Oh boy, this quote is sure to rile some people up. Speaking at the IFA Technology show in Germany, Sony chief executive Kenichiro Yoshida was quizzed on the current situation surrounding the lack of cross-console play functionality for the PlayStation 4 version of Fortnite.
He said: "On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play. Fortnite, I believe, partnered with PS4 is the best experience for users – that's our belief."
The PS4 version of Fortnite has indeed received some exclusive treatment with bonus skins accessible via a PlayStation Plus account as well as a console bundle, but we'd hardly say that improves the experience as a whole for the average player.
This does tie back into an article we published earlier in the year though, where we went into detail about why we think Sony aren't willing to budge. It's clear that Sony values its current PS4 install base, and if the company believes that it is offering its users the very best Fortnite experience, why does the Japanese giant need to open the gates to those who don't even own a PS4?
Of course, the battle will continue to rage on however. What do you think? Do you believe that Xbox and Nintendo Switch players are playing an inferior version of Fortnite? Get off the battle bus and into the comments below.
[source independent.co.uk]
Comments 107
My opinion is that they're not necessarily offering a better version of Fortnite than you can get elsewhere — that's pure PR. I do believe, however, that the vast majority of people who are most passionate about this are so for reasons beyond purely wanting cross-console play.
The account lock is a legitimate complaint and should be fixed; I'm yet to be convinced that people genuinely care about the other issue. The fact that the discussion had all but disappeared until this guy said something dumb suggests to me that most people aren't bothered.
@get2sammyb just what I was thinking. Early Saturday morning with a coffee reading my favorite PlayStation website, I read that headline and I immediately felt my brain do an eye roll and say 'gawddammit Sony'.
I don't give a damn about Fortnite nor do I care about cross play, sick to death of hearing about either.
The account lock is the major issue. Cross platform doesn’t bother me as the few multiplayer games I dabble with I tend to get on Xbox anyway. That isn’t going to change based on this bullish statement. The single player experiences are what keep me playing my PS4.
@get2sammyb I think that there's no problem at all having xbox or switch players enjoying the game with us...it's the same freaking game no matter the console! I play with people on pc often and I don't want to sell my ps4 because of that, it seems they are afraid people will change platform for seeing others play in it lol
Seriously how dumb can this guy be to say something like this? It's like 101 of PR, it won't let ps4 fans happy, xbox players and switch players will be thinking bad things about sony and ps4 and honestly they just lose with this comment!
I agree but he didn't exactly say that's the reason why Sony won't allow crossplay. Title is misleading
Locking accounts is the main issue. Cross play otherwise is an inconvenience at best. This quote though, well it is sure to do the YouTube rounds.
I agree it sounds like a dumb thing to say but I believe Shu would rather say what he really thinks. He did blunder many times in the past for that same reason.
Edit. I just realise it not the same guy haha. Never mind
@Cordeceps yet you clicked on the story and decided to leave a comment.
odd choice for someone that doesn't care about it.
If the player base is substantial, cross play isn't an issue in the slightest.
Playstation is the best place to play?
Last I checked, PC is the best place to play this game.
Also, the Switch version has been getting bad press lately because post launch patches introduced some unacceptable bugs. Epic seems to be working on it, but I'm wondering if this statement was a clumsy shot at Nintendo.
Would have been refreshing if he'd just replied, "Because we like money," heh. Although in some ways he has a point. Playing with randoms from other networks has its disadvantages as well.
@Turismo4GT I actually like this controversy now, I'm more amused than annoyed everytime I see this cross-play shenanigans, it's kind of fun too see how the "other side" respond lol
That is just pathetic.
@ThroughTheIris56 Depends what on how you see the situation. It's in his interest to put PlayStation first.
Sammy recently asked why we don't hear from Sony these days, well here's why, they can't say anything without people jumping on them like rabid wolves.
