Did you know that 2016 will be extended by a second? It's as if the Gods are mocking us, forcing us to endure such a dire year for a moment longer. The good news is that 2017 isn't too far away, and hopefully things will start looking up again. And of course, with it being a Bank Holiday weekend, it's the perfect opportunity to play some games.
Sammy Barker, Editor
Having mostly polished up Final Fantasy XV, I'm now turning my attention to a very different type of open world title in Watch Dogs 2. I've been thoroughly impressed by what I've played of Ubisoft's sandbox outing so far – in fact, it strikes me as one of the most improved sequels I've ever given the time of day. The gameplay was always solid in the original outing, but what the French publisher's done here is packed the follow-up with personality; I really like it.
Robert Ramsey, Associate Editor
It's the last weekend before my editorial duties return in full force, so I'll be relaxing with some more Skyrim when I get the chance. That said, it is New Year's Eve – I might have to go wild and crack out some, er... Destiny? Wow, I need some new games. Thankfully, 2017 is full of the bloody things.
Alex Stinton, Reviewer
My cunning plan to make plenty of progress in Final Fantasy XV over Christmas fell apart surprisingly quickly. I spent far too much time either mining asteroids in Elite Dangerous, lying to fellow human beings in Werewolves Within, or grinding for loot boxes in Overwatch to even consider dipping into a mammoth RPG. I'll make another attempt this weekend, but I'm probably kidding myself if I think that's actually going to happen.
Graham Banas, Reviewer
Having finally beaten Persona 4: Dancing All Night, it's time for me to move to my Telltale backlog, as I still have to finish The Walking Dead: Michonne, and then start season three and return to Clementine's story. I also have Severed to play on my Vita, which should eat away at some time as well.
Jacob Hull, Reviewer
Now that I'm back in my own flat after the Christmas break, I'll probably just spend the weekend playing some PES 2017. Otherwise, I might jump into Final Fantasy XV and do the rest of those side quests and hunts that need mopping up.
John McCormick, Reviewer
Due to a combination of some superb Christmas presents from my girlfriend and Sony's outrageous January sale, I've got 19 new games to play. First up is Rise of the Tomb Raider which is proving very entertaining so far. It seems a little less serious and a little more Uncharted than the reboot was, and I'm loving going round and ticking off all of the boxes in every area. Up next is Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
Ken Talbot, Reviewer
With some online friends off work for the holidays, I'm back into Overwatch and Titanfall 2. I'm also starting a long overdue co-op run of Bloodborne and The Old Hunters. The hunt is better with company.
Simon Fitzgerald, Reviewer
This weekend I will be lying, scheming, and cheating my way through rounds of Werewolves Within. When my nose isn't growing longer, I'll be swinging from trees in Windlands.
From all of us here at Push Square, we wish you a very happy and safe New Year. Just before the clock strikes midnight, though, do let us know what you're playing in the comments section below.
Comments 39
Final Fantasy XV and Star Trek Online for me
maybe a bit of XenoVerse 2 as well
Resident evil 6 at last and I think it is not that bad as people are saying, haven't finished it yet though so it may get worse (?)
Also a bit of Kings of Fighters XIV, which I enjoy more than SF V . The fighting feels better, only bad thing is I can't find any online game
Last but nto least, Darkest Dungeon. One of the best indie games I got, love the strategy that it has and the lovecraftian setting.
FFXV, and maybe finally start U4 on Jan 1.
Just curious, for everybody playing FFXV how many played XCX? I'm only 2 hours into 15, but so far getting a very similar vibe. Which is a good thing, FFXIII was such a disappointment, but I feel like XCX was dismissed too easily for being on the Wii U. Hopefully it gets a Switch port and people get to play it.
Man, hope nobody else dies in that extra second, I've changed my avatar too much this year. 😢
PS4: Lego Harry Potter Remastered, Lords of the Fallen, PES2016, Rocket League
PSVR: VR Worlds
PSVita: Shantea 1/2 Genie Hero
Got friends & family coming around over New Years so I'm looking forward on getting them to try out VR.
