
HORI's "Onyx" PlayStation 4 controller is out next week in the UK. The pad's part of a reasonably wide range of third party devices, but this one's more of a "pro" option. It's got all the functionality that you'd expect, and unlike some other licensed controllers, it doesn't have to be connected via USB to work. Can't say we're fans of the asymmetrical analog sticks, though...

Every time one of these controllers shows up, we end up asking ourselves why Sony doesn't just make an official pro pad for the PS4. The demand is clearly there, and the Japanese giant is clearly aware of said demand -- otherwise it wouldn't be giving these third party products this kind of promotion.

Anyway, the Onyx launches on the 15th January, but is it a controller that you're potentially interested in? Demand symmetrical sticks in the comments section below.

[source blog.eu.playstation.com]