringIchigo To be fair, at this point I hope there are no more single player FF games b/c there really hasn't been a good once since 10. I relaly enjoyed playing 12 for about 150 hours but only the first 20 or so of that was a very forgettable storyline and the other 130 where what I call Monster Hunter. When the after game is that much better than the main game you are doing it wrong.
I've never played either of the FF MMO's, I tried but I can never get past the Squenix sign in screens, so I probably never will, but I'll probably never play another single player FF either. Full me once shame on you, full me 4 times shame on me. I've found Monolithsofts Xenoblade games and Level 5s JRPG to be better than Squenix work the past 2 generations or so. Though DQXI is really good, for what feels like a remaster of DQ8 on PS2.
I might replay FF7R if I live long enough to see them finish it, though I'm not optimistic at the rate they're going, and I'd like to see FF8 updated, I have a soft spot for that one, but they'd have to make something that looked like FF9, very very fantasy oriented, for me to want to play a new one.
Maybe 15 FF games were 5 too many and the series needs to die? Maybe they can work an another Chrono game instead, both of those were fun, colorful, and good, and it's been 20 years.
I still have yet to even finish the game despite buying it day one.I enjoyed what I played of it but then once all this talk of changing the ending to make it better started i decided to wait until the patch.Trouble is in my leaving the game at chapter 7 to wait i have got into so many much better games that I lost the enthusiasm to get back to it..
@Matroska Tend to agree. The difference in overall quality between DQXI and FFXV is staggering.
Must be DLC or Switch version that runs at 720/30 or less
That tag line 😂
I heard they were going to give up on adding to the game but then saw that @shogunrok loves to write about it so much they may as well continue 😂
I really enjoyed this game for what it was, but i do really hope they look back to what made the ps1 games so great back in the day. By all means keep updated combat (or an ffx type system) but remember to include a story next time guys. 15 was so fragmented
@FullbringIchigo While I’d rather have a sequel, this is gonna be the coolest replay of a game ever once it’s complete. I’m super hype for the complete edition.
@rjejr If they wanted to make a FFXV that has the original plot of them being in crime families I’d buy it in a heartbeat. That’s not a diss to the current FFXV, but rather how much I wouldn’t mind seeing a very alternative take. Best launch title ever. I’d cry myself to sleep if it turned into an MMO though. 😂
@Th3solution agreed, 10/10 tagline!
@Jaz007 "FFXV that has the original plot of them being in crime families"
Are we talking Sopranos crime families or Sons of Anarchy crime families? I'm kind of burned out on mobster stuff but Days Gone and Far Cry 5 have me thinking motorcycle gangs and white supremacists are ripe for a really good game.
I'm picturing the 4 of them in a gangster movie like "Gangster Squad" and I gotta tell ya it's looking kinda horrible.

@Jaz007 Oops, my mistake, I was thinking, "Mobsters", wrong movie.

Richard Grieco and Costas Manydlor are the most underrated actors of their time. They would have been great in a live action FFXV twenty years ago. Maybe 30.
let this atrocity die!!!
@Matroska dq xi shows that the ENIX side of the company is still competent at what they do. this is mainly due to the fact that they are left alone and are allowed complete freedom to do as they wish without any interference from SQUARES business division studios. who would have thought 15 years ago (when the two companies merged together) that the SQUARESOFT portion of the company would crumble like it has and the ENIX side would be the one to save the company? very interesting change of events at SQEENIX actually, it is more of a travesty what has happened to the company i once loved, but there is still enough intrigue to at least keep me following them with some interest.
Think XV seems the most divisive game in the series. Its even divisive for myself some parts of the game I liked some not so much. I struggled with it at the start then it clicked but by the time I had finished it I had my fill of it and never looked into any of the DLC. I am a little surprised there still adding stuff I would rather the started on different projects.
Probably my biggest gaming disappointment in the last few years. It's a good game but man the story was a mess, which for a FF game is a big no no. I actually loved the combat and the world but the story just did nothing for me. It kind of reminded me of MGS5. A series known for compelling stories that just went a different direction and paid the price. I enjoyed it but it failed to deliver that FF experience I was craving. Can we just move on from this game and start working on a new title in the series please.