I’m not bothered at all. It would be nice if PS4 did have cross play sure, but since it’s not going that route it’s definitely not a deal breaker. I still think the account locking is kinda whack though.
@adf86 well you can bet people will jump at them, if the only comment they can make is a stupid “we pee farther than you” remark.
At this point it would have been better for them not to speak at all.
If you don’t have anything substantial to say, just shut up.
As others have pointed out, cross-play doesn’t really bother anyone (or a very niche minority), and that makes this toxic comment even sillier.
Also, completely agree with what @get2sammyb said.
Don't they do crossplay with iOS and Android for Fortnite? lol
People who complain about lack of cross-progression, don't even use it—I sure don't. It's a no brainer why so many people on Xbox play Fortnite, I don't want to sound hostile, but it's because they don't have exciting titles to be entertained with. For someone leading the marketing, you can kind of see where he's coming from, not the best Fortnite experience, but the best experience overall!
It wouldn't cost you less if you allowed it, to be honest.
Here's the thing. If ps4 is the best place then why do they allow cross play with pc. See: rocket league.
Not that I care but it's very hypocritical.
His statement just comes across as arrogant.
Is this still a thing?
I don't care about Fortnite and wouldn't play it on any platform. The statement from Sony is just marketing speak to be honest, and has no bearing on whether or not they will actually allow crossplay at some point (they will if it is financially expedient). I would describe my experience of most multi-player games as toxic, and so the idea of not adding another x thousand swingers to the equation is a positive one for me. Happy days
Wow, that’s bad. It makes no sense as to why people choosing to play it on PS4 shouldn’t speak for itself. It’s almost as bad as the hardcore comment from Xbox, of not as bad. Geese, now a can worms hopefully will open because ld this about cross-play and more importantly account looking, because that’s really bad.
That's fine. No crossplay is fine. But let people get their accounts back at least.
@adf86 If you cant offer a statement on a simple PR matter without swallowing your whole leg, best not to do the PR at all.
Regarding his comments though I have to ask....best place to play under what metric?
If we are talking portably...then obviously not the best way to play the game.
If we are talking pure home consoles...also no, that's the Xbox One X.
If we are talking at home period regardless of device...then PC.
The market & industry is ready for crossplay now. It wasn't before, but now it is. Gamers are demanding it. Sony continues to drop the ball in terms of PR and features.
Yeah Sony you show off your POWER!!!! PlayStation is not just the BEST way to play vidya gaemz, movies, etc But... THE ULTIMATE SUPREME place to play. Nothing beats it.
@get2sammyb exactly. Give said "best experience" an optional exit door (especially for the accounts created on PC prior) or at least provide clear statements that you won't (again, UNLESS there's already a EULA clause about it that me and apparently plenty other people aren't aware of), and the only issue at hand is solved. Allowing cross-platform play or not is Sony's own legitimately entitled decision just like it's Microsoft's and Nintendo's on their ends.
The fact that people are crying about a free to play game having or not having crossplay is pathetic. I feel like they should have those feelings for like a BF or COD ya know something that actually cost money. Smh.
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"On cross-platform, our way of thinking is always that PlayStation is the best place to play".
LOL What makes Sony think this? Cross-gaming on other platforms is optional if you don't want it. Also "stealing" your account is shabby. PS4 is the worst platform to play Fortnite on at the moment, I can't believe Sony is that cocky.
@BlueOcean You obviously haven't seen it on Switch lately.
Of course Jim Sterling has a video out, never misses a beat him. He's started becoming an anti Sony channel at this point.
@Evil-C Correction "some" gamers are demanding it but before today it had died down and will do so again in a couple of days.
Truly could not care less about Fortnite...lack off cross play has left me considerably out of pocket over the years with other games, though.
Its a marketing cudgel they dont want to admit to that we have no choice but to pay it if we wish to play together.
It bloody stinks and denial of its truth is pig headed and frankly blatant lying to be honest.