Sadly had to abandon my World of Final Fantasy play through on Vita. 15 hours in & the game won't load the next area for me. Tried everything. Nothing. Can't delete and re-install either as I believe that deletes my save data on Vita. Will have to wait for a MASSIVE discount to get the PS4 version & bypass the issue via cross-save.
On a lighter note Shantea 1/2 Genie Hero is awesome! Feels great on the Vita. Also best loading screen ever...those hipps are hypnotic...
Don't you have plus? You can upload the save on cloud and then delete the game to re download it
Having a break from FFXV to explore my gaming library which my PS4 routinely hides from me, so it looks like a bit of Inside, Broforce and Resogun for me. I bought overcooked last night as we had friends over and it was much more fun than I expected, working in a kitchen this is surprisingly accurate and I spent most of last night shouting at my friend as if he were a new member of staff 😃. Now I just need to convince somebody in my household to play it with me regularly
Finished Telltales excellent Batman so will be spending most of my time on Final Fantasy XV,Colour Guardians and maybe I'll be doing some VR too.
I'll be in bed by half ten tonight as I find the new year depressing but...Happy New year everyone
@toon_lonk1 I'm hoping the lack of story in 15 is compensated for by the characters I care about. The original XC had great characters in Shulk, Ryn, Riki and Fiona. Everybody in XCX was forgettable. I'm only 2 hours into 15 and really, thee is no story, but I just spent 70 minutes watching their anime back story growing up and a really good 2 hour movie so I'm already very invested in the characters. I never cared about anybody in XCX except that time machine travel car guy.
Still playing Dishonored 2. Love it! The clockwork mansion may be one of my favourite levels in any game.
Ark mostly, good game just riddled with bug's atm hopefully they will be sorted before release, game of the decade if they can polish it up.
Still working my way through Elder Scrolls Online's mountain of content, interpersed with the odd session of BF1 multiplayer. Other than that I'm fighting with the 6 week backlog of movies and shows on my Sky+ box.
I wasn't here last week because I was too busy hooking up and trying our new PS3. My bro was begging for a long time since he wanted to play all the Uncharted 3 co op stages and I wanted Okami HD, SF3 HD and PS1 classics. So win-win.
And yesterday I hooked up the NES Mini that @JaxonH kindly bought for me. I finally have no excuse, Zelda 1 is calling me. I would also like to finish Tearaway Unfolded that would be my 24th beaten game this year, giving me an average of 2 games beaten per month.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo, amigos!
Nearly finish playing the last guardian, also playing shantae half genie hero, finish playing gravity rush 2 demo, want to play nier automata demo on hard difficulty.
Man shantae half genie hero is fun and the graphics is nice, I hope they remake the older game using this game engine.
PS4- Street Fighter V, Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero
Xbox One- GTA5
3DS- Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon Moon
I plan on catching up on some movies too.
I finally grabbed Hyperdimension Neptunia ReBirth1, so naturally poking around it last night and some more tonight before bed after the celebrations go on standby. Liking what I've seen of the battle system so far! Otherwise, it'll likely be the usual doses of WoFF and Pokemon Moon as well as a couple Color Guardians and/or Tiny Troopers levels. Might also do some of the remaining pokedex filling in Blue or digging in Steamworld Dig.
And maybe a habitual shot at the second time trial in VVVVVV - I have been finishing an inch away from actually V-ranking this unholy thing. XD
Happy New Year!
@Fight_Teza_Fight sorry to hear (and personally concerning, too - which area are you stuck at?). Vita does erase save files along with games, but if you want to try reinstalling, you can either use PS Plus or get Sony's native content manager PC client and back up the data there. I stashed away my FFX saves in this manner before I subscribed.