FFXVI will never see the light of day. If anything, I fear it might become another case of FFXV, where after years and years of cool teases, development will be rushed at the last minute and end up disappointing.
@zimbogamer biggest disappointment this console generation — easily! especially with the 10 years of buildup and anticipation the game had behind it.
@Porco i'll be honest i loved the game but no way was it going to live up to 10 years of hype
it's like the Star Wars Prequels, with such a build up over so long it was never going to reach the heights of peoples imaginations
and the fact they had to scrap nearly everything and start again twice didn't help, the version we got was only in development about 3 years
This is coming from a long time Final Fantasy fan... but this game is the definition of "meh". so won't even bother watching.
@FullbringIchigo no doubt it couldn't live up to the hype... but it didn't even live up to the standards of an average jrpg. heck, i would play ff xiii over xv even... at least it has a fun battle system and decent story by comparison, even if it forgo towns and larger spaces to explore. ff xv is the only ff game i literally could not push myself to continue playing... i have played every ff game since vi and i can say ff xv doesn't even deserve to be in the same franchise. let us be hypothetical for a second... if ff xv didn't have the final fantasy branding and was a game made by some other studio, it would be panned to the moon. but since it is s-e and had some good will due to final fantasy nostalgia, it got an easier time with the press and fans alike (some fans anyways). otherwise it would be a 6/10 average score on metacritic, even with all the patches and updates since release. well, for me it is a 6/10 at any rate.
@FullbringIchigo XV was announced over 4 years before its eventual release, and 6 years after development began under a different name.
By contrast, FFVII was in development for less than 3 years. FFVIII for less than 2 years. FFIX for about a year. Well, that's the gaps between releases, anyway; IX probably had more time than that since, like XV, it wasn't originally going to be a numbered title.
@Matroska yes BUT they had to scrap the old game when the engine they was using wouldn't work and they had to move to the Unreal Engine, yes they were able to save some assets but they pretty much had to start from scratch
yes FFVsXIII/FFXV was in development for about 10 years BUT the version we got was made in about 3, remember there was a lot of team and leader changes as well
there were a lot of problems behind the scenes with FFXV and Square really mismanaged it but the version of FFXV we got did not take 10 years to make, it took 3
Loved this game, it definitely felt like an adventure all the way through but with the story you definitely tell it was kind of a Frankenstein FF. I'll gladly purchase the inevitable "Final" edition if manage to sew in the new chapters of the story without me having to go back to the main menu!
Please give us a new nice FF16 i did not even start up FF15 im waiting for a true Complete Edition. 😜
@FullbringIchigo No it took longer its still not finished and come on if they restart does not make it a new game. And Its really bad that they added backstories as payed DLC. 😑
I wish i had the link where it all was explained that made wait to start up the game.
Sorry but these where complete atleast here Royal Edition and a few days later the DLC WTF.
If there ever was a game that should be released on multidisc this is it. 😃
And they can put some DLC back in the main game where it should be. 😢
@rjejr Just for that we should buy Dragon Quest 11 times and still have your moneys worth. 👍
On a sidenote Emma Stone wow. 😛
@Flaming_Kaiser from what i heard the upcoming DLC are completely new stories and nothing to do with story of FFXV, just set in the same world
@FullbringIchigo "nothing to do with story of FFXV"
How is that going to be the case when it's the same 4 characters from in the game? See the graphic I posted in comment #12
@Flaming_Kaiser DQXI is awesome. I just started the post game tonight and 2 hours of that was better than all of the story in FFXV.
@rjejr so your saying it's impossible to tell different stories in the same world with the same characters?
also the only one of the 4 getting a Episode with the DLC is Noctis so it's not the same 4 characters
point is FFXV was just one story that happened in that world and they are apparently all independent stories bar the Noctis one which i'm guessing will be about what happened when He was taken by the Crystal
but like i said that's the thought going around based on what has been said about them
@FullbringIchigo Well hopefully it's different stories, wouldn't really make much sense to sell DLC of the same story that's already in the game, that would be redundant, but all 4 of those characters are already in the game, so even though their individual stories may be different, it will still be based around the same "story", not just taking place in the same world. If it was new characters then maybe it would be new stories, but none of those 4 are new.
I only hope they announce EPIII Noctis release will be last piece of download so I can play the damn game and move on with my life.
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