@adf86 I mean Windows, Mac and Xbox One X are all better options in every sense. Of course Switch struggles but it uses old mobile technology and it's portable. Even the Android and iOS versions are decent if you don't mind touch controls (I do). To say that PS4 is the best platform to play Fortnite on is just ridiculous.
I think I stopped watching Jim Sterling after the first video of his that I watched.
I'm not a fan of Fortnite in particular but as I've said before I would love to see cross play become a standard feature in future video games. If Sony were to get on board then that would probably happen a whole lot quicker.
@solocapers I mean, they allow cross play with Android and iOS, so the best performance argument is nonsense
The more Sony isolate themslves over the cross play issue the less likely I will be to buy a Sony console when the next generation comes along. Sony is the kid who thinks he/she is better than everyone else and does not want to play with others.
I don't care. I do not want cross play. I'm on PS4. And, yes, I want to leave this comment. More cross play, more Exploits. Not good, unless everybody will have the same controllers as well.
And just like that, i bought an xbox
Person A comments that he doesn't really care.
Person B comments asking why Person A is commenting on an article if he doesn't really care.
Person A proceeds to pull his nails out of their beds at the stupidity of Person B.
Person B can suck it, forever and always.
Unbelievable! Just, Unbelievable!
Minecraft denied cross-play because it's for the kids even though it's host to the more popular mature titles of the 3 consoles. Epic Accounts held hostage on Sony platforms without warning, Sony players will be restricted on their own platforms from cross-play supported games and more will be coming in the future. And the only response is that we don't want to do that because we are the best.
This god-complex will cost you, Sony.
That doesn't make any sense. The best place to play shouldn't lock down accounts. Also its telling people that they can't play with their friends. Modern gaming is social and there are better ways to say "I'm da best" than isolating your install base that may want to play with a friend or have the option to play on more than one system.
I don't even play fortnite and I'm like really, Sony? Really?
The whole thing is just weird, what do they have to lose by allowing cross-play? If they think it's the best platform why are they acting so insecure about said status
Not sure how anyone can say xbox is the best place to play when you need xbox live just to play that free to play game.
Hmmm, is that not anti consumer? Why aren't fans using that same energy to pressure Microsoft?
Oops. He needs to go back to media couse 101.
I completely agree with that fact PlayStation is the best no need for cross play when you are already playing in the best console
Took him how long to come up with this reason?
I thought this was solved months ago.
@adf86 You police every message board, every gaming-related community, every conversation, etc.. ? While impossible to quantify into an exact statistic, I'm confident it's an inevitable feature bound to happen in the near future. Industry trends are moving towards it.
@EVIL-C And you probably do police every message board, every gaming-related community, every conversation, etc.. ? since you're claiming that everyone wants cross play because as far as I know not all people think the same
@GKO900 "you're claiming that everyone wants cross play"
Never said anything of the sort. I said "gamers are demanding it". If the phrasing "some gamers" will make you sleep better in the Sony bed, by all means.
What arrogant bullsh**. This makes me ashamed of Sony. There's absolutely no reason to not have cross play with Xbox One and Switch.
I'll say this.
As much as Fortnite does nothing for me, and i'm eh on multiplayer in general unless it's fighting games or local play...Sony probably should think these things over when the ramp up to the next console cycle kicks into high gear.
Xbox got caught holding the anti-gamer bag with Xbone and they still never fully recovered. Sony held it for PS3 and it took them a few years to gain ground with that console.
This'll probably be a hot button topic when that comes around unless this battle royale fad dies out by then.
The illogical irony. My original comment was to no individual. I got called out because I'm not a yes-man Sony fan. I say something slightly critical, the fanboys come out in droves. Now you're disagreeing with me too, and yet I'm the childish one? Okay...
One of the next major leaps will be cross system play, and Sony is already losing out on titles and new updates, because of their anti-consumer policy when the market is demanding it. It's only going to get worse.
Translation I'm getting from you: Shut up because your opinion is in the minority on this site.