Looking forward to Shantae myself, but in the rather long run, since I'm still playing the first game.
The last guardian 🙂
I am wrapping up a second playthrough of inside and will also do another play of Rush of blood VR. I just can't get enough. I would also like to wish all Push squarers a fab New Year!! Thank you for all the news and comments. Played some great games this year due to recommendations from the site and forum members.
Opps missed this one the weekend just snuck up on me. Guess I will post mine here. So this weekend I will be staying home for the New Year which means lots of gaming since I am off from work. So I will be tackling the following
Dreamcast --Shenmue Finally after hearing so many great things about this game I will be starting it in preparation for Shenmue III
PS4 --Lego Dimensions Got this for my son for Christmas and we are enjoying it alot especially building the sets together.
Overwatch Will be helping a friend get his last remining loot boxes for the week before the Winter event ends.
Modern Warfare Remastered More cameo hunting
PS2--YakuzaFinally got a copy of this so I will be starting this.
Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Year!!!
@Melucine Thanks! Didn't think that was possible, but I was able to transfer the save file. Reinstalling the game right now with all the little add-ons. Fingers crossed.
@nhsnork Can't remember the name, but it's a area right after a Red Dragon nest in the mountain region.
Dragon quest builders! I'm loving it so far, i might pick ratchet and clank too, i got too many games for my ps4 now, but so little time 😢
@KratosMD Wow nice! First time playing through FFIV? It's pretty good. If you haven't played VI, DO NOT SKIP IT. It is AMAZING.
As for me, I'll be playing:
FFXV - I took a little break from it, but I'm gonna go full back into it.
Stardew Valley
Street Fighter V
Currently playing all the awesomeness I got given for Christmas. Titanfall 2, Steep and Ratchet & Clank are the main three I've got my greasy mits into, and I'm planning on getting onto The Last Guardian and Pokémon Sun within this weekend.
@rjejr yep, I put a fair amount of time into Xenoblade Chronicles X, and the games feel pretty similar but I lile the combat more in FF XV.
I'm 100% gonna start P4G tonight, I'm miles away from home as the driver for my family so if anything P4G is getting started as I cant drink boooooo. I say this every week but my Vitas ready as is the game. (woo new years eve)
Happy new year Everyone!
Come on man you know that kind of language isnt cool here :/ -Tasuki-
@KingofSaiyanZ let me guess, Adamantoise, Fishing level 10 or That dungeon maze thing?
@Melucine It worked! Thanks, got the area to load up. Saved me 15 hours of gameplay
@rjejr I'm going to tackle 15 tomorrow, only having just passed the tutorials. I was pretty excited for XCX, but I only got a few hours in before I lost interest. There was just way too much there for me in terms of micro management, the story was blech, and i hope that doesn't ring true for 15.
Currently playing Final Fantasy XI, and I'm loving the game so far! But I'm doing the incredibly boring Chocobo Hot and Cold minigame unfortunately.
I am glad I could help! Have fun
A mix of FFXV, WoFF (need to finish the story) and a dash of Child of Light on Vita. TLG will have to wait till next week.
@Tasuki sorry for the language mate, Pretty dumb of me to do that. Happy new year man have a good one we are on 2017 and as always USA is lagging ages behind lol.
@themcnoisy No need to apologize man, I will just chalk it up to the New Years festivities, lol. You have a great 2017 as well man.
I got a PS4 for my wife she's playing uncharted and I'm enjoying witcher 3. I will probably be playing witcher 3 games for weeks
I'm currently spending my time on Doom and Peggle 2.
Didn't have much time for gaming this weekend obviously, but I did squeeze in some Just Dance 2017.
Just replaced my old launch PS4 with a new PS4 Pro, my old one didn't read disks anymore. I picked up The Last Guardian along with it, and I've been enjoying that.
Xcom plus on my Vita, doing an ironman run.
Playing through The Last Guardian for the first time as well. Both great fun.
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