@EVIL-C And here you are calling everyone a fanboy because they don't agree with you. The majority of Sony gamers don't care about it, just deal with that. Every big company knows what the majority of their consumers want, care, expect and goes on. That's pretty basic on business.
@BlueOcean Because a game needs cross-play to be successful, you folks are really reaching. PS4 already has a huge fanbase, if the other platforms are struggling, that's their problem. And who cares about Fortnite? Soon another cheap f2p will appear and everyone will forget it.
This week has been interesting with comments
These past few days have been abnormally hostile on pushsquare! It's like all the women had sharkweek at the exact same time!
I mean, regardless of the platform it's still an early access, barely functional cash grab. The amount of people I hear at work complaining about lag, damage numbers, hackers, etc and my only response is "stop playing the game then".
@Captain_Toad That's the thing, it won't cost them at all. They're gonna win next-gen even if they don't allow crossplay. You people keep thinking this is gonna affect their sales, but it really won't have any effect at all.
Launching a year later and $100 more expensive like the PS3 is the only thing that could make them come close to losing, but that's not gonna happen again. Even if it did, the PS3 still beat out the 360 in the end. It's painfully obvious that Microsoft will never win any generations ever, Xbox is an american brand that barely matters in the US anymore while Playstation is a brand with massive worldwide appeal. Microsoft are fighting a war they literally can't win.
My guess is that they will include BC with PS4 and crossplay next-gen, then MS won't have any ammo left to use against them and they will dig themselves into a deeper hole than they are now. Not that it matters, I am pretty sure Nintendo will back out of crossplay the moment they outsell Xbox One worldwide and just tell them to **** off because they won't need them anymore.
If Sony were truly mean, they could easily approach Nintendo for crossplay. Nintendo would probably accept in a heartbeat and ditch Microsoft. Then Sony could easily leave Microsoft alone to dry.
Here something interesting: you don't need PS Plus to play the beta of Battlefield V, BUT you need Live to play on Xbox. Where is the outraaaaaaaaage? xD
It's a mildly charged statement, and we've heard similar statements from Nintendo, Microsoft, Valve and GOG. Naturally they each think their system or distribution is the best, it's something you expect to hear. I agree with Sammy though, it's just PR shenanigans from Sony's side.
I imagine there being plenty of PS4-gamers wanting cross-play, but I think the main drivers of this obsessive campaign are people who don't play on a PS4, but on PC first and foremost, followed by Switch, and perhaps XBox.
Most "game critics" and games journalists are PC-gamers, with an obnoxious and patronizing attitude towards consoles and console gamers. It suits their agenda to champion this issue, ignoring the fact that none of their followers actually play on console. They'll do anything to get attention.
@LaNooch1978 I don't think Sony has the structure in place, or enough economic incentive, to offer cross-play. Instead of admiting to all this, they do something like this PR stunt. Also, there must be enough Fortnite players on the PS4, that it's not really an issue with finding other people to play with. If these figures were low I'm sure Sony would have acted by now, unless their structure does not allow for cross-play.
Edit: I've also heard the 'we are clearly the best'-talk far too often, regardless of what platform or distribution I have used. Just recently I heard the head of marketing at GOG openly state that only those who choose DRM-free PC games are 'hardcore' and 'serious' gamers, the rest are not. And this is their head of marketing saying this. I hear and notice this kind of BS all the time, so when Sony says something like the above, it sounds exactly like what every other platform/distributor is saying.
@LaNooch1978 Really? I did not know about that lol. I struggle with their thinking in that case. I'm trying to understand it from a business perspective (majored in Economics after all ). I firmly believe that these companies will follow the money first at foremost, so if it's not a structural problem, I reason there's an economic explanation for not enabling it. Maybe their projections indictate it's not profitable, or not profitable enough, to warrant a cross-over? Maybe they are secretely saving it for the PS5, to boost it's initial sales.
@jFug you can't think of one single reason not to have cross play with Xbox users? Not even one? I'm guessing you haven't spent a lot of time of the Xbox platform?
Xbox users are the most obnoxious and toxic gamers on any platform, you can guarantee to be bombarded with foul messages if you beat someone in multiplayer so imagine what it would be like if a PlayStation player beat an Xbox user!
I don't know why anyone with experience of Xbox users would want to make PlayStation users suffer them.
It sounds like a lot of people have nothing but complaints about the game anyway.
Theres so much more to enjoy in gaming, people, shop around.
@MartinJames @LaNooch1978 @Shepherd_Tallon Yep I my friend has been enjoying playing as the killer in dead by daylight since it was free on ps plus and gets toxic messages daily saying things like "stop camping or why did you kill me" even though that is the point of the game......
@Cordeceps whatever
I play it on two accounts - cuz why not?
I have it on the switch and PS4 - and I play both.
@vitalemrecords Whatever?
Good for you champ, not sure why you're telling me.
@EVIL-C Just deleted Fortnite to be fair i played it 3 times Monster Hunter World here i come again. 😁
@Shepherd_Tallon Jezus finally someone who understands it and im a Sony fanboy just because i love their platform and even more there games. 👍
Don't give a damn about fortnight, but I do hope Warframe won't have a similar problem once it comes to switch. Can't we all just get along!?
I think my comment would be no comment. We told our point enough times. 😁
@JJ2 I think Shu is a sweet little man, he wouldn't do this x)
@DMG361132 sure! It's bad press for them anyway
I am part of the PS4 player base - but I enjoy playing on my porch on my Switch all the time - it’s fantastic. But I can’t play both because Sony won’t allow cross play or account mixing.
In fact - because Sony is acting this way I have chosen to play fortnite on Switch ONLY because I can’t carry anything over so why bother playing both.
It’s more than an ‘issue in the slightest’ for me and others.
The point here, is that they are intentionally blocking something at the detriment of their image as well as conveinience of their own player base.
I’m not even sure how they are allowed to considering the login is third party anyway.
@get2sammyb Hi Sammy - the only thing I have to comment on about your mindset is that just because there is nothing left to say, doesn’t mean no one cares about crossplay.
I haven’t posted since it was first announced, but that’s just because a) clearly Sony is staying put with their decision and b) what more is their to say? I want crossplay, they won’t give it. That’s it - but I still want it.
I’m sure many people are in the same boat just because they are not continuously posting about it.
Things die down but it doesn’t neccesarily mean that peoples requests changed.
If the topic came up again, do people post ‘Then’... if the answer is yes then that’s your answer I suspect.
I'm going to be surprised if next gen (ps5, xbox x2 or whatever) isn't crossplay, so an as an evident fan I think Sony should just get over it now and get good PR foot ahead
I apologize in advance for the profanity, but the feels are real.
This is just a long line of consistent from Sony. They can eat a fat one. They have their half-dozen exclusives keeping fans 'happy' but mark my words they will end up dead last in the long run.
ALL these other platforms and even (Sony) developers want to be team players, it IS the direction modern gaming is heading, with cross-platform and what not: and with Sony being elitist dickwads and not even coming to bat- nobody is going to want anything to do with them in 5-10 years when the industry has changed and Sony is the stubborn company that couldn't adapt.
@Tilt_mode Yeah just cause you apologize doesn't meant it's ok to break the rules. Next time leave it out.
No worries won't be back to this place. 👍
Yea. Maybe not very tall but a big man in my view.
It's all in the intention imho.
Don't care for blunders. We all do
I don't know this one guy so I really can't tell. Not really bothered either.
@Tilt_mode No you won't. 👍
Smart on Sony's part, with the popularity of fn and the fact that most likely a vast majority of friends game on ps4 this gen without cross play you have to purchase the system.
"They don't own a Windows machine or an Xbox, but they play a game using Xbox Live across multiple devices, that's what gaming in the future is about". — that's why sony won't do it. it's essentially playing into a competitor's business plan. MS is all about trying to make its Azure cloud platform as ubiquitous for services as windows once was for apps.
@LaNooch1978 and yet that is exactly my experience, you'll forgive me if I take your comment as ridiculous too.
@Shepherd_Tallon don't get me wrong, I have experienced stupidity on both consoles and pc but I experienced far more on Xbox much more often and it was far more vicious than any I've experienced on psn or pc.
Both consoles had very good communities when they first released, it was the same with the previous generation in my experience. Once the price of the consoles started to drop the quality of the communities dropped in turn I found.
I admit that it has been a long time since I games online with a headset so my recent experience is some what limited but what I experienced is what I experienced.
@JJ2 I bet he wouldn't mind having cross play honestly
@leucocyte If they were to open the doors to cross play - then they would actually have to make the PS4 the ‘best place to play’ to actually keep players lol. Instead.. they just say nope we are the best place to play therefore that’s why we wont let you do crossplay on our console haha.
I mean, they aren't necessarily giving us the best experience because other consoles let me play with my PC friends.
@PS_Nation "Who cares about Fortnite?" Oh I don't know, the majority of gamers around the world right now? Seems pretty basic business.
And your opinion of PS gamers not wanting cross-play is a mix of your own fanboyism, unhealthy devotion to a brand, and opinion, backed up with zero data whatsoever. Hard Stats, or you have no argument. My argument is logical, and based on industry trends and natural evolution of features and capabilities of infrastructure.
Sony likely doesn't even have the network security to handle such a feature, for one. They're afraid. "Cause we're the best". Ha!
@EVIL-C And the clueless guy is back. You're the biggest fanboy of here, many here already know that. I bet that you don't like or at least have a PS4. Just look at any comments section out there, the majority of Sony gamers DON'T care about cross-play, only the fanboys of other platforms are claiming for this just to make Sony look bad. People are talking about Spider-Man and many other subjects, couldn't care less about cross-play. Anyway, keep posting misinformation, suit yourself and maybe one day you will believe your own lies. Also, you're always attacking Sony gamers and Sony itself here, so not having cross-play with us the "bad guys" should be a great thing. Enjoy the game where you've chosen to play, and let PS4 players enjoy with their own big community. Simple as that.
@DMG361132 you are crazy or you act like it lol I don't even know what you're talking about but I don't feel like reading everything for you! And YOU are here to troll everybody, I've seen from your replies, not me!
You can't even keep a conversation what a big man child -.-
@PS_Nation No person or company is above criticism. Sony is no exception, nor is Nintendo, MS, etc...
And I've had A PS4 since it's original launch day. Just got DQXI. Try harder with your insults.
@DMG361132 You block people for trying to have a reasonable conversation/debate about the crossplay topic, simply because YOU are triggered. You don't see the irony of how childish that is? Unreal...
@PS_Nation Basically you are saying that because Sony is ahead THIS generation they should act like they do, arrogantly and stupidly. Nice.
You might not like Fortnite and that's fine but it's been a year since it was first released and it's still more relevant than almost every other game on any platform.
@DMG361132 Oh thank you for letting us post our own opinion.
@BlueOcean Still talking about that? Go play Fortnite with your Nintendo buddies.
@PS_Nation Thanks for confirming to me what you are and don't quote people if you can't deal with it. I couldn't care less about you.
@BlueOcean Sure, whatever. Keep talking with yourself and crying about crossplay, it’s really funny that you want to play with people that you hate, kinda sad too tbh.
@PS_Nation I don't hate anybody, it's you who is intolerant, sad and hater, and the one quoting me constantly.
@BlueOcean This article is almost two weeks old, you quoted me from nowhere. You’re just a sad troll.
This is all we have been needing here. free v bucks
Fortnite Hackers Earn Big Amount Of Money From Selling The Stolen Accounts .